Why Can Yas Forums Not Acknowledge These People Are Literally On Par

...With Gypsies, Jews, Homosexuals, Niggers, Pedos And Worse...

They are literally the pioneers of leftwing thought in white countries. They are actively antiwhite/antiGermanic and subversive. Every single one of their 'nationalist' parties is far left. They're led by an abortion loving half paki president who has an Irish twink bf he probably pumps full of his pozzed semen every night. They are poor, worthless, sub-80 IQ, often diseased, communist, pro-Muslim, love cuckoldry, corrupt and nepotistic, parasitic, ratlike in breeding christcuck pedophiles.

They are not white and they drag the white race down by being associated with us.

Just because something looks like you, doesn't mean it is you. The trees kept voting for the axes because its handle was made of wood and they thought it was one of them.

Attached: ireland1900s.jpg (620x348, 35.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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m a data analyst at a Fortune 500 company. I live on Zero Hedge and post here when I'm not busy. I have sifted through the information for the past 24 hours. In order to ensure proper vigilance and attention to detail I consumed 200 mg of Adderall spaced out in a bi-hourly schedule. I also have been microdosing LSD for the past three years.
I can unequivocally say that there is absolutely nothing profound within this information. It is insubstantial at best, and outright exaggerations bordering on slander at worst.
It would likely be in everyone's best interest to focus on more pertinent issues as opposed to getting lost in a web of obfuscation.
Given the intense mental output of thorough investigation it is essential that one rest to rejuvenate neural productivity.
I suggest going to sleep and completing at least 3 REM cycles before reassessing any further information.

Irish here


we're swarming with niggers now

>we're swarming with niggers now

They'll only improve your genepool

The Irish live rent free in this porridge niggers head. He used to plague Pol with his anti Irish bullshit and he'd seeth at any mention of the Irish. He has an autistic obsession with Irish people and thinks he's a special little Germanic snowflake among the Scottish. Absolutely pathetic individual.

Plague /his/ I should have said. Anyways he's a seething faggot that hates the Irish but is a coward who would never go up against an Irish man and just seethes on /his/ and Pol about us. Claims to be "Germanic" but is most likely a kike or kike/Scottish mutt.

>thinks he's a special little Germanic snowflake among the Scottish.

Oh I don't think I'm a snowflake at all, lmao. Far from it. We're very Germanic.

Attached: GermanicBlood.png (5519x3336, 2.9M)

>but is a coward who would never go up against an Irish ma

I told you, post a Discord or something and we'll figure something out. Go create one before the thread dies and I'll add you.

Doing so now faggot.

This is the correct take. Kennedy was a communist and every Irish-American has been a higher IQ pale negro with communist inclinations.


Thanks for your input Moshe. Did your cousin Ari in Scotland text you to come on this thread. Two kike fucks.
Your add?

>Your add?

No, post your one sweety and I'll add that. Like I said. English, love. Maybe master that before fawning over some pototnigger tongue and wanting to learn it.

Why do D&C faggots always attack the Irish, Nords and Meds? Is there something they're afraid of?

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What's your Discord you little bitch?

Here we go yet again everybody. The Irish cuckold cannot post his Discord. Offered a chance to match his yapping little bark the Irish MUTT cowls and turns tail. Just like the SURRENDER immediately every time an English army invades, only to attack innocent civilians after they leave.

Cowards, cuckolds, subhuman white nigger filth.

This particular D&C faggot has been active on /his/ for a long time to the point that everyone recognises him as soon as he starts. I've never seen such seething autistic rage anytime Ireland or the Irish are mentioned. He's pretty unhinged by the looks of it and has a seething hatred for a people he never met or a place he's never been it's bizarre as fuck. Would love to headbutt the cunt. See the other meme flag in this thread to spouting nonsense? Very strange. They work in groups I think. I'd be very surprised if this fruitcake even is from Scotland and not some American JIDF kike larping.
You first faggot. You're the one who said to me to set one up so go ahead give me your username.

Die on your feet, Irishman. Like your ancestors should have. Maybe then we'd share tales of you in respect and honor to you dying like men against what was simply a better foe. We left you a broken, warped, crippled people. A genuine zombie shell of a folk.

For that I do apologize. But we will make things right soon enough. You have my word.

so since 90% of the US is related to the irish, does that mean we can claim we are people of color and we don't have white privilege?

Christ that explains Americans to a tee. Can't wait until the Han purify you.

We? Wtf did you ever do other than seethe online against the Irish. You live in the 21st century cock sucker and your not even fit to lick the ground even an Irish man, Scots man or Anglo walked upon in the past you were even going off about Scots earlier and distancing yourself from the Scottish people by saying you're "Germanic or Swedish Nordic or some other bullshit. At the end of the day you're just some fucking schizo but you still deserve to be laid out on the broad of your back with a head butt nevertheless. Keep seething you fucking freak. You wouldn't even have the balls to say one iota of what you say online in real life. Yours isn't banter or ranting or anything like that you're a genuinely fucked up person with Irish people living rent free in your head. Truly a very sad and disturbed individual.

>Would love to headbutt the cunt.

Bring a stool you little hairy gremlin.

That's true, I'm not Scottish. There's literally nothing Scottish about most of modern Scotland. The people of Scotland are English. Scottish is an Irish identity belonging to the Gaels. It has no place in Great Britain.

based now i can start calling niggers niggers to their face

heres some OG negro music me and the niggas be bumpin while we on the way to getsin ours welfare chex wif our foty oz Guinness:

the only confusing part is how the irish founded this country, since most negros don't have fathers let alone founding fathers

>you still deserve to be laid out on the broad of your back with a head butt nevertheless.

Well, here's your fucking chance. Post your Discord. What are you fucking afraid of, yapping little dog?

>You wouldn't even have the balls to say one io
iota of what you say online in real life.

I'm giving you the option to put that theory to the test, taig. Take it, or quiet that little English-speaking tongue before someone cuts it out of your mouth.

Bring a stool? Suppose you're 6ft8 and a unit... In your own disturbed mind lol.
Oh so your English now lol go to England and I'm sure they'll accept you as one of their own lol you'd be seen by the English as much of a weirdo as you are seen as such by all who know you and who have interacted with you online.
Wtf did you ask me to set up a discord for if you're not gonna give me your username. I've never used discord before so the ball is in your court and if your not willing to share your username then stfu and don't be wasting my time.

>Bring a stool? Suppose you're 6ft8 and a unit... In your own disturbed mind lol.

No I'm 1.78, lmao. But you're Irish. So you'll need a fucking stool.

>Oh so your English now lol go to England and I'm sure they'll accept you as one of their own lol you'd be seen by the English as much of a weirdo as you are seen as such by all who know you and who have interacted with you online.

English seem pretty on board with what I say. Especially when I show them we're as genetically Germanic as they are. Borderline identical to them genetically speaking. Shared tongue, shared names. Shared mindset.

Shared disgust of people like yourself...

>Wtf did you ask me to set up a discord for if you're not gonna give me your username. I've never used discord before so the ball is in your court and if your not willing to share your username then stfu and don't be wasting my time.

What does not using it have to do with giving usernames. Give me the username for the account you created specifically for this purpose. You'll see mine when I fucking add you, you moronic little rodent.

Post. Your. Fucking. Discord. NOW.

Attached: OjWCush.png (501x684, 91.17K)

I was born in a dublin street where the royal drums would beat

Their loving english feet they walked all over us

Based Ozposter. You know the true nature. Friend and English ally.

holy shit that also means we can start importing irish en masse to the US instead of somalians! this way we won't look like racists and get our based black guy quota to vote for trump! on top of that i can go around rapin white girls to increase the birf rate and the media will make apologies for me. or when a fellow brutha walks into my irish neighborhood, i can cap his ass and no one will bat an eye or chalk it up to white oppression. i love being irish!

tell me more memeflag of all the ways irish are the real black people!

So you're the same height as myself.

>English seem pretty on board with what I say

So basically a couple of weirdos from combat 18 or Britain first or some gaggle of subhumans that ordinary decent English people despise.

I'm unfamiliar with it and don't want to somehow dox myself. Never used it before. If you're comfortable with it all then go ahead and give out your username and I'll add you.

Little rodent? Take a look at yourself in the mirror lad and you'll see a demented fucking rodent. The absolute fucking state of you lol.

Can I see your lovely blonde Germanic hair lol.

Thank you OP, we've needed to have this conversation for a long time now. As well as we need to talk about the Hiberno/Celt-cult that has ruled the US for centuries
>TWENTY-TWO of the 44 US presidents were Irish or Scotch-Irish
Some of the most conspicuous characters in US history.

They are beautiful people who with a beautiful spirit


Attached: HitsPipe.jpg (483x461, 85.84K)

>Can I see your lovely blonde Germanic hair lol.

Post your fucking Discord and we'll video chat. What the fuck are you waiting for. If you made a Discord specifically for this purpose not using any email, there's no worry of being doxxed. So fucking post. POST.

Or go make a Discord with an alt email and post.

Lmao a lot of sexual tension in the thread

sage this shit, you're niggers with white skin

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So are you guys gonna fist fight or what?

stop it edward i'm warning you

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