what will the future of the white race be like after the corona stuff blows over?
What will the future of the white race be like after the corona stuff blows over?
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I don't give a shit about any race. Go eat a dick, faggot.
you should
This but unironically
Who knows nigger, no one here is able to predict the future. Why are u asking dumb questions, whats wrong with swedes?
Clean your mirror you pig.
Neck yourself swedish faggot
Show flag or I'll presume you're a third-world country, sucker.
we will all have a giant toast for the final coming together of the white race and browns! no more races! Huzzah!
god I hate dutchcucks
k gypsy
>after the corona stuff blows over?
I don't think that much will change in just two weeks, user.
>Saving this to your computer
>Being angry at the most alpha men on the planet
Still straight, cope harder
Show more twink
>most alpha
i would cummie on that tummy not gonna lie senpai
ehhh i would doubt that gypsy
Dumb sissy white boi.
>the new jew hate
>le happy negev
Why/how/what are/is/did/do(es) 'X' blah blah blah Go back/away, 'X' 'X' detected/spotted/etc For me, it's 'X' How will/can 'X' ever recover? Day of the 'X' when? What did 'X' mean by this? When I say 'X' you say 'X' The eternal 'X' 'X' hate thread Wtf, I'm 'X' now What to do about 'X'? Ok, 'X' people lied, people died Me on the left/right/back/front God I wish that was/were me Based and 'X'pilled This, but Ironically/unironically What went wrong? Why is this? Who is to blame? What is their problem? What are your thoughts/opinions? How do you go from this to this? Name/find a flaw How compete? What do? He (Literally) did nothing wrong I don't get it Daily reminder Despite being Dishonest Woke Slampig Redpill me on Sweaty Manlet Tranny Janny Simp Poo in loo Smell *breathes in* Say it with me Le Ypipo Can't meme Oh nonono REEEEEEEE NOOOOOOO We wuz kangz Yeah, I'm thinking Umad Chad Stacy Have sex For free In minecraft And that's a good thing Cringe Department Normies Ethnicity Phenotype Species Race Mixing POC Why, yes Brap(hog) Master race Rent free Ethnostate How could you tell? Imagine 6,000,000 Incel Built for Pozzed Butthurt Soi Boi And it's beautiful I'm gonna say it DUDE WEED LMAO t. Chang NPC Schizo Jew Kike Chink Hanz Moshe Shitskin Coalburner Mudblood Autist Sperg Rabbi Roach Smoothbrain Ivan Glow Memeflag Libtard Negro N-word Mutt Reddit Karen Brainlet Goyim Gentiles Spic Schlomo Shill Tourist Wagie Neet Thot wagecuck Cuck McDonald's arthouse 109 Wh*te genocide JUST Stunning, brave, powerful fpbp ftfy JIDF Being this Dilate BTFO It's over Christcuck Chimp Seethe Cope Clownworld Athiests Pagans Wew Happening NothingLeafBurger Sneed Gibs tbQhwy BBC BWC SJW Drumpf Consent Gaslighting (((you))) __oomer(s) Flags 1 post by this id IDs """""racialoids""""" /ourguy/ Meds Protip Bot Hot take Eat bugs Yas queen IQ No u *tips* fedora _oof(s) Now that the dust has settled kys
the fuck are you doing here
Show soft pink swedish penus and feet pls. I've been bored out of my mind during this quarantine bullshit, and wanna splooge me fucking load at the thought of absolutley dominating your feminine swedish frame. But there's just so much my imagination can do. Chop chop cunt.
checked and cute tummy, is that yours user?
Tallest men on Earth and the best language ever envisioned, keep coping with your fake pics.
Oh no! It's the Swede faggot with the gay Nazi fetish!
Where do i get qt tummy bf
you will still be masterbating in that sink
yes im the same swede who post the "I love germany and germans" pasta, lel
lighten up leaf. its funny
You attention whore faggot I will pin you down and rape your anus
Based /bant/ poster
Two gay actions do not make a straight
>yes im the same swede who post the "I love germany and germans" pasta, lel
I don't know that pasta but I post about wanting a qt twink nazi bf a lot.
I also post a lot of Schrodinger from hellsing
kek. Im the best Yas Forumsmemer
Are you the user that love german men?
Second, uwu
You two will be good friends
>I don't know that pasta
No, you are a faggot and you must post bussy
thats the pasta im posting
just post more of your twink ass
b-be my bf p-please...
>thats the pasta im posting
Thats hot.
Why White bois are so cute?
I have made this pasta that I have seen some other anons reposting:
Dating qt boys is the ultimate redpill. You can do cool shit like hunting and videogames with them more often than you can with women, and when shtf you have two bros watching eachother's backs instead of you protecting some defenseless thot.
Even if they are a weak twink, you can still train them to use a gun or train them physically into a twunk. Also, breeding boipucci is better than breeding a disgusting roast beef twat
not a single hair on your pale white chest. pathetic.
Nordcucks spread their cheeks out for Muhammad.
You lot are so fucking cucked.
>White race
>callin anyone cuck
lmao kek
Wtf dude
Many stories like this youtube.com
We're not all mutts. Kys.
no me
cause im based zoomer old man :D
>best language
Please explain how German with a danish accent was ever a good idea?
this. post bussy or gtfo
A black male with an engorged twitching bbc kissing you up and down that pale midriff.
Hot tummy.
I german senpai. rove you forever I will fight by your side in the forth reich
post your twink ass already
post butt or perish