Why are atheists obsessed with making you feel insignificant?

Why are atheists obsessed with making you feel insignificant?

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Because they themselves are inferior to the rest of us.

how is this not the case?

That's the great mystery of life, that your utterly insignificant, yet completely unique and as important as far as your consciousness can perceive

You faggots use your "uhhh muh nihilism bro xD" to put down others since they feel a sense of place in the world
"Nooo you cant be happy as a community coming together and enjoying life!! We're all gonna die xC life is meaningless!!!"
Theres a reason people hate you as much as Jews

Why would you think you are significant?

I dunno.
Why are Christians obsessed with making you feel insignificant?

Because instead of being awed by God's magnificence, they are awed by the enormity and improbability of the natural world? I don't know. This thread is fucking gay. You are gay.

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>Why are atheists obsessed with making you feel insignificant?
misery loves company

We don't put down anyone. You just serge like an aspie when someone shatters your fragile world view with the possibility that your 4,000 year old fairy tale creatures might not exist and that all your worship is in vain.

none of that was an argument

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Then kill yourself and leave us normal people alone.

I'm surprised that dog hasn't been eaten yet.

that wasn't an argument either

We are literally the universe trying to understand itself. How is that not fucking magical?

oh shit, he said fairy tale, that's like 3000 edgy points, how will user ever recover?

Because the want to believe that they can hide from God.

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Scientific fact: we all matter
Checkmate atheists

Here's the thing nobody and i mean absolutely nobody will make a valid argument, as to why we're significant, truthfully speaking we are only significant due to our brains hardwired to survive,adapt and evolve further, but thats only to advance our species, realistically speaking we could all stop existing one day and nothing in the world will change, it's almost like nothing of value was lost.

Nobody will make a valid argument other then ''muuh feels'' and just insult him rather than addressing it.

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You’re part of a massive universe. If you have a problem with that you have an ego problem.

Because atheism is their "Religion". A man can believe in all or nothing but still keep it to himself, a zealot will go around telling you what they believe in and make sure you won't forget. The irony of it all, atheists still need something to believe in even if it is "nothingness".

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it doesn't seem that odd to me, and even it did my feelings aren't proof of anything


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because they are hedonists
they have no plan for future, what matters for them is the here and now
they act smug and talk as if they were the beacons of wisdom for the human race but they would trade the future for any ephemeral pleasure they could get in the present
they're all for science, until it hurts their feelings

Anyone who is an athiest affirmatively believes in nothing. It’s a religion.

Deism is the only way. If you seriously think there is nothing godlike out there you’re an idiot, but it’s fair to say no one actually knows the nature of god or the gods based on our current literature and analysis.

>We are literally the universe trying to understand itself. How is that not fucking magical?

No! YOU, are trying to understand yourself. Their is only ONE. It's ALL YOU. ALL NOW. IT fucking awesome!

Because we are. Thing is, only when you understand this is when you'll be able to evolve and bring significance to your existence. Nietzsche basically, and something that christcucks can't grasp because they were pampered since kids by being called "the right ones", "yahweh's chosen", etc. It's much like throwing an ethot from her throne and being able to change her mind

Shut up fairy

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Because they didn't read proper philosophy, which is metaphysics.q

>You faggots use your "uhhh muh nihilism bro xD"
Nobody says this, nor does it have anything to do with atheism.
>"Nooo you cant be happy as a community coming together and enjoying life!! We're all gonna die xC life is meaningless!!!"
See above
>Theres a reason people hate you as much as Jews
[Citation Needed], you've managed to use so many words to post a non-argument.

From a purely scientific point of view the world formula surely must
explain consciousness as a phenomena. Now how can that be?
Consciousness is that which first gives meaning to any symbol, then how can you
find a symbol for that which you need first to make sense of any symbol?
How can the 'world formula' be less than human consciousness?
It must at least contain human consciousness, so how can it be less than that?

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I'm small and insignificant whether God exists or not....perhaps even more so if God exists.

Do you need to argue with someone to prove a point? What's wrong with a simple discussion?

Who was the atheist bring you down, son? Because normally atheists are about freedom.

because they have nowhere to go

didn't occur in the post i replied to.

Deism. So that is what is it called. Thank you.

No such thing as 'human' consciousness my almost enlightened friend

Wtf what are you smoking nigga

So what is it, all pure science and equations?

>Do you need to argue with someone to prove a point?
Either that or explain the proof of the point first. His "proof" is the same as all christcucks use, and just shows how much of a normie he is for using jewbook and soiddit, since that example of nihilism discourse is the incomplete journey to nihilism, which Nietzshe himself described

I am an atheist and I truly do wish for there to be a better alternative, but the facts are the facts. It is actually quite funny how we are fine showing how women and shitskins are insignificant to the creation of civilization, yet when we get butthurt when we realize how depressing life truly is.

this, fags who pull the nihilistic astronomy card are subhumans

That's not the point
They are trying to convey that it'd be absurd to create a universe for humans when the earth makes up such an insignificant part of it.
It's part of an argument against most creation myths.
It is not an argument against deism.

>yet we get butthurt when we realize how depressing life truly is.