WHO: "Trust us, the worst of coronavirus is ahead of us"

So, what do they know that they're not telling us? Sounds like that's a hint that they know that there's enough mutations to mess up the chances of any vaccination or that they know that reinfections are almost certain

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Fearmongering. It’s economic warfare and they work for China.

The WHO has no credibility

They want their burger bucks back.


Go back to work.

>just wait two infections bro

The same WHO that said people can’t spread it to one another? That one?

>not everyone is infected yet
Yes, the worst is left to come. That's the whole point of lockdown - it's to keep pushing the worst further and further out in time. Economically disastrous but does what it is meant to do - it's up to us to determine whether the cost is worth it.

This "virus" is bullshit.

why hasn't anyone hanged this nigger yet?

Literally designed by billionaires so they can short the market so they can make more bank then buy again when markets become bullish again.

trust us
we have 600 other strains ready to go

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It's going to ravage the primitive/3rd world because they're going to allow it to. Chipping the western world is postponed for now after the reaction it's gotten for normies, but that doesn't change Gates' lifelong dream of killing a billion Africans.

He's a psychopath

next comes the diarrhea

It's all crisis actors.

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Does it matter? They are willing to sacrifice you either way. Your life doesnt matter as much as their dollars.

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I'm more interested about what the US government will do with all the media, celebrities, politicians and businessmen enabling China's grip int he US's internal affairs by propagating this corona bullshit
sooner or later somebody will have to get the rope to serve as an example of what happens to traitors

they've hidden things before, so it's possible they're hiding things by saying the worst is to come without being specific

Two things:
>quarantine lifted means retard normies rush to party and socialize, many of whom are still contagious, leading to a massive second wave
>WHO needs to stay relevant, if corona vanishes all that will be left is the memory of their incompetence and China bootlicking, they didn't want to declare a pandemic before but now they absolutely NEED the pandemic to not end

>republicans win
>crash the economy on purpose
>profit for both parties and billionaires
>democrats win
>"fix" the economy with a bubble
>cycle repeats

>So, what do they know that they're not telling us
that they are enjoying the hell out of the money and attention atm

i cant wait for the entire global govt to be executed by the incoming ayys, this includes online influencers and all the tranny military members posting on reddit from airforce bases. go fuck yourself

Bro what is the death rate again?


some dumb nigger spouting chink shit

>getting lectured to by a communist
these dudes need to shut the FUCK up

>believing a genocidal communist

No fuck you. You said nobody needs face masks. Now you're saying we're all in danger.

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Both those points are entirely valid.

What if... we gave the WHO more money and political backing, and moved the headquarters to Africa?

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china will crash the african shitholes with no survivors, anyone dumb enough to keep receiving african immigrants will die as well, a new mutation of covid that is a hundred times deadlier, after this a hard diversification of africa will start

Fuck niggers. Especially commie niggers

>The WHO has no credibility

It means the worst has passed.

This. They are helping China benefit greatly off of this "crisis".

>inb4 Corona really is some sort of Morgellons disease and it's being activated in stages through 4G, 5G, satellite AND landline

>moved the headquarters to Africa?
Move the headquarters to Ethiopia.

he's a communist bean who is demanding ransom from the western world to say it's okay to open up again. 10% of your national GDP paid in tithes to the WHO sounds about right :^{)
just like he took bribes from china to pretend coronavirus didn't exist until it did.

and obviously china will become the overlord of africa, the US goverment akready knows about this but they can't do shit since it is very deadly, that is why chine closed all its borders to africa and the USA simply closed all its borders to the world

shit's all fucked let's put our faith in chaos

Nah, they're cracking up. Look at any of the WHO bigwigs' twitters:


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You are not reading the news correctly. They just lost the US funding, so the worst is yet to come. They don't say the worst is yet to come for them.

The HIV inserts that we've known about for months maybe :)

Tell that to the retards who still believe what they say.

kek, who niggers don't play

Just wait until the first country gets the virus under control and tries to open up again - there's a very real possibility that this will go on for a long time yet.

It still sucks to know a couple of people who died at work. Not the same as someone getting cancer and leaving. This is a handful of people in a large plant dying.

>Trump outmaneuvers slip and fall tier niggers
>This is somehow a bad thing

So we get zombies?


Except no, because the overwhelming majority of people are fending this virus off no problems. Hell some studies are showing that it's tough to even CATCH this fucking virus.

Is that a threat? Say that to my masked face.

Kys op

no, it will mutate and become deadlier

>It’s economic warfare and they work for China.
Oy vey, that money could go to israel.

Second wave next winter. Like every other normal epidemic.

My sister told me she trusts WHO more than our country. Literally "demoralized" Bezmenov. I can't stand it.

The breakaway Elite civilization being controlled by Aliens giving them technology for life extension.