Yas Forums BTFO
Yas Forums BTFO
Well first I will like to ask which of these donors was white.
fake, they already remove the nigger blood because it's full of aids
They're all white
>While people from all communities and backgrounds do give blood, fewer than 5% of our blood donors who gave blood in the last year were from black, Asian and minority ethnic communities. This is despite black, Asian and minority ethnic communities representing around 14% of the population
Now ask me about organ transplants
all of them niggers dont give blood
someone shop this in please
why are ape and black seperate?
>Give my own O-Blood
>Niggers-0 (Zero)
The one without sickle cell
Top right
>what is sickle cell disease
apes are smarter
Apes are smarter.
It won't be black person's blood because aids blood is rejected. Also, black people and minorities don't donate blood.
Easy. Just go for the one without HIV and sickle cell.
My blood, my wife’s blood his siblings blood, someone’s else in the family. Family takes care of its own but thanks for giving the opportunity to make an ass of you.
>not being an O-type supremacist
It's true, I can take your chimp blood and feast on it, doesn't mean it goes both ways, subbuman.
the one without aids and sickle cell
Africams tend to be Blood Type O you fucktard. Oh btw fish have red blood does that mean we are the same you leftist retard?
Now do bone marrow.
Because apes don't automatically kill everything they encounter.
Sure, let's just run the tests and we can veritably determine who is white in the group, since the blood will tell us that because we're not the fucking same
make one for bloodtypes brainlets
The one without aids
Usualsy they get tested for HIV, so no problem fren.
I donate often. I have yet to see a non-honky donating.
Would nigger blood give me increased athleticism?
I’m 6’4 and can’t dunk
Nigger lovers BTFO.
Blacks are allowed to donate blood? Wtf
Imagine getting nigger blood. Disgusting.
The one that's not full of AIDS and sickle cell.
>But what about this fake scenario I just made up to own you? Hahah owned!
>Actually blacks are still terrible in that regard
every time