Nazi economics

I've been searching for a while and can't find an answer to what the Nazi economy was like, if I read libertarian economists they say they were Keynesians and if I read Keynesian economists they say they were libertarians. Can someone with knowledge of the subject explain to me what the Nazi economy was about?

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There you have a couple infographics I have done to explain how tha national socialist economic system works. (1/3)

Attached: Natsoc-Economics1.png (1600x2422, 270.74K)
this is a good approximation
basically, business must be subordinated to the interests of the race


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Attached: Natsoc-Economics3.png (1600x2422, 340.24K)

MEFO printer go brrrr

This is all I know from the original sources, if someone has something that contradicts it I want to hear what he has to say

Here’s my stuff.

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Have you read Gottfried Feder's works? there's a lot more to natsoc economics than simple socialdemocracy with an authoritarian state I think

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I know, that’s why I’m posting more stuff

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anecdotal evidence
"The Vampire Economy"

desu they were really around long enough to draw a serious conclusion

public private partnerships for large business
small business generally left alone
fixed pricing caused shortages
corruption ran rife because of stifling regulations
instead of weimar money printing, they used behind the scenes bond printing. many of their wunderbar infrastructure projects were paid with near worthless IOUs

Germany was engaged in capitalism which led to its demise.

It, much like America, was a democratic republic but the Prussians still had a heavy hand in governance.... things transitioned a lot and the omnipresent Jews had dominated all facets of the reichstag whether the extreme left, left, centrists,(except the christian) , right, or radical right, all of the internal movements were essentially led by Jews who started either communism, capitalism, anarchy, or a whole host of other groups within the reichatsg leading to massive internal conflict and the overall downfall of capitalism in the third reich... the junkers party was much like republican war mongers today... controlled by Jews baiting people into war... for profit of course

Here are also some ones explaining capitalism and communism, and why they’re bad

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Nazi economy was like ancient Rome economy: slave based.

On communism. I hope you guys can read it. If not, I’ll post the bit by bit infographs

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I should restrict that to say it doesn’t really matter whether you define the economy as capitalism, communism, or socialism, at the root of those masks created by the Jews, was the Jewish Banking cult... so in a sense there was no real economic definition... except Jewish monopoly over finance and capital... nothing’s changed, except the Jews eliminated their opposition—the working party

>nationalizing education and healthcare

Or as the other poster said, slave labor economy... same thing as the US... same as it ever was

Don’t think about rising up
You know what they did to hitler

there's one i can't find that was titled something like hitler's economics or such. anyway here is what i did find

>they used behind the scenes bond printing.
Exchanging FIAT for work/production is exactly how things should work. Do you know how Money is created in the USA? We have a split circuit system on the basis of Federal Bank Reserves and Bank Money. Bank Money is expanded every time a Private Bank makes a loan. Thats your "money printer", banks then obtain Reserves from the FED or other banks to cover their loan dealings ( at an extreme fractionality ).

Weimar "Money Printing" has more in common America's current system than the Third Reich.

Money = Exchange mechanism form Work/Resources. That's exactly how the NSDAP used it.

Attached: Split_Circuit_Banking.jpg (750x427, 39.64K)

Hitler was no pleasant guy by any means a drug addict out of balance.... but the Jews did wage war against him first in the press and started a war with German people non Jews) in the media... the Jews threw the first stones, that’s a fact

Spot on. America's economy has in a vicegrip of a Private Bankers since 1913. Money Creation in the USA is PRIVATIZED and not easy to audit. IF the Bank thinks it can make money it will expand the money supply by making a new loan ( with interest attached ). Banks have to work together on this otherwise the system wouldn't work ( Banks have to accept the new money created by other Banks in the current system ).

The problem with that is that it creates the possibility for the opposition to either accuse national socialist of being supporters of capitalism or marxist socialism (When ww2 proved that both systems obey the same master)

Now trump and Mnuchin have just merged the Federal Reserve with the US treasury amid the covid 19 diversion.

Federal Reserve is (Was) the central bank in the US controlled by the Jews that lends fiat money to all the Jewish banks, that loan you the money (that isn’t even theirs) by issuing u credit cards and mortgages... it’s just a scheme then you’re enslaved for the rest of your life to the banks... if the people in general earn more than they are in debt, then there would be no need for the Jew... so they just collapse the economy every so often to reset the debt and make it worse....

But now the fed and treasury are together as one... scary.

Print money, loan money, set interest rates, distribute bailouts, distribute credit, distribute debt, distribute notes, and bonds, all under one house led by Zionism

They didn't produce currency by leveraging fiat. Like literally everyone else does.
This puts them outside the descriptors commonly used for everyone elses economics.
They produced currency through government labor, as in it could only be created by working for the government.
basically this, if they got to a point where they needed to implement austerity to stave off hyper inflation they could theoretically tax it back or nationalize leeches money. They never really got that far though, asside from a few fuck you's to jewish bankers.

Exactly hitler wanted an end to the bullshit fiat scheme... so the Jews waged war with him

Their system was FIAT, anyone telling you it wasn't is misunderstanding. The difference was that it was Germans organizing the allocation of FIAT not Kikes in Basel Switzerland. The MEFO bills system doesn't deserve to get memed on. If America adopted a similar system it would be the best thing to happen to this country since Lincoln Greenbacks.


Bump for interest

I've read that they are the fastest growing economy of all time. If true, there's probably a reason why you cant find any info on it. (((They))) don't want anyone getting any ideas.
Just remember - Nazi Bad.

We can all agree on one thing... we are all slaves to the jew

they were socialists. end of story.

Cultured Thug did a great video on it. Search for it on bitchute. "Nazi economy" or something.

How bout dem oil prices

Or read "Hitler's Revolution" by Tedor

It’s true the nazi party were national socialists and environmentalists ... they weren’t racists either

But the nazi economy wasn’t socialism as much as that’s what they perhaps were pushing for... of course

hitler had an explanation for slavery
just like american have

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The Jew wouldn’t let it be socialist, the Jews pulled out and stole the German money, put them on worse debt over the first war, then pitted the U.K. and Russia against germany, whole the zionists fled their peoples to take over Palestine and hide all their trillions of profits from the slave trade in a new sovereign place called Israel—founded by Jewish terrorist who bombed the king David hotel to get their way...planting explosives in the basement and killing innocent British and Palestinian people to bulldoze the Jewish way into the Middle East.

It all depends on how you define “socialism”. If by socialism, you mean collectivization, central planning, and class revolution, then no. Absolutely not. Hitler’s socialism was a moderate form. It was mostly about improving life for workers and poor people, and ensuring that the common man had a better share of the wealth in the country, as opposed to almost everything belonging to the 1%. So is that socialism? Sure. But I don’t see anything bad about it

Sir Winston kikeshill

a lot of the info you're giving are based on secondary literature ("Hitler's Revolution" by Tedor or "The wages of destruction" by Tooze) but I have read the 25 points, Manifesto agains't usury and The german state on a national socialist foundation by Gottfried Feder (Primary sources of information) and it seems to contradict the idea of a keynesian economic model with a volkisch social ideology. I have resumed the information about the natsoc economic system found in Gottfried Feder's works in these three infographics