The morality of torturing animals and its basis in world affairs

Is it OK for countries like China and other shitholes to torture animals for profit, in light of the corona virus?

Can we progress as a society if these traditions still exist?

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No its not ok ever and we should eradicate this aspect of their culture because its wrong. I can care less what vegan faggot has for an argument for me "hurr ur just as bad muh dead cows" fuck you nigger time to kill chinks

>No its not ok ever and we should eradicate this aspect of their culture because its wrong.

How about you mind your own business and fix your own culture first American pig.

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Australia kills millions of feral cats. Not even farm animals but cats. Guess its ok when ur a white country.

It's never okay to torture an animal

Listen here you immigrant fuck. It's one thing to kill an animal and be done with it. A whole nother thing to boil the creature alive. Eat shit and go back to your insectoid shithole. Faggot subhuman filth.

i hope you and your mothers die of colon cancer you fucking filth

why you invaded us with millions of your immigrants commie fucker.. seems like since you made it our business we will now slam you with tons and tons of Feminists, Trannys, PETA officals and such via Parachute to help civilize you savages.

If you are not white you are not human

>proceed to eat a mcburger

Yeah, about that.

I'm going to tear out your limbs slowly and one by one, then I want you to tell me it is the same as killing a person by a single shot.

Get lost Chong nobody likes you vile insectoids.

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I say we show them how it feels? if their not human then they don't mind if we treat them like they treated their food. we got a surplus of oil after all.

You're a fucking idiot kek.
It would have taken you 2 seconds of research to understand why they're hunting feral cats.

It blinds them and robs them of the ability to sense what direction they are going. with their feeble eyes they can barely see anyhow.

Eating meat is needed for humans and natural. Every human nation should eat meat in abundance. Torturing is bad though because first it damages the one doing the torturing. It damages their humanity and numbs them to suffering including the suffering of themselves and loved ones. It'll fuck their psychology up and encourage them to take pleasure in others pain. So unironically the chinese must stop their barbaric eating habits and if they did so it would go a long way towards teaching them empathy and curing their bugmanism. This is how karma is actually expressed.

Because they killed all the bunnies and EVERYTHING ELSE they could catch? aye..

torturing animals is one of the worst crimes against God and nature. basically only pedophilia is worse. all humans have to sacrifice animals to a certain extent to survive, but the nature in which you sacrifice an animal is what determines whether or not you are a human or a demon. China is a nation of demons
kill =/= torture. shooting an animal in the head is a less severe crime than burning an animal alive

Split links must pay.

>you are a human or a demon. China is a nation of demons
Are animals demons? Many animals toy with their food while they eat them alive ass-first. Animals don't give a fuck about how their prey feels when they are being captured or eaten

2 more seconds of researching I guess might help


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Yeah well were not animals Chong. China and the Chinese people are actual subhuman demons, no argument about it bugboy.

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Fucking soulless chinks

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Humans are suppose to have empathy. Chinese don't seem to have that for each other much less animals. It's almost as if Chinese are soulless to outsiders.. Which honestly if you have no soul your not human and if your not human well that means murdering you isn't wrong.

What are you even arguing here

actually draining them of blood is jew and muslim shit. normal people don't need their meat to die that way.

yet another jew ritual pushed upon the rest of the civilized world. kill all chinks AND all jews. thanks for being so based, trannyerino!

LOL Seething chinkchong

No. Next question

Actually draining blood helps slow rot of the meat.. it's standard practice for the American butchered Animals industry.