Is this the last non-pozzed element of pop culture?
>also decline of western civilization thread
Is this the last non-pozzed element of pop culture?
Your gif was cut too short and was not a webm. You are a failure and a nigger.
I got through about half of Titandeath. Its pozzed too.
Wat. Explain?
Sorry, fuck you leaf.
>No I have not read a single book on European history, philosophy, and art
>No I can not find the Netherlands on a map or name 5 cities in Italy
>Yes I am a defender of Western Civilization
Give it time. The SJWs have shit up every other icon of nerd pop culture. It's just a matter of time before 40k gets the "woke" treatment.
It must be impervious no?
Did you just blogpost?
The concept of Western civilization is faggy cope. You’re white. No one thinks of you as anything but white. Your society is white. Your beliefs are white. Your interests are white.
If someone doesn’t like you it’s on the grounds that you’re white.
Nothing is impervious from them.
No that's fan made. And the ip is owned by a publicly traded multinational company. Of course it's not gonna be based or redpilled.. stop lying to yourself about pop culture and grow the fuck up you manchild.
>Is this the last non-pozzed element of pop culture?
only certain aspects of it
Holy fuck burgers are so retarded this is literally how they think
I need to get out of this shithole
>I have to know a whole map of europoor immigrant diversified countries to be western civilization.
True this. GW shoehorns in nigger characters everywhere in art and painted models now. They CANNOT create attractive depictions of females anymore and seem to only create ugly manfaced tranny models and artwork. Remember Games Workshop is >British
I thought games workshop said they were going to start putting diversity in not long ago?
All feminist, goddess worshiping titan legion doesnt fight at a key event in the Horus Heresy and centers on the lead feminist and her love hate relationship with a toxic male and his titan legion that joined chaos. Features flashbacks to princesses riding horseback, feminists seducing men with tales of turning young boys into servitors, piloting titans while pregnant and 2 chapters beginning with a guy annoyed that hes going bald. Written by a guy that looks like pic related.
Pissed because A) its a key moment for the Blood Angels that gets glossed over and B) half the HH books already have a mary sue character so annoying and OP that having a shitty lovestory with one is too much.
Buried Dagger is good.
Hi Gamza, love your videos.
Ask them. They’ll tell you in fucking Europe as much as in USA. “Youre white”. The Civilisation meme is a faggy Spenglerian cope that came up with imperialism and capitalism
>tfw xcom has just fallen into the sjw sphere
Good webm
I like how they instantly trashed the inquisitor on the first sign of weakness.
Dear god what, was this written by a woman?Is it not strange that civilizations can generally be defined by the genetic composition of those who form parts of them?
People are inherently racist, pop media makes that abundantly clear.
We constantly need an external group to project our problem to and dehumanize, like the aliens in wh40k. Which I know makes perfect sense, seeing as how the most benign (T'au) have concentration camps, but even then the empires dogmatic belief in human superiority holds them back.
What is interesting is that even the worst s o y boy can act out his covert racism by saying things like PURGE TEH ALIEN X:DDDDDDXXXX
They want to say purge the nigger, but society has castrated and emasculated the white male to be the only ethnic group not allowed to take pride in their identity.
wh40k is an outlet for this, that's why it's so popular
They killed Fantasy off for female space marines in Age of Basedmar, and now that they are bringing Fantasy back, first thing they do is post uber female magical warriors. Fact is 40k is falling into the SJW shit too, it's just being done at a slower pass.
>Having literally 1st grade teir geographic understanding of the places you claim to defend is asking too much
Please God almighty nuke this shithole please burgers are hopeless and delusional
You're braindead idiot and have no understanding of what you're talking about
>Spengler created the notion of Western Civilization
Oh my god polfags are hilarious
Dude named Guy Haley, so probably actually written by his wifes boyfriends sister.
The HH is so full of fucking cringe at times its sickening but its usually a B or C plot to let you know that everything about 40k is cuz women and not replacing the action. This one as far as i read was pointless and what little action it had was boring and badly written.
In ten years there will be nogger tranny space marines and they will be the strongest chapter.
Since the Imperium can't have enough manpower and female symbols of power are a great propaganda tool to boost the cunt morale so they work harder in the factories. Some gene enhanced cunts in armor isn't that unrealistic.
I think it is generally accepted that the HH series, although composed of six gorillion books only has around 5 good titles.
I think you mean Sisters of Battle who are not gene enhanced
Objectively correct primarch list.
>1) Perturabo
>2) Jaghatai Khan
>3) Ferrus Manus
>4) Vulkan
>5) Lorgar Aurelian
>6) Angron
>7) Fulgrim
>8) Roboute Gulliman
>9) Lion El'Jonson
>10) Mortarion
>11) Magnus the Red
>12) Rogal Dorn
>13) Leman Russ
>14) Alpharius Omegon
>15) Sanguinius
>16) Horus Lupercal
>17) Corvus Corax
>18) Konrad Curze
>[19] [REDACTED]
>[20] [REDACTED]
Khorne will never die. Blood for the Blood God!
>reactionigger thinks highly of a capeshit-tier casual fantasy setting for board and videogames
How ironic~
Spoiler: it's lazily written babby-fantasy for pedestrians. Also infested by furries. You should go and get yourself killed, little retard. Also, that short you referenced is extremely overrated.
>Implying the citizens of the Imperium need anything other than the love of the God Emperor to motivate them.
Sounds like heresy to me...
First sign? His fucking head was glowing in literal chaos.
I've read some of them, I consider them shit literature but I like male power fantasy stuff.
In any case what I found weird is how much the books differ in tone
No, because it makes me depressed that the Imperium of Man isn't real.
name the emperor that came after Augustus
it is going to get an "actually good guys and not evil" faction that will be female led, they will be the only faction which is canonically not-bad, because they will be uber progressive female led diverse and inclusive not racist, not sexist, not homophobic, not transphobic, not xenophobic, and they will use chaos magic without being corrupted, they will have chaos hell paladins and reformed demons who are not evil and actually the good guys
) Perturabo
) Jaghatai Khan
Based, just switch Forgettable Manus with Corvus, put Lorgar at the bottom since he is a submissive altar boy and likes that anyway aaand were good.
It unironically could be user.
Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the Skull Throne
>knows furry sites to complain about
That's like bitching that a specific faggot nightclub is infested with degenerates. Faggot.
I figure in a franchise with 30-40 authors working on it, the quality and tone are bound to vary drastically. Most are shit, yes, but some are mediocre and a handful are good. All better for escapism than marvel.
>implying the Jew is dumb enough to subvert one of the only harmless release valves neo-fascists have
40k fans are the same as marvel or dc fans, prove me wrong
It unironically would take nearly 30,000 more years.
>I wish I would live in a decaying and stagnated authoritarian hellhole destined to collapse the moment your dead emperor's body stops working
Aren't you pretty close to that already?
>T. meme fan
Psykers can become warp portals if posessed, it was the only possible thing to do
Who is more likely to approve of self reliance, abhor the alien, and consider genetic purity a bonus?
He walks among us.
Yeah, but 40k is all about /yourdudes/, so if you want to have the White Knights chapter of space marines lead by Brother-Captain Nate Higgers, you totally can. It’d be ridiculous, but you could do it.
I got through the first 3 chapters, then read a plot synopsis and realized it didn't get any better. Many how do you fuck up a book about titan battles, fucking Mechanicum was amazing with it's titan/knight battles, and it was not even 1/4 of the book.
On the plus side the buried dagger was very good.
>pop culture
also the Khan is in it but apparently he doesn't really do anything
blah blah blah decline of western culture blah blah blah
That's been the running conservative theme since plato was bitching about young people reading books in bronze age greece.
>modern popular culture transmitted via the mass media and aimed particularly at younger people
Yes? You think it's some underground niche thing?
oh boy
>1) Sanguinius
>2) Fulgrim
>3) Corax
>4) Vulkan
>5) Jaghatai
>6) Magnus
>7) Angron
>8) Rowboat
>9) Perturabo
>10) Konrad
>11) Alpharius
>12) Horus
>13) Mortarion
>14) Rogal Dogal
>17) Leman Russ
>18) Brain of Iron
>19) Lorgar
>21) Lion El Arabia
>Is this the last non-pozzed element of pop culture?
>Not Pozzed
Hold my beer Goyim.
we read novels without pictures, and about 40% of the fanbase is artistically talented.