Psychoanalysis changed my life

I've been going to psychoanalysis for about a year and a half, i was studying abroad, smoked weed and cigarettes 24/7, drank everyday, didn't study or exercise, had been depressed for 4-5 years, had put on the tinfoil hat for the last 2 years, did every drug i could name at the time, except for heroin, i thought i was a reincarnation of Thoth at one point, thought i had experiences of meeting the holy spirit(still don't know what to think about that)

Now I am back to living with my parents, but actually studying something i like and don't have serious issues with the language barrier.
I quit weed(had been smoking for 5 years regularly) the moment i came back( 11mnths ago).
I quit cigarettes right before the lockdown started and have been working out every single day since.
I understand every single process that happens inside my conscious mind and it feels great to be in charge of my ship. I also can partly interpret my dreams now.
I'd like to hear your personal stories or stories of relatives/friends about psychoanalysis, because it is a very intimate thing and nobody ever talks about it.

Also ask me anything.

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>I've been going to psychoanalysis for about a year and a half
OP is a faggot confirmed

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do you like feet dry or moist

You sound like you have it all figured out, Mr Peterstein, why make this shitty thread?

Yes, there is a lot to psychoanalysis.

Just wait until you get addicted to psychoanalytic literature.

There is just so much there. Who wouldn't get addicted.

I'm far from having it all figured out and even if i did what makes you think you are not worth my time? Seems like you need to start loving yourself more, man.

I never read any actually, all of my info is received from mouth to ear


what would you recommend?

Umm ... that's going to be a difficult one to answer.

Look, I could sit here all day saying things like.

Bion .... Melanie Klein ... Herbert Rosenfeld ... José Bleger ...

You could start by buying an eInk reader, something that is a nice size, like 10" or maybe even an A4 size reader. An Onyx Boox Max 3 is a whopper and a beast. (A4 size). Or maybe an Onyx Boox Note 2 (maybe that's what it's called).

The size is great. A bit expensive to start with because they ask for a 1K USD downpayment, then a yearly fee afterwards.

Do you have friends who access to the university databases ? There is HEAPS of stuff there too.

Get involved with, they have heaps of stuff too.

You just removed yourself from the vices when you went back home. It was not psychoanalysis helping you. Stay away from drugs and get your ass to work. You will be happier. Stop over thinking shit and thinking you know "process in your conscious mind" and get things you need to do done. Literally the wash your penis advice is what you need right now.

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Read Jung's Man and His Symbols first. If you like it then you'll love the larger body of literature. With dedication and practice you can do some pretty neat shit. Lucid dreaming is like a baby learning to stand. It's possible to go much further and use you dreams to communicate with locked away parts of your own psyche. You know about multiple personality disorder and schizos right? Well, normal people also have these other personalities and voices, but they stay in the back of our minds and don't interfere with our daily lives. However, it's possible to manifest them in dreams and quite literally have conversations with them, and in doing so you can learn a lot about yourself. Religions talk about these things like they're angels or demons, but I find it easier to wrap my head around them as just dormant parts of the human psyche we still need to explore. It's insane how little we know about this subject and how much there still is to discover.

Don't kill me but I was born as one of those men. Fuck th literature. Not really but humanity is fucking stupid. Where do you think the information comes from. I get some people know this shit but remember people collectively are retarded. People also hate you if you can read them constantly. Even if you actually just want to love them and make their lives better. Then there's these motherfuckers that see me and want to take something from me as if we had the same for fucking reasons for doing these things in the first place. The point is most people can't create things or ideas.

Being able to understand what transference is, and how to work things out in your life.

As you progress you will just become more and more powerful and in control of your life.

You will become less of a target for other people's projections.

Also the stuff from Vamik Volkan regarding the inner psychotic core is absolutely essential.

You may end up wanting to become a psychologist ... psychoanalyst yourself.

I don't know if you're up for learning French, but there is a shitload there too. The entire French Psychoanalytic Revue is free and online.

Doesn't matter where you start, just get started and see where life takes you.

I can tell you now, there are many people who get married and then divorced, people who fuck their chldren's lives up, people who fuck their own life up, people who fuck their spouses life up.

With psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic literature, you can avoid all those mistakes.

I cannot promise you perfection, I cannot promise you a life without suffering.

But the mistakes and the fuck-ups, you can avoid all of that shit.

Helense Deutsch came up with this in 1970. She is basically warning anyone who would listen that feminism is the wrong path to choose.

The Sublimation of Aggressiveness in Women
The mind turns far away from actuality into the dark past of mythology. There, the most feminine of women of the Olympic myths. Aphrodite (Venus) appears in pre-Olympic myths at night with a long, dark beard and knife 0 presume a sharp, knife-like instrument) to castrate her sons. Later, in the already highly civilized Olympian history we meet Diana (Artemis) to whom her beautiful but feminine twin-brother Apollo assigns the masculine-aggressive role. In another myth, the dark goddesses of Earth appear in a most aggressive way as an organized army to conquer men and take over the reign of the world. In the myth concerning the origin of the world Gaia appears in a double role; the savior of her son and killer of her husband. In another mythological example of woman’s aggressiveness we encounter the light-footed maenades who were well organized and ready to kill in a most aggressive way any intruder into the sanctity of their virginal organization. Let us also not forget Dionysus—who appears in myth as a social revolutionary, the first “feminist” in the history of mankind. Under the name of Lusios—liberator—he fulfills his mission of the liberation of women from their slavery; on his order they desert their husbands, homes, children. (Later I shall return to this subject in discussing today's liberation movement). He demands from these women absolute surrender to his will. As a token of their submission to him but also as the expression of liberation from their enslaved role as wives and mothers with “consuming rage and madness they kill, cut to pieces and cook their own children.” This is the most classic example of women’s liberation connected with orgies of aggressiveness.

This is also from the same article by Helene Deutsch. She is so correct about feminism ...

Organizations of women that fight for social equality arouse the sympathy of every thinking liberal human being - man and woman. Personally, I deplore that the fight in this very rational movement today takes on the character of caricature by the evidence of aggressive hate against men and what is worse: motherhood.

Freud = Kike religious "science"

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Helene Deutch ... telling us in 1970 that feminism is a charicature of an organisation with its "aggressive hate against men, and what is worse: motherhood".

If only people could have listened.

What is worse is that she was Jewish. All this crap about "Oh the Jews ... Feminism".

The political right needs to be more reality based, knock it off with the fantasy based anti-semitism and start building.

Yes, Jews misbehaved and there are Jews who will misbehave. I don't like it.

The worst suffering I have experienced in my life was at the hands of a Jewish Communist.

I'm not about to say "I am this ... I am that" because its lame.

The people who suffer the most from Jewish Communists are Religious Jews who want to keep the faith of G-d.

I know the best literature is in french , that's partly why i haven't started reading, my psychoanalyst told me it's the only one worth reading, but i guess the rest is still ok. She says that it's just better understood in french.

>>Reddit spacing
>>Jewish tricks

OK, so you don't like Jews. Guess what, sometimes I don't like them either.

You should meet my mother-in-law. The horror ... the horror.

Denying G-d wont help you.

Noone can escape G-d, even the fucktard Jewish-Left.

G-d help us, noone causes more problems for the Jewish people than the Jewish left.

Yeah you don't need to read them , at least not out loud, if you study or go to psychoanalysis long enough you start seeing people as walking diagnoses and it's hard to get used to it but it's possible and the way is to point that insight towards yourself

I will check it out.

Dont have anything to ask but good job user, its nice to know self improvement is happening and i hope it gets better

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Yeah I know. It is just so amazing in French.

Start now ... just get on track.

There are so many times when I read psychoanalytic literature and I don't get it straight away, but something goes in.

Even if I don't get it straight away ... there is a part of me that understands.

Even if it takes me 10 years to get an idea or concept ... it all goes in.

In French they call this "ant work" ... just keep on chugging along.

Do you have friends who access to the university databases ? There is HEAPS of stuff there too.

I do and i will, thanks user.

I don't go on Reddit because I'm too right-wing and always get kicked off.

I should set my mother-in-law onto you.

Just joking ... OK.

You can't escape G-d, noone can.

You clearly ruined your mind with all the drugs. Great job.

what all did they diagnose you with.

It is what i did but had it not been for psychoanalysis i wouldn't have come back, not at that time and probably wouldn't have quit weed.

Remember eInk devices are your best friends.

Also ... its a bit "naughty" but look at .... ummm yeah ...

Also look into the whole concepts around symbiosis ... Margaret Mahler ... goddess ... and absolute goddess.

Also Phyllis Greenacre ... also a goddess.

>thinks psychoanalysis diagnoses

that's what psychotherapy does, psychoanalysis has been practised on diagnosed people with psychotic disorders and they start showing reduced symptoms even without medications

I don't really want to go on like I can.but yeah that's the heart of it isn't it. Just wanted to say thanks I guess just for saying something. See you tomorrow. Rain just stopped. Life finds a way

Maybe I did, who knows

Thanks user, I wish you the same!

I think that is the thing with weed is that it offers what is called Omnipotent Sybiotic Merger with internal objets.

I know you won't understand that right now. Don't worry about understanding things right away.

Robert Waska has some great conceptualisations around addictions ...

Brett Kahr has some great ideas around the root causes of schizophrenia.

Stuff about infanticidal mothers. If you have a look at his chapter in the book "Shattered States" ... its a great place to start.

Psychoanalysis can 100% cure schizophrenia ... but it is a long a complicated process.

People are only attracted to weed because they have underlying psychosis issues ... you know all that inner psychotic core stuff that hadn't been addressed.

Thanks user, i will, by the way i do have a long term plan of becoming a psychoanalys, sort of continuing the work at the age of about 40, until then i'm gonna be digging archaeological sites, which is ironic.
Also thanks for all the information, i am saving all of it