I am tired of the Christcuck meme how are we cucks?
I am tired of the Christcuck meme how are we cucks?
It’s D&C shilling. Keep Yas Forums divided to pacify them
>We pray to a 2,000+ year old dead Jew on a stick how are we cucks?
you christcucks would invite the whole 3rd world as long as they are christians
>God destroys a city for practicing homosexuality
>bible says homosexuality is an abomination
>Jesus said homosexuals go to Hell
[redacted] [redacted]
You are german. So you are cucked by default, but being christian is a step in the right direction.
Why did you make this thread OP? now there’s going to be a huge debate. You’re helping the D&C.
Are you even Christian?
>he worships a rabbi on a stick
Of course I am Christian, are you?
>how are we cucks?
Lol this poster thinks woman with tattoos are things of value.
Jew inflation because they hate Christ and so they saw Christ is a Jew.
Original Jews are not the same as the ones today. Christ was against greedy, selfish Jews and what they become. Why those who are true God’s people followed Christ
No you’re not, I can tell.
Nice try, kike.
We are being genocides because we stopped being Christians.
Because literally you are supposed to love a middle eastern man more than your wife or family or race and then the winning prize is to live with him as a subservient being for all eternity
That middle eastern man is God
>We are being genocides because we stopped being Christians.
but christians are the ones doing the whole genocide/mass migration things
Because we are not Christians anymore if the people would stay Christians there would be no need to import them.
>e literally you are supposed to love a middle eastern man more than your wife or family or race and then the winning prize is to live with him as a subservient being for all eternity
and he also called you goyim and dogs, literally openely hated you, and gave a direct order to all his followers to NEVER help a gentile
>That middle eastern man is God
I dont assume you have any proof of that beyond a book written by 3 jews?
right so you openely admit that you christian traitors are importing christian niggers because non niggers are too smart to be christian
They hate us 'cause they ain't us
It says so in the bible.
It's in the bible that this would happen if we turn away from God.
Because christ and the second coming is you and you are obedient to a fictional creature and you are lower than a person who supposedly talks to this fictional creature
Being a cuck is bad.
You don’t want to be bad, do you?
Checkmate, christcuck
Christians are not cucks no matter how many times Christians were killed by the Romans they never lost faith.
OP is larping as a Christian.
Just trying to get people going. fake and gay thread.
What is your problem user?
>Worship a foreign god
>Follow foreign prophets
>Learn and obey foreign texts
>Name your sons and daughters after foreign religious figures
>Cut your sons dick off so he fits in with the other goy slaves
You're the definition of spiritual cuckholds. You gave up your own ways, culture and god to follow some effeminate gay rabbi who died like a bitch
Jesus is for everyone.