Why is POLAND such a shit hole?

Why is POLAND such a shit hole?

Their cope is funny though

Attached: IMG_20200422_005527.jpg (363x290, 44.24K)

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too many white people

That's Bucharest you dumb ukrop

It got (((SOVIETED))).

Miss me fagg0t, holy cope! Keep dreaming kiddo


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Yeah they got (((buildings))) and (((infrastructure))) and stopped being a based village with cows and horses

Stobit you golem looking fairy teeth monster

>Says the inferior Russian

You’re stupid country doesn’t even deserve to exist. Perhaps if it was about 1/10 the size.


Poland is based.

>Says the npc

Lol nah, their women work as prostitutes here, and they love bbc too


Polish prostitutes are a myth. There are more French or German prostitutes.

Attached: r5pkyjomo2h21.jpg (1939x1350, 225.75K)

that's literally pic from Chernobyl you fucking retard.

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Because it got partitioned.

Attached: FUkUE5bzkAZSUQtscsBsFx5imG6WU3gSfePkK5Gond6i72ceGx8h9WwRDAo5Hu2MTqPRJ2izyJUMDyuQZV5kUrbANBA3skUdthyApq6fx6bVgEi681jSSYZZ2Ta3YS1VEBTLtNkGoC99Jxn7r1irc4NkUW4F3o9u4oCz.png (3535x3103, 1.81M)

Looks like chernobyl

Don't bother going there to seek refuge when Putin sends the military to come rape you in the ass again or when another coup happens in your country. Fucking discount Russian.

>muh Butin
That cringe shit always comes from sharts

but that's a pic of ukraine

Praise the monolith, brothers!

Attached: 1ad1a3ba353d701df03ab9c315c3c0a0.jpg (300x300, 18.01K)

what did the mutt mean by this?

>Chernobyl pic
U so Le troll XDDDD

Glass houses much?

That’s all ghillied up, nigger.

Looks like Bratislava desu

So basically the closer to Ukraine/Russia’s sphere the more right-wing. Who wouldve guessed?

Nice bait son

More like the poorer

Just when I wanted to visit that stupid series comes out.

Kill yourself jew

There is nothing to see there anymore

The poslish are the niggers of europe
But i like the fact that they hate fags as much as we do

They installed the hell extension pack. Neat.

Attached: 1920px-GDP_PPP_Poland.svg.png (1920x868, 74.3K)

Like you too, even though you’re turkroach rapebabies, you’ve adopted Slavic culture

Ukraine is literally Somalian poverty tier.

Poland wasn't even part of the union. It was just a cuck satellite state

On my way to monolith outpost