Why is Canada so much better than America?
Why is Canada so much better than America?
Because they are judging it by how Open the borders are and how much gibmedats are provided to immigrants.
>no source
Can't fool US
you exist under our security umbrella. Enjoy your social welfare while our generosity continues.
The USA needs to annex Canada, you guys have a Jew infestation and Mossad is running around doing terrorist attacks.
this ^
Based leafs will rake the gay ones!
No mass shootings
Suckin & fuckin
Less niggers?
post the in-store prices, Homo
They dont have a California. Also preserved unique cultures for thier localities.
sheesh imagine how shitty the rest must be
Social values.
Stay strong
because when you fuck their wifes, you get a reacharound
kek that's illegal now
Too late for us. The Chinese virus took us years ago. Please nuke Vancouver.
>the criteria include subjugation to the whims of dick mutilators and mental patients and also amount of race-mixing
What year was this story posted in? Source.
We used to be better ranked, but we’ve been getting progressively worse over the last decade. These rankings lists are bullshit anyway, 9 times out of 10.
the metric system
my quality of life is 0
This is the typical line ...yes, other nations do well, but only because we have a stupid large military.
This is actually bulshit though, because the USA gets the rest of the world to pay for that military shit along with its wall street bailouts, through the reserve currency system. The second that Petrodollar situation ends.... poof it’s over.
our largest industry is real estate and our biggest export is now selling at negative prices
this country is a joke, annexation when?
I probably won't die from a bullet wound and when I do die it won't leave my family bankrupt or homeless. Also, no food lines.
If we are number one, then this world truly is hell
basically this
No niggers
Post the instore food prices.
(No sales or lost leaders).
Wtf, it isn't even comparable to Switzerland
Any price will seem high when compared to a food line.
Low population and low population density.
Oh, and the only thing whiter than the snow is the people.
>Why is Canada so much better than America?
Because that article is based on a bunch of people with an agenda giving you first prize for following their agenda.
These studies and articles are sponsored content for our housing market and immigration programs that feed our housing market.
Its not.