Why does the US have so many covid19 cases compared to other countries
Why does the US have so many covid19 cases compared to other countries
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america is a shithole
It's a psy-op.
because of the perception of other countries constantly doing what their government officials tell them to do without question.
america tested the most
Eh, about on par with Spain and Italy considering we have 5x the population
Trump lied people died
We test more than anybody else in the world.
have you seen all the freedom (death) worshipers going on parades defying the lockdown?
thats why
Well Italy, Spain, France, and UK all have about 1/5 the population of the USA.
Also, "cases" is a function of the amount of tests performed. Deaths and deaths-per-day are much better measures of the severity of the disease.
Because we have a lot of niggers and the facilities to test said niggers.
dumbass media drone
Because America has the best healthcare, they have the capacity to test more
Virus targets black people
It is transparent with its reporting. It is probably already rampant in India, Indonesia, etc, but the reporting and testing and detecting is dog shit
Who has tested more than the US?
I don't think anyone else has topped 2 million tests other than the US so far.
their girth. it's harder for them to social distance
this needs one more column: individuals tested
Higher testing efficiency, copious amounts of immigrating niggers (america has the highest rate of immigration in the world), large chink populations, large nigger populations that are more susceptible to the virus, retard israelite president.
There's your answer.
They include probable cases into the count for safety. It will either be revised down after it is all said and done or maintained constant once they reach a good % of the population (this is faaar from happening yet).
Note that "probable" is not someone who coughed thrice and called a doctor, but rather most cases of acute respiratory disease that fits most or all of the typical symptoms.
Because the symptoms for covid19 are not unlike those of other respiratory diseases, some errors might occur, but bear in mind that the number of respiratory disease cases is much higher than average which tends to be caused by covid19 (other diseases like the bacterial pneumonia had no reason to increase their yearly frequency for this year), which also justifies the counting of probable cases.
America is a third world shit hole filled to the brim with rich jews who pay for good weapons to carry out jewish interests.
Russia did and they have more tests per capita
USA is a mix of shit holes and rural areas, the average value makes little sense
>Why does the most populated western country have the most cases?
How cute, a self-loathing libtard with purple hair and gauges appears.
Russian coronavirus test.
Do you have coronavirus?
Clever Putin is clever.
Africa is the big mystery. They have ZERO health infrastructure, but you don’t hear a peep about any problems. It seems like this whole thing was overblown.
Because we are bigger than all your refugee shitholes combined. Law of averages
for one, 320 million people, 200 million or so being human.
For two, more testing than anyone else.
For three, privatized healthcare means greater access to testing when compared to public health systems.
1. Hospitals claiming so & so had coronavirus & died when they didn't to bankrupt the government.
2. Perhaps Coronavirus started in New York and not in China.
propaganda warfare between democrats and republicans
pro democrat hospitals are calling every death covid 19 for gibs and to make trump look bad by bumping the death rate.
To counteract they are inflating the infections to keep the death rate low so it cannot be used against trump.
so they are inflating the number
Look up the number of tests done by these countries.
Guess which country has done the most testing?
So the US tested per capita about half of Italy, cool
Hospitals were banned from performing elective surgeries.
The US Govt is paying for any virus case not covered by insurance to ease the burden on hospitals.
Every homeless person with pnemonia or bronchitis that dies now gets labeled as corona virus.
Gotta make that money somehow.
not the usa
Thousands of nibbas dying from unknow circunstances is just a casual friday there, user.
maybe becose they make numbers biggers to push their agenda of hate against china possibly bringing WW3
Artificially inflated numbers to foment an atmosphere of dread and mistrust. The Donald will capitalize upon the subterfuge by incorporating the progressives' bluffing into his 4D chess game. Expect a long and satisfying shit coil of totally based executive orders.
Still wondering if Germany was really that lucky, or if they pulled a China on their numbers
americans can't even afford aspirin let alone a covid test because of their shitty healthcare.