Why was the dissident right on the rise from 2012-2017, and then went into hard decline recently?

Why was the dissident right on the rise from 2012-2017, and then went into hard decline recently?

Was it Charlottesville?

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The counterattack, in the form of deplatforming, was effective.

We are the government now and have to face the realities of this.


black women are made for average BC or worse: smallish WC and very small AC

BBC is something that white women are made for

The state and most major institutions carried out a campaign of mass repression in all spheres against dissidents after Charlottesville

He isn’t wrong

You're not the government. A Jew called Jared Kushner is the government.

>no source link provided
>wild accusations unrelated to post pic
A. Fucking. Leaf.
Every. Fucking. Time.

That niggers dislike their own women is a fact. Most niggers see their own woman as sisters and have no sexual feelings for them.


Pick one, nigger averaged 11ppg in his best season.

Stop making this thread, it won’t make it come true.

Still fucks more white women than you ever will.

is it really racist when it's true
i'd breed a nigger women though.

It's getting bigger than ever, you just aren't looking in the right places

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Imagine being born a nigger
than you don't even like your own nigger women.
man i would honestly kill myself if i was a nigger.

Yea charlotesville and the NZ shooter seem to have caused huge amounts of censorship that the right never bothered to fight back against. i think except for a few european countries we are totally fucked in the short/medium term now

why are leftists choosing suicide at higher rates?

Steve Bannon, Dugin, Chabad Lubavich and other rednecks pulled the plug.

>Was it Charlottesville

Yes that combined with endless white male cowardice, grifting, greed, and terrible leadership all around. It didn’t help putting the Judeo-Trump family in office. Basically, this is standard operating procedure for the far right.

Seems to me like it was a combination of intensified shilling and lack of progress furthered dampened with the illusion of progress.
There was some enthusiasm, but nobody took that crucial first step and executed a jewish banker in public.
To make things worse, Trump sold you all out to Israel and Jared Kushner runs the show.

Yeah, cowardice combined with the illusion of progress in Trump.

I think you are blind to the successes around you. Do you not remember how intense and out of control lefty degeneracy was permeating society in 2015 2016? The major push back against that saw pretty good success. Just because trannies aren’t illegal doesn’t mean that type of shit didn’t get pushed way back from where it would’ve been without hard resistance

>kikes in georgia

oh hi vpn

Cope harder

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It's because we woke up all the people we fucking needed to and went back into hiding until we're needed again.

It happens every time in societies. Societies are cyclical in nature and have a 4 stage clockwise rotation through tragedy, war, peace, destabilization, rinse and repeat.

Not more than me, actually. I literally do porn.

Because it was a temporary alliance of convenience between shitposters, grifters, and more racist than average neocucks. Shitposters got bored, grifters cashed out or got deplatformed, and neocucks went back to routine cucking. There's no cohesion. What is the alt right even? It's nothing.

Aren't most of you scheming twitter leftists? Seems that way. Buzzfeed / vox / vice videos are right up your alley, amirite, "anons"?

Nice bait though.

Quincy Jones is right about black women. I have nothing against race mixing.

It was unironically Qtards.

When every problem or news story gets followed with "you'd know what's really happening if you followed Q" or "trust the plan" then you know shit is fucked.

>Trump cucks on everything he promised in 2016
Trust the plan! Keep voting republican and he'll deliver in his 2nd term!

The fact that a grifting spic is the face of the dissident right and is the biggest thing with just 5K watching him a night speaks all there is.

Even shitty ass breadtube streamers get triple his numbers of viewers.

The dissident right has been completely neutered since Trump won

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