New Ben Garrison up

New Ben Garrison up.

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>e celeb
fuck off

i dont get it

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Stop spreading doctored versions of his work. Show me the original cartoon


Where is the happy merchant?

Literally spam in image form
What the fuck happened to Ben?

What liberal defaced Ben Garrison’s art again?

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Who are the two on the left? Youtube fags?

Simply brilliant

Still feeling the need to label everything in your comics eh, Ben?

Darren Beattie is too based for this board

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wait, what?

if you needed anymore proof that BG gets inspired by Yas Forums memes...

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He just searched for "calculus book" on google LMAO

explain ski poles and butterfly

It needs more labels.

>all literal whos
I don't get it.


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The title is called cognitive peasant. The point is that it’s making fun of people who don’t understand the subtleties and intricacies of the humor.

Too be honest, one needs an extremely high IQ to understand the subtleties of Ben Garrison comics

>he fucked up the Euler identity

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No... I think it's a reference to Beattie's habit of calling people who don't understand his arguments or who try to argue against him in bad faith "cognitive peasants."

Post the original

This is quite esoteric

>Making fun of Literal Whos of the dead Alt-Kike movement
Wasted effort, wasted resources, wasted time.

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I don't know who any of these people are or what this is about.

needs labels

I never thought I'd say this, but I'm glad Ben labels everyone.


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What does the soap represent

even if this has a consistent point, it wasn't worth being made

t. IQ

looks like its for pseuds

Just noticed that. Lmao.

Nabokov liked butterflies, published science on them
H liked skiing
Kinda prosaic sorry for super secret letdown

What the fuck is he on about?

>ben garrison, the lean mean jew killing machine, an e-celeb
rake yourself faggot

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>meme flag
>mocking Saint Ben
I can already guess what kind of shit taste you have.

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