What the fuck is wrong with Americans...

What the fuck is wrong with Americans? Why don't they believe science and stay inside to stop the spread of the coronavirus?

Attached: USA.jpg (720x597, 47.78K)

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Because tranny reading time is science to faggots like you.

I Want boomers to die, why do you not?

Knock it off

because ur mom wont stop sucking my dick, leaf fag

Why can't canadians form a functioning economy?

because canada is fucking worthless

>Knock it off
dilate. Can't wait til you neck yourself

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>muh economy!!!
We're very happy with our free healthcare and other social services that you Americans don't have

they are virus, need moar hosts

We exist and there is nothing you can do to stop it

I found a pic of you.

Attached: gj34kpxlb0q31.jpg (640x852, 53.77K)

>We exist and there is nothing you can do to stop it
here is your (you), I know you aren't actually a tranny

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you can't be fucking serious? All trannies deserve jail, psych ward or death.

It's just the flu, bro.

Cause stupid people need to get burned to figure out fire burns. Smart people observe the stupid people getting burned and conclude that fire burns.

Because there are special interest groups funded by billionaires to agitate and push small groups of idiots into action.

Oh btw, here's your protest checklist bro.

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I thought they had to wear eye protection to. Has sunglasses hanging on surgical scrubs that will later be put on her face by hand. Thought we couldn't touch our faces. Thought they were so overwhelmed. Time to tik tok and time to protest. Oh and that's not a hospital mask. Been to quite a few as the wife is Prego and they are all just wearing the surgical masks with a face shield. Very clever antifa. It's not black masks but you still hiding your faces. Does George Soros pay hazard pay?

i wouldnt worry leaf, its not your country. worry abooot your own.


We unfortunately share a border with these retards

Americans are fucking stupid - and I say this as a stupid American. The protestors will start dying soon enough. I truly believe a lot of Americans CANNOT see past the right now. That’s why they don’t have savings, why they smoke and drink, eat bad food - it is freedom under the guise of acting like a perpetual teenager who won’t listen to your rules mom! These fucks will draw this shit out longer than it needs to be an whine when there is a second wave of lockdowns. I hate all of my fellow retards and I hope you go back to work and die for your murricabux.

(((science))) fuck off leaf


>anti-semetic memelord says retarded things
How typical


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>Why don't they believe science
Science isn't always accurate.

They are simply exercising their rights as US citizens, why does this scare you so much?

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It only kills niggers and fatties. Fat niggers mostly.

I have absolutely no idea who to trust with this virus but. Whether it's dangerous or not, we should open up the country and have every single American get back to work.
>The virus is dangerous and will kill millions of Americans because of this.
About time we hit peak Weimar so we can finally fix this shit.
>The virus isn't actually that bad and nothing major happens
Everything will be back to normal.

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>exercising their rights as US citizens
Yeah their god given right to be stupid. YEEEEEE-HAAAWWW!!!

Not to mention in a year when all the people have a re-emergence or neurological symptoms these assfuckers will be like “the government never told use there would be lasting effects this is a conspiracy! I need much disability!”

You know possibly tens of thousands of cancer patients are having their needed and serious condition and treatment put off for up to 6 months which will mean that that more people will die of cancer develop terminal cancer because people thought corona was going to be a bigger deal
Potentially millions are at risk in the third world with the US shut down they can't get the food and medical aid they need to live.
If the economy crashes, we will see increases in crime, suicide, and alcoholism.

Blood is on your hands, not mine