>“Daddy, how can we increase the fatality rate of Covid-19 by 150%?”
>“Watch this...”
>“Daddy, how can we increase the fatality rate of Covid-19 by 150%?”
>“Watch this...”
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Based leach remover
Stable genius.
no sources
Meta-studies on other countries as well as ones in NYC prove it's effective, AECOM.
>I don't know how medical trials work
That said, it's still probably not an effective treatment, but Trump's not a doctor
celebrating dead Americans because it they think it hurts Trump
>hcq killed people
>hcq was given to people more likely to die in the first place
Cured my covid in hours, I'm happy with it. Trump 2020
Why did it work in every other country?
Mmmm yes goy. *rubs hands*
I think the best part of this CoronaVirus shit is that the boomer mentality will finally die off in America. It's clear that interventionism, greater government oversight, and actually caring for your citizens will triumph in the end. Corona-Chan is a true blessing.
Fake news as leftists want more deaths than will happen naturally.
I call for leftist genocide now.
>taking hydroxychloroquine in improper doses can kill people
jeez who would have thought
yep, getting the ((Government)) to be more in control of americans' lives sure sounds swell
stunning and brave
sounds like a college brainwashed retard
it's antithetical to the very essence of America
As opposed to now when American hospitals use fucking trash bags to protect themselves?
this would probably happen with socialized healthcare too, the government is very inefficient in distributing its resources
Here’s your source you fucking faggot
>The study was posted on an online site for researchers and has not been reviewed by other scientists.
>Grants from the (((National Institutes of Health))) and the (((University of Virginia))) paid for the work.
>they gave them overdoses in the name of research.
Refused to add zinc or z-pack. Even a moron on twitter knows this is the combo.
they're wearing protection under the fucking bags
It is only inefficient because we allow it to be inefficient. I'm not asking for socialism or communism here, I'm asking for a complete restructuring of our bureaucracy. Germans remove the middle man wherever they can, the US adds one if it can. Not to mention we hire incompetent people and even elect incompetent people. The United States spends way more than any other developed nation on so many social programs but gets such shitty results because we actively staff more administrators that add to the bureaucracy and waste that people never truly get the help they need. By every metric, the US should not be this retarded but it is because we lack direction and planning.
The fact they have to use the fucking bags is the embarrassing part, how the fuck can you justify this?
Brainlet non-STEMs can’t fathom this
>panic ensues
>hospitals change gear very often in response to the panic
>demand for supplies goes way up
>SOME hospitals run out of supplies in response
>SOME hospitals
hey retard I know you don't care but just think for a second.
Eisenhower is a war criminal that should have been hanged
>slack-jawed incompetents at the VA found that it was too easy for their barely literate staff to kill people already on death's door when the lethal dose is only twice the anti-malarial one
SOME hospitals is more than it should be. Your standards for your own nation are extremely low.
Eisenhower did a lot of good for his country regardless. I don't think there's a single US president without blood on his hands.
>and has not been reviewed by other scientists
And we can read about it in the national news under the "science" category.
Imagine my shock.
SOME stores ran out of supplies
stop being a retard
Wow, my entitlement-radar went through the roof with this post.
$5 says you’re a non-combat “vet” who maxed out disability payments with some bullshit ailments.
Nice """study""" you got there. With that logic, testing for coronavirus increases your likelihood of getting infected.
because you probably won't get it
let me clarify
it's a pandemic
this was international
places all over the world ran out of supplies
keep hating though
sounds fake
I'm not a vet, but I can see just how government-run healthcare would play out by looking over there, and it isn't pretty.
>3 posts by this shill-d with an unfalsifiable claim
The last story I heard about this said it wasn't peer reviewed.