So when is it going to become common knowledge that the holocaust and all associated history is made up? Will it ever happen?
So when is it going to become common knowledge that the holocaust and all associated history is made up...
It's already common knowledge to anyone who matters... It won't be common knowledge to the hapless, drooling, knuckle-dragging general-public until the jews are removed from power.
What is a holocaust? Some book or something?
>anne frank is a known and publicly exposed hoax
I think a lot of children today know the holohoax is fake. most known it's exaggerated. People like me know it's totally fake. It's only a matter of time until the boomers die.
I don't think it was faked but I do think people will stop giving a shit. 70 years, that's about 3 generations already. You can't keep beating down and guilt-tripping whole nations of people for those events for much longer than that.
It may not fully crystallize with the zoomers but their next of kin will definitely be on that.
Shut the fuck up, Shlomo.
Italy as a country can't burn as much dead corona bodies as the 10 ovens of Treblinka could burn kikes. Italy can't burn 500 a day yet Nazis could burn upwards of 4100 a day.
I don’t think it was fake .. Hitler talked multiple times about getting rid of the Jews in Europe, I think it’s pretty much a fact that they were rounded up and deported in cattle cars , on journeys as long as 11 days with no food , water, or toilets (many died before they even got to the ghettoes in Poland) and the ghettoes were sealed off and there were like a dozen people stuffed in a room, and then the ghettoes were eventually liquidated and everyone was shipped to Auschwitz and other camps. If that’s not genocide, I don’t know what is
>jews were forced to work
>oy vey if dats not genocide what is?!??
After the Warsaw ghetto uprising the SS pretty much just bulldozed the ghettoes and killed everyone in it
holocaust denial is bullshit. if it was just “work camps” why were they reporting millions and millions of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in 1944 when the war was clearly already over. Where did they all go?
Hitler said multiple times that the war will end with the destruction of the jewish race in Europe
Because you believe official narratives you little retard. Muh millions of JOOOOOOOZ being shipped! Fucking bullshit. Also a war on multiple fronts needs a lot of labor. So yeah there were labor camps. Holohoax denial isn't stupid, it is illegal, and the truth fears no investigation, therefore making illegal investigating it is a huge red flag that it is a LIE.
Idk but its quite coincidental how the hungarian jew population in israel grew during the same time...
No he didn't. That is what kikes say he said. Like you.
Holocaust denial is utter bullshit. Why would they literally deport millions of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in 1944 when the war was clearly already over if it was just forced labor camps?
Lol, imagine being this retarded / delusional
Trump said multiple times that he would build a wall. What's your point?
It will happen sometime after Muslims take over Europe and the US.
Explain to me why the Auschwitz "death camp" had a hospital inside it for the prisoners
So what you’re saying is that the liquidation of the Warsaw and Krakow ghettoes didn’t happen? That’s delusional
You might as well just say the battle of stalingrad or D-day didn’t happen either , actually fuck it , world war 2 didn’t happen and the earth is flat
Considering the entire Nazi ideology is based on a racially pure state without Jews it’s kinda stupid to deny the holocaust
literally for human experimentation dipshit
They are Israel’s population now.
not necessarily because even if the holocaust is true there were previous efforts to deport jews. holocaust deniers only deny the second part where they carried out mass organized executions.
earth is indeed flat and the holocaust never happened.
That's not what Elie Wiesel said in his book. He says that they had a day surgery there. He says that he did something to his foot and was operated on and that the Germans then gave him two weeks off work to recover.
>hall of cost thread
>recycled mutt flagged french schlomo already in 10 posts
Like pottery, keep it up schlomo, make a fool out of yourself and redpill newfags with your retardedness