What would the Founders do, given our situation?

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>Ilhan Omar
Bros where are the cute young republicans?

Tar and feather every one of these cunts.


Barron is in the white house

Do a violence.

Attached: Colonially Smug.png (142x178, 77.2K)

Dig graves

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Suck jewish dicks in the freemason lodge.

First they'd rape that dumb wench to death for being an entitled cunt who thinks a 30 year old bar wench has any place in government or politics.

"Deport" the 31 year old socialist female foreigner.

America is and always has been a jew experiment

>ywn make white babies with a qt Latina like AOC
Why even live?

if the lower races became uppity, they got the whip or even the bullet.

The bailout never would have happened, obviously. They probably would have kept American trade chugging right along, and set up a naval blockade to stop chink good from entering the country if it got bad.

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>gas the kikes race war now
is probably something they would say.

boring cliche response. no braincells required

honest question: Did they ever write or say something about Jewry or the Jewish question?

The Jewish Naturalization Act in the 1750s was very controversial in England, but was it discussed in the Colonies and the young US?

Look at this picture. Why is she posing like that? Imagine being this narcissistic. She probably got into politics because of all the “killer selfie potential”.

Vote for me and I will pardon anyone who feels the need to kill politicians, judges and journalists.

Attached: georgewashington.png (484x585, 208.22K)

Probably get thrown in jail and forced onto meds.

I dunno, it's not like the United States ever had epidemics before like measles, yellow fever, cholera, typhus, sleeping sickness, Spanish Influenza, polio, Asian Flu or HIV/AIDS

militia death squads

Make the amish and mormons real americans. Everyone else dies.

>Tar and feather every one of these cunts.
Public humiliation is a strong tool.

they would secede from the USA, and make their own, better country.

She so edgy.
>She probably got into politics because of all the “killer selfie potential”.
I think it was more the 100,000 pension after only one term that got her to run.

They would throw all those stupid beaners back to this shithole, either that or genocide, which is the better option

Based and theochadpilled

they wouldnt've invaded puerto rico and by that
brought loads of ricans like aoc to america

Tea would've been thrown overboard the day before yesterday and the horses rallying Americans against the British sent out yesterday


>2020 in this parallel reality:
>the East Coast looks like San Salvador
>the West Coast and central North America is like the USA in the 1950s with 2100 technology and with a Eastern border that makes the Korean DMZ look like a revolving door
>The East Coasters are constantly seething that the USWA (United States of West America) must take them in and they are only poor because of their racist policies

Sandy's glasses are purely cosmetic

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