hisapnic men are getting pissed at latinas choosing white men over muh culture
Hisapnic men are getting pissed at latinas choosing white men over muh culture
Perfect opportunity to point this out:
Did that tweet fill you with pride and make you laugh at how pathetic and salty he is? That's exactly what you do for black guys every time you whine about coal burners. Stop stroking their egos; you're contributing to the problem.
that dude looks asian
they aren't sending their best
Aren't we doing the exact same thing with coalburners?
Well beaners migrated to America from Asia, so maybe his ancestors were just ugly enough, that no Iberian wanted to mount one.
Damn hector btfo
Naw, we laugh at coal burners because they pay the toll. White guys don't have a tendency to abuse girls unlike black guys on white girls (or black guys on anything really)
Hispanics are mixed with American Indian blood which are pretty much Mongolian
>ITT: We discover women are just retarded and cause most problems
Because we want our best to stay here, silly gringo
Filipinos have spanish names and surnames.
Maybe he has filipino ancestry and he is larping as latino because is cooler.
Holy fuck the cope.
Just accept that you can't satisfy girls with your small """dick""".
His seething makes no sense. "Latina" by definition is mixed with Spaniard. I know some of you have a habit of calling Meds-nonwhites but I'm pretty sure relative to an new-world Indian they count as that.
Latino = Spaniards, Italians, ...
Latin American = Mexico, Guatemala, PerĂº
Hispanos = Latin America and Spain (except
Why would they want a little low-IQ brown man that weighs 110lbs, when they could have an hyper-intelligent Aryan Chad that weighs 190lbs and under 10% bodyfat?
Why cant people just accept the Aryans are the greatest? We can even all get along as long as you dont push us too far.
Aryans have the biggest dicks on average.
Nice job spewing jewish propaganda though faggot.
This ontology of goblinry is beyond my ken.
I may yell and spank my wife but I dont take her into the woods and fucking behead her Pablo. Go back.
>Aryana's have the biggest dicks on average.
Lmao and kek, my country has the 6 biggest dick on average
FPBP. Hilarious watching retards complain about niggers taking white women and how its wrong yet they do the same shit with gook women.
BMWF cope.
"Latina" is an invented category of Americans
>t married a Mexican
Can I exchange my Iranian ancestry for an Lebanese one ? I got cucked considering the dick size.
What does 'latina' mean in America?
>"Latina" is an invented category of Americans
Your wife knows nothing.
She is not latina she is latin american, but latin americane use the term latino (spaniards,italian,french...) because is shorter.
There there user, i am sure things will get better soon.
Beaner here. Nobody gives a fuck who you date although some families want their own to mix with whites so their babies come out lighter. Oh and most of us hate blacks, only the super Americanized mexicans that adore rap culture date blacks.
> those ugly hags
All six have low iq. Kikes marry our machiavellians, negroes our low iqs.
Curse you and your forefathers for creating an entire new subspecies of rapebabies that now occupy almost three full continents. All you had to do was keep your dick in your pants, grab gold, and kill. But no, that was too hard.
>Did that tweet fill you with pride and make you laugh at how pathetic and salty he is?
no because I am not a faggot who lives vicariously through other people
Seethe spic
This Christmas tree has a lot of balls.