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Despite being 50% of virus deaths
>When one disease takes out another
Can corona be anymore based?
It’s almost like it’s because of their own fucking behavior and choices.
Gangs, AIDS, rape, violent crime, being poor, and now Corona.
Just take responsibility and you won’t suffer so much.
We Whites were kicked out of every black country we tried to civilise. There's no going back.
I only know a few black people, and every one of them doesn't give a shit about washing their hands, social distancing, etc. Even if they have young and old people in the same apartment or house.
The virus does not care about your social justice or beliefs. It doesn't care who is more privileged or who is more oppressed. It depends on an individual's ability to respond to a crisis and take the proper measures to prevent illness. Something that human beings have had to do for thousands of years. Corona is making it obvious which groups of people are being held up by a very forgiving and easy society and which ones could survive hardship properly.
Why are white people so callous?
Why can’t non-whites take responsibility for their own lives? You ask for more and more and never give. You just tell others what they are doing is wrong.
To be fair 90% of the time it's white liberals taking it upon themselves to speak on behalf of non-whites, because "uplifting" them fulfills a para-religious emotional need
If you asked them why instead of murdering them you might find out
If your name is longer than 8 letters and is half vowels you are a nigger.
Stop being so fat.
No, you were the faggot that was like "wite people bad"
yet another troll
“ screeching monkey noises”
They’re finally admitting niggers are a plague
coronavirus disproportionately kills nigs...........why contain it
This is what you get for posting BBC memes and making white people slightly uncomfortable.
Here, I went and did it the right way
I'm sick and tired of the idiotic media trying to equate this to some previous pandemic/epidemic. Fucking massive logical fallacy. This isn't the fucking Spanish flu and this isn't the fucking plague. We don't even live in the same ERA where living conditions made those suck the way they did.
False equivalency, dumb motherfuckers.
They started out believing the rumour that it doesn't affect black people (because the crumbling infrastructure of Africa has halted its spread), and now they're dropping like flies. I'm loving it.
Weirdly, some blacks have a belief that whites don't wash their hands regularly and have poor hygiene.
Nah it’s what they get for their behavior. If you choose to ignore science you get sick. See this is what non-whites dont get, you’re suffering isn’t because of someone else. Sorry that you believe the kikes when they tell you lies.
You think Hawaiians are niggers?
that’s not referring to the same slant eyed engineers we have here in California m
They can't even say "white" or "european"
Stop touching each other you retards
Africa has different weather, younger average age and lower obesity rates
Check'd and keked