Why are White supremacists always lower class and form uneducated background? Why aren’t there any White supremacist scholars, intellectuals, athletes, scientists, models, etc? Anyone who hasn’t been dead for ages?
Why are White supremacists always lower class and form uneducated background...
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the majority of white people before ww2 were essentially white nationalists. in fact most of the geniuses in history were white and racist so.....
How can a separatist be a supremacist, silly ?
>t. Yusemuel Ben Eisenbach, IDF Centre for Goyim Studies, Shoahberg, Tel Aviv, Israel
Let's be honest now. You really think that people in high society would brand themselves with this stuff? No, they would sing the nigger praises in public, but in private they are just niggers to them. Believe me or don't, but take a look for example at rich people who make their money in africa, you see them marrying their daughters to niggers?
No. This woke bullshit is what it's always been. A facade.
Alot of white nationalists aren't uneducated poor people, but its the uneducated who are dumb enough to advertise in blatant fashion that does little to no red pilling, that they're are white nationalists.
Also why is it supremacist to think it's ok to have a certain skin color. You telling me it's not ok to be white?
Why do jews pay for bots to post this shit everyday?
Pic related Kai Murros
>white supremacist
>white separatist
pick one faggot
He's got a point niggers
The smart ones know to wear a good goy face in public. you probably know a few, kike.
You mean they are the only one vocal about it.
Fuck off shill
The poor ones are usually the only ones who can be open about it without starving to death.
>only the retarded ones are vocal about it
>posting on the most vocal nat soc online forum ever created
absolutely fucking seething
White supremacist is a low IQ ideology. Most middle and upper middle class people know that a society organised on principles of white supremacy would inevitably turn on itself even if it was 100% white. The rich hate everyone who is of lower social standing. Whitr supremacist thinks people like Trump or Obama would side with a white redneck or a hoodrat black over a fellow millionaire/billionaire
Go back!
>Yas Forums buzzwords
>go back to redd*t
the irony lmao
>scholars, intellectuals, athletes, scientists, models
because there are NO white scholars, intellectuals, athletes, scientists, models, they are all people of color.. whites never did anything, any inventions, anything, they stole it from people of color
Literally every major White or European philosopher, architect, artist, poet, writer, general, inventor, king, mathematician, scientist, or composer in recorded history (20th century and beyond) had white supremacist views by default according to all current standards and definitions.
I’m sure there’s plenty now in all significant positions in our society, they just know how to hide it well (like most).
>> It's OK to be an Amerilard.
studies have shows that the more money and accomplishments one has the more racist one tends to be. often they are not even aware of it. also the more educated and sophisticated you are the less likely you are to make crude public statements like some low class idiot.
There are plenty they just know that success is balanced on image and being racist can deter people from associating with you. THEY HIDE IT, MORON.
I just know how to hide my power level.
Its an anonymous forum you dense retard
Why did questioning immigration cause Yas Forums to become these low class clowns.
So saying its ok to be white is white supremacy is it? you seem like one of those extra smooth brained retards.
doesn't matter. it influences thousands of actual vocal people on social media and real life. you are being indirectly vocal by posting here.