We Germans knew this. We have used remdesivir on sick patients, which had had a tremendously positive effect.
New study shows chloroquine has 0 benefits for corona patients
still a bioweapon to make jewish vaccine profits.
As everybody knows these studies are quite limited. A meta analysis will have to be done. In the mean time, many people are opting for Chloroquine + zpak. All the AECOM shilling in the world won't stop it.
>400 people who were on deaths door didnt magically recover like taking a senzu bean, therefore it provides 0 benefits and blumpf should be impeached
Why are jews so despicable?
You never mentioned this 1 time you filthy kike before (((articles))) started coming out. And chloroquine and zinc works according to doctors treating patients.
Daily reminder that chloroquine is very toxic and do be used effectively it should be administered at very early stages of the infection (and for moderate times)
IF used on hospitalized patients it looses most benefits in clean health record patients and is actually detrimental in patients with comorbidities
They engineered this false hype around hydrocholorquine or whatever the fuck its called, because after this "failure" in this test, when the "vaccine" comes out everyone will take it. That'll be the silent killer..
It's an econo-bioweapon, niggas youtu.be
They really need to add zinc. HCQ makes it easier for zinc to get into the cells where it prevents the virus from replicating. Without the zinc, patients don't get the full benefit of the HCQ.
normal people who have the capacity to read and understand medical papers knew this months ago. remdesivir, faripiravir and some HIV meds have potential. but I still dislike germans
They did not administer zinc in this study. That was either incompetence or intentional to screw Trump (yes, leftists really are that evil and spiteful).
Fuck you kike even your mother knows you're lying
This chloroquine fad has got me to the point where i dont havecorona but rather a long standing infection of malaria and parasites.
I feel like i need to go through a hcq/az/zinc/and ivermectin cycle to get rid of all the horrible molds, viruses and parasites.
on top of that it causes arrhythmia (this was reported on), and so does azythromycin. Combine these two, and you got a deadly cocktail for sudden death (I havent seen any reports on this, even though all it would take is to read the leaflets the drugs come with. such combinations should be avoided)
I thought there wasn't a mass production of Remdesivir available. What are you hiding kraut?
Gilead even restricted its use in USA to have enough for the studies ongoing.
(non peer reviewed)
This same studys been getting shilled here for 2 days now without using the zinc needed to let it enter cells to block virus reproduction.
Its literally designed to fail and be a hit piece on POTUS.
>No controls
>Non peer reviewed
Into the trash this goes. Science has a method it must be challenged and reviewed so its conclusion may be confirmed. This headline is a hypothesis and nothing more.
No Link Into the Sink
No-one ever asked for "jews did it for money" spin on things
This blatant fabrication has already been roundly defeated in an earlier thread. No ones interested anymore.
>VA study
Opinion discarded.
>causes arrhythmia
Fuck outta here, my mother regularly takes Zpacks as a stroke patient prone to arrhythmia.
>They engineered this false hype around hydrocholorquine or whatever the fuck its called, because after this "failure" in this test, when the "vaccine" comes out everyone will take it. That'll be the silent killer..
In France they even went so far as to send all th (((official media outlets))) against the guy why suggested hydrocholorquine in order to come off as suspicious
so now that every one rooted for hydrocholorquine as a reaction of their creepy cabal, they'll anounce that it doesn't work and that only Bill Gates' vaccine works and will be mandatory to break quarantine
The fact you promoted this patent drug only exposes you as a big pharma shill.
Quickly reminder that these are kikes, they are everywhere and they coordinate, they know what gives profit to their Kings
If you have someone in your family affected by corona make sure they are treated with chloroquine,
Thank you RAOULT.
Just remember that academics are too fucking retarded to read the work cited for the hypothesis they're testing. In this case, a litany of SARS-1 research on the in vitro efficacy of a 3 part protocol. Or they are politically motivated.
Either way, you should be spitting on these people and their institution when they ask for respect in the future.
why do Germans always post fake news?
kill yourself you retard
Remdesivir is no longer an orphan drug, anyone can make it
It's the flu, bros. Fluids and rest.