Maybe we are irrelevant but at least we are unique

Maybe we are irrelevant but at least we are unique

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nothin personnel kid

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Fuck Yas Forums-tards and fuck Varg.

now sell me some codfish

God I miss being near nature. I need out of here.

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Are you the guy that keep posting cringy Norwegian threads all the time?
You're shaming us

>Maybe we are irrelevant
At least you're honest.

Posting redneck and pro-jewish bullshit is what is shaming you.

I don't want to be unique. I want to be like Jesus.


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We don't take too kindly to your kind round ere, monkey boy

>25% swedish

hey I'm essentially a norwegian right?

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Jævle rånere

but seriously how can you be norwegian and not super proud of your country.

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Did he actually do it though?

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This is about the thread i made isn’t it?
Imagine being so insecure you make all these threads in one night because of some D&C bait post i made because i was bored
Guess n*Rdoids truly are pathetic

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Just another africanized shithole on 15 years.

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Literally built for BBC

Question for Norwegian bros

What do you think about the Senterpartiet? is it a nationalist alternative? I literally don't know anything about it aside from it being associated with Vidkun Quisling in the 30s

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>burying people atop a slope
Not going to make it, bros.

I literally don't know what thread you made? AND I DONT WANT TO KNOW


For starters

He would be a national embarrassment if he wasn't a literal who

>t. underagefag
Kys autist

FRP, Alliansen, SHP or bust

Moroccoan detected

generally it's better for a country to be irrelevant. It means you get left alone. e.g. Belarus may be poor, but by all accounts it is pretty comfy.

Eyuup. All the fucking shitskins probably know of "the promised land" and want to go there

People born in Norway (and also Switzerland) are the most luckiest people in earth in my opinion, you guys literally won the "nationality lottery".
I'm very jelly to be honest, the landscape alone from these two countries are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, must be very comfy and safe to live there.

Switzerland seems pretty based, but how pozzed is it really?