Europe population - 741 million - 3300 daily deaths

Europe population - 741 million - 3300 daily deaths
US population - 320 million - 2500 daily deaths
How did the US fuck up so badly?

Attached: prej.jpg (1080x1000, 219.07K)

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Nobody cares

Add the EU cases together and it would make America's numbers look like a fucking joke. Dumb fuck nigger.

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Rare Toothpaste flag.

>american education

remember the daily threads shitting on Italy, made by mutts? Now? Dead silence

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Check per capita dumbass. The US has more people, of course it will have more cases.

And note, Europe has almost twice the population of US

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Europe has more than twice as many people as US

yet western europe has significantly more cases per capita, you shouldnt be taking pride that your slav states are so unthreatening that China didn't make them targets for their bioweapon. You didn't even have to enact lockdowns to prevent infections, no one wants to come to eastern europe anyway.

>he wants to look at the most affected areas

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i hate when slavic subhumans act like they are part of the world. The fuckers joined the cuck EU yesterday and no they thing they kind of matter in this world. check your history, your country was shit, always was shit, and will always be shit. that's why your people don't want to live in your shithole. The only ones that remain is because they are either too young, old or are too low IQ to have figured a way out.

ps : even black folks dont want to go to your shithole

True, we are half sand niggers and even we don't like the slavshits, especially the mudslime ones. Protestant slavs are not as bad as the mudslime versions.

>mfw all this salt deposit harvested

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i remember.

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shit tier food
shit tier health
shit tier healthcare
prepare to be Deagel'd

2/3 of USA cases come from NYC, New Jersey, and Massachusetts. All super high density areas. it spreads like crazy in high densities

>like Zingapoor

>How did the US fuck up so badly?
one word: trump

all italian areas*

meds are not white and catch it easier.

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Amerisharts are on suicidewatch !

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never forget

not so sure about that. white deaths in LA county are quite a high percentage, but I'm not sure what they are counting as high

swarthy med lungs are more susceptible to it.

t. part italian and my lungs feel heavy

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Lmaoo is that real? How do they get the cat to do that??

China has numerous dense 10 million + cities, too, and less than 90 thousand cases. The Americans' response has been a disaster. Simple as that.

Or just look at Germany

>The Americans' response
I'm sure its not select places with a common defining factor


We remember.
And we don't forget.
Our grudges will be settled.
Let Vendetta commence.

Over here we call those Americans

Gee I wonder why

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It's a mystery

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No fuckin’ clue

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ur just gonna ignore the past 2 months when triple that were dying in the EU daily

I just don't understand

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it's a little kid dressed in a suit, moron.

They're counting pneumonia deaths as corona because it's all about the money?

Imagine having the time to prepare and you still blew it. It's Americas turn now.
