America had been colonized by black BVLLS. Your daughters love us, they choose us because you are weak, we are strong...

America had been colonized by black BVLLS. Your daughters love us, they choose us because you are weak, we are strong. You watch tv and play games while we arab and somali enjoy your daughters and your daughters enjoy us.

I send my regards to every black brother in United States, Mash’allah. And to you wh*tes I say, Ouqbalak.

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Kill yourself degenerate.

I admit. this is one of the hottest videos of all time.

A disgusting blk slob of a man fugging a hot petite qt white girl and she is in bliss.

its like what kind of messed up world are we living in.

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I hear ya, black brother, and I vow to you that you have great allies in the US.

Just like in the good old days.
Imagine being a haughty jew in the USA, living the good life, owning a factory, murder raping a young white girl, and you try to blame it on a black worker by manipulating another black worker.

And an all white (aka Germanic/Celtic) judge, jury and persecution actually believe the blacks over a precious jew brotherhood starlet (Leo Frank was a member of Bnai Brith) and his elite team of jewish defense attorneys.


This has blasted and roasted their anuses in such a capacity that they created the ADL of Bnai Brith, and, since it happened in 1915, been on a crusade against white and black racial cooperation.

Any black an white racial tension of the modern time is rooted in this event.

They have not forgotten, and neither should you.

Revel in it, though.
Revel in a precious jews neck snapped, hanging from a rope, all his influence worthless.
The blacks he wanted to fall succeeded him, he died, a fucking member of the yehudim was rightfully exterminated by Germanic hands in 1915.

One of the few cases of true justice in the US.
Praise this occurence daily and arm yourself with this jew slaying sword.
It cuts deep into their shriveled black hearts.

Look at his piss saturated pants, OP.
Man, aren't you glad we strung up that motherfucker for great justice?

Of course the jews then took over 80 years with multiple appeals to finally clear him legally.
But, he still paid for the crime he committed, the rest is just indignant jews seething, being unable to cope that no matter how many wedges they try to drive between us, Leo Frank of Bnai Brith, will never come back to life.

How do you feel about that, OP? Who is totally a black man, superior to all jews and not a slimy, subversive, perverted, twisted, wretched, inferior, scheming, conniving, disgusting jew.

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I'm a white nationalist but that was pretty hot.

you forgot your meme flag

I love white girls so much.
t. arab

>ur mom gay

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Lol i still get pussy from white and black girls.. bro nerds arent getting laid either way, doesnt matter if u nigs are here or not. racism is a shame but for better or worse, you are and will forever be below the white man in the minds of the masses. namaste

You forget your memeflag

>imagining that women have value.
Wow hows that sub-saharan IQ going for you there?


No, you’re from reddit. kys

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She's only wearing one shoe and is getting hiv. Nice.

While my side bitches are black. Black women crave white cock and the status that goes with it.


Gib sauce

Porn should be illegal. Is prostitution illegal? Yes. Porn earns money from sex. Porn earns money from sex. Porn earns money from sex. It is documented prostitution and it only exists because kikes are making money. Ban porn


Even nigger women don’t want nigger men. Nigger men are at the bottom of the barrel. Even a 10/10 black man is only equal to about a 4/10 white man.

based af

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symbolic of the state of the US

Youre a filthy chink. Nice nationalism you're supporting, subhuman.

Have to 3rd this.

Watching that perfect little white woman be defiled by some ghetto black man is one of the hottest things I've ever seen, her body is so perfect and watching her facial features tell us a story of her absolute bliss is just incredible. It boggles my mind every time I see these perfect white women being savagely fucked by Black Men. Something about it is so primal and right...

Wow it’s a nigger cope thread. Saged.

sux for u I just came to white on white porn

That's true about black chicks but not dudes


imma bite the bullet here but stay with me alright
you do realize that most girls who prefer the BBC meme only do so because of years of systematic weakening through both physical changes and constant psyops that made white people extremely docile/weak right?
it also explains the unfathomable rise in cucks lately.

this meme only exists because, by elimination, you're still somewhat better than chinks.

Don't you have someone to be murdering over a pair of shoes?

Are you guys honestly telling me that you don't find the idea of a big black brute defiling a beautiful white woman even slightly arousing?

I guess you're just gay.

It's not. It's equal to 2/10. Problem is fucked up (semi) good-looking cunts participating in zoophilia.


Ayy, my desert arab Jew nigger friend. Hi!

Ayy, another jew trying to subvert cultures!

It's not rocket science. A giant cock is gonna satisfy a woman better then a small one.

Our biggest mistake was breeding blacks over the decades to become genetic beasts, then letting them free.

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Don't use 'our'; Jews are not white.

s a g e d

These are your sons and daughters. How can you even hold your head high? You can't. Our sons fight in wars, they pray.

Just recently we pushed Americans out of Afganistan. How did we manage it? Because you have weak souls and bodies, your offspring gives in to sin and our control. But do not worry. When we claim your land and integrate white women into our people they will see the light again. They will be born anew and follow the righteous path of god

Your daughters are our whores but if you're lucky their daughters will be our wifes

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poor bait.. 0/10
Sage Mode Activated.
Honestly i could give a crap, Niggers, Crackers, Spics, Chinks, Dot heads, Towel heads, Kykes, Fags, Degenerates and Sexual deviants are all equally fucked. My last great act will be to pull this Comet and it's debris field towards earth so it can annihilate you fucking breeders. End human kind before you turn into the monsters you will eventually become. Before death all men are equal. Before the reaper all of you are but bugs.. I would happily die knowing i took the whole of the world with me. None of you deserve shit.

What it shows is that white men need to become more animalistic with their treatment of women.

We are all cowed... we need to become like animals.

>lasting 20 seconds

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israel isn't going anywhere. your war is beyond over. Hail Satan. KAG 2020

she looks scared

Fucking disgusting. How mentally ill do you have to be to like this shit, let alone spread and encourage it. Kys you waste of flesh.

i will never understand why americans/europeans get so insecure on black men fucking white women, im a spic castizo or shitskin whatever and i know white women still would fuck me because im not fat not deformed and decently /fit most women would fuck you if you had better attitude just make them laugh and have her have fun and she will open your legs for you, stop getting so salty and making these kind of threads everyday

anglo men need to be more confident you are all so insecure

they have to be paid to fuck niggers tho. in fact porn jews have to pay whores extra to fuck a nigger

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No it's because of the dicks

T.coomed in his pants

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There is no mistake in breeding strong cattle. Our only mistake was letting our clearly mentally undeveloped female part of the species roam freely.

yeah i'm gonna need a sauce on this

The best part about that is white sons are becoming girls too lmfao

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When your big 20seconds is all you need. 20 seconds of BBC is equal to 30minutes of below average white dick

Good luck with those rape charges. What you think you are in the 60s? Now you do nigger things to a white woman as a white guy you go to jail. Only niggers can do that. And reporting them to the police is racist, yo.

DOn't forget to sage and report

I just came here to say this

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me on the right

Can confirm. I'm an 8/10 white girl and I take the BBC exclusively. Why give white boys the time of day? They're passive, beta, and engrossed in childish interests like capeshit and games. Black men are dominant, alpha, and Yas Forums athletes.

Black men even smell better than white boys. I know you're gonna say "eww, niggers stink", but that's just an urban myth and a bunch of cope. White boys smell like a mix of dried cum and rancid cheese with Axe body spray on top; black men smell cocoa butter and pure testosterone.

What interest would I have in any of the pasty, sickly-looking two-pump chumps here? You incels should just stick to your body pillows and fleshlights, white women were built for BBC.

ive seen this, kikes just want us to belive the pay op

Conservatives are so race obsessed that they find interracial cuckold porn enticing. They try so hard to handwave it as "shills" (and even make screencaps in Ms paint because even they don't believe it) because deep down they can't stop obsessing over racialism. Just fucking marry a white girl if that's your perogative, obsessing over niggers like this is pathetic.

White women belong to BBC

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who's got that screencap of the rabbi posting interracial porn from a temple?


Because it's fucking gross, but i guess a retarded cuck like you wouldn't understand. Go suck a fat one

Uhh /blackbros/??? I'm starting to believe the BWC "myth" is true? All our women flock to BWC and fantasize about getting ravaged by them?? It's fucking OVER for us /blackbros/!!!

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Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

disgraceful. innocent little white girls being turned into black man's little slut. fucking awful.

Fuckin same

That's all there is boy, go coom like the coomer you are.

You probably voted Trump like an idiot too.

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Thats a guy??