Why does this make meds seethe?

Are they afraid of nordicism?

Attached: nordic.jpg (1060x788, 489.81K)

Jealous gomps, thats it.

Cause we made it, spiritually

Fuck off slide-shill kike.

Daily reminder all med / nord bait is posted by kikes.

Literally BUILT for GGC

Attached: 1585588165180.png (1920x1080, 354.1K)

And why you seethe when i tell you than "NORTHERN italians/lombards" are nordics too?

Attached: 2018Jan17-sedi-partiti-politici-leganord-0171.jpg (875x750, 329.45K)

Imagine the smell, my god..

lombards are a germanic tribe - not meds

Are you afraid of the NORTHERNS italians nordicist gang?

Attached: 2016-04-04-22.05.39-650x421.jpg (650x421, 60.61K)

well, I'd fuck ALL of them

the smell of food? what, you guys starve there in israel? or is anything but hummus really that strange to you?

Your nose is showing

Soo lombards "NORTHERNS itaians" pic related can be included in the nordicist aliance?

how many millions of this "lombards/northerns italians peoples" can nordic nations receive?

Attached: Italian people North Italians Italy jyftcvuyhbkjned.jpg (925x618, 164.3K)

We eat Shawarma.

Attached: IMG_3551.jpg (1024x683, 144.49K)

Nordics should rule the world. Spread their genes through Europe and encrease their numbers

Attached: Croatian_girls_in_folklore_costume_in_Hungary-758x610.jpg (758x610, 104.52K)

Israel smells pretty bad, nobody talks about it.
Pallywood even worse, nobody talks about it.

They are just projecting.

Croatians consider themselves nordics?

This northern italian/lombard guy can be the new ODIN?

Attached: tie-nima250417-62.jpg (640x466, 54.79K)

We are descendent from slavicized Goths but most of the Croatians don't realize that yet but some do

This lombard/padanian guy, possible is the father of all thats ladies.

Attached: pontida-italy-15th-sep-2019-a-man-wears-viking-horns-while-making-a-gesture-during-the-eventannual-meeting-of-the-populist-italian-party-the-league-in-the-aftermath-of-the-italian-government-crisis-and-the-loss-of-the-role-of-the-leagues-le.jpg (1300x955, 206.35K)

Sheete about what? certainly these girls are not uk monsters

I don't see an issue with it
they seem to be eating and drinking merrily
Whats the matter is your family spread apart or something like that and you felt the need to shitpost on Yas Forums to cope about it?
Fuck man my family is either separated by various state lines or the Atlantic ocean and you don't see me seething about it
Goddamn redcoat get a hang of yourself

Attached: Grevious is tired of your shit.png (1280x947, 230.47K)

those people are not lombards -

Lombards look like pic related

Attached: totti.jpg (219x252, 17.42K)

It makes the jew and his npc army seeth for sure but nords and meds arent/shouldnt be ennemies.

Totti is central italian. (NOT a lombard)

NORTHERNS italians are lombards.

Attached: 1584244314938.jpg (2048x1363, 1.25M)

Why do you think this upses me?

The painting of the guy in the background looks like a med.

Notice the medchad in the background pic, based.

This group of peoples are Lombards.

Stop discriminate against your nordic brothers dude.
you are being very rude with NORTHERNS italians, and btw: they always tell me than they are a MIX of Celtics/Germanics and Nordic tribepeoples.

you gonna hurt their feelings if you call them NOT lombards.

Attached: 1000x-1.jpg (1000x666, 121.84K)


We rock.

; )

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With heavy turk admixture

A lot of white people look like pussies these days, look at those ''men'' why do they look so weak and faggy?

Based argie-bro btfo'ing the polentoni who LARP as scandinavian-spawned aryans lel. When in reality they're indistinguishable from the natives of the southernmost sicilian village. And the "cultural" differences they cite are just a function of different economic development

They got called niggers by larping amerimutts one too many times

Most lombards got whacked by the chinese bat aids. this guy is probably dead.

Attached: lululemon35.jpg (1024x569, 32.54K)

Cool it with the homoeroticism vro.

Those “whites” are very borderline

Those people are clearly not nordic

>Afraid of nordcucks

Literally no one is scared of nordcucks, u have a small insignificant population worldwide and even then ur getting filled with somalis and syrians 24/7. Being scared of nords is an oxymoron.

I'm black Irish, I get along with all Europeans, as long as they're not pozzed. I wouldn't even offend purebloods by trying to get with their ladies, only go for black hair green eyes

....larping amerimutts.

like .0002 % of the world would know what the fuck you mean

homoeroticism is the last stand of implicit manliness, unironically


Attached: 1586357856763.jpg (1500x1094, 719.72K)

You still don’t belong in Ireland and are being weaponised by jews

I hope you realise that

You guys are more "nordic" than northerns milanofags and their gay feminine skinny jean.

But i never head about the Chad-alpha spaniards scream loud: wewuz raped by aryans/vikangs from da nord wewuz 3%nordicz ,or muh grand grand mom have green eyes and shieet!
(like the butthurt polentoni do 24/7)

Attached: 7888154404_fbbbe00962_o.png (1024x819, 216.21K)

What's this??
My mutt sense is tingling....
Let's zoom in...

Brown eye detected.
NOT white.

Attached: nigs.png (1060x788, 1.82M)

Jews HATE this one simple trick

Attached: 35D5856B-9F53-4739-9759-224D0411261B.jpg (750x926, 78.29K)

This people gonna be utterly mad at you at me.

The lombard skinny legs gang.

Attached: tumblr_inline_of9269snAO1rnakwd_500.jpg (500x308, 81.3K)

Its a family quite obviously.

All this girls dream of having sex with Med BVLLS.

No one finds Nordic boys sexy, they look so soft and feminine. Hell even half a nigger is sexier to nord girls.

Attached: 1569163735126.png (1080x1348, 1.97M)

>trying to tell us who is white and who isn't
Like pottery.

Attached: lmty.jpg (741x649, 51.4K)

Which means that all of them have brown eye genes in them, which means none of them are white.