Be Sweden

> Be Sweden
> Get the coronavirus
> Don't lock the country down or fuck your economy up
> The virus goes away anyway


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Post the other graphs

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They are choosing who will live and die.
My grandmother is in Sweden(native) and she says that she believes that if she gets out of her house and contained the hospitals won't treat her and basically left her for dead

The British media still constantly attacks Sweden...

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>Refuse lockdowns due to "muh economy" "just a flu bro"
>Instead attacked for socialist healthcare rationing deathpanels due to huge sudden increase in sick patients meaning anyone past 70+ isn't even given a hospital bed.

Sweden is Schrodinger's Socialist, only socialist when convenient.

now compare Sw*distan with its neighbors

Attached: swecope.png (1032x1280, 446.88K)

So basically catching up on the killing of people the lame as 2020 flu season didn't kill?

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5x barely anything is still barely anything retard
>pic related is the apocalypse that will happen when we reopen
They peaked on April 8th in new cases per day according to worldometers

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um yeah collapsing the economy over few hundreds less deaths was sure worth it

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Michigan has about the same population as sweden but Michigan has double the cases and deaths. You dont think thats weird?

Yeah but who’s got it wrong? US or Sweden? As much as you guys meme about our healthcare system, why would would you assume US is right?

That something doesnt add up about sweden. Sure Michigan has about 33% more tests per 1M but that doesnt explain it

What seems off then? I think a combo of more tests, Michigan having over twice the population density, and Detroit niggers not being cautious (Swedish people are still being cautious from what I read) is enough to explain it.

Do you manage to protect your elderly or don't you. Nothing needs to add up. You can have 10.000 infected and confirmed cases between 0-20 years and 1 death. Or you can have 10.000 cases between 80-100 years and 5.000 deaths.

You can look at overall daily deaths in Sweden and compare it to the last 5 years. They are having the highest daily deaths right now compared to the last 5 years. Because it got into their nursing homes. I'm guessing Michigan did a even worse job then Sweden. It's not off the charts horrible, just a bit worse then the last severe influenza they had in the winter of 2017.

Yeah, niggers in Detroit would be enough to explain the difference.

It’s the life cycle of any virus we told you cock heads this would happen


That report was eakready proved wrong as it said Italy would have 20k deaths only , go back to your fusion reactor and polish military spending headlines

They are number ten in deaths per million, be hind Belgium, France, Italy, and Spain. Worse than their neighbors and even more than the US.
Of course if Swedes are still staying in themselves without having to be told, then it's understandable it's not spreading.

>5x barely anything is still barely anything retard

Flu kills 0.01%, Coronavirus is killing as low as 0.05%. That is a big difference.

>Don't lock the country down or fuck your economy up
about that...

Attached: sweden lul.jpg (722x509, 53.08K)

You really like that cherry picked graph don't you

Poland is hardly a neighbor, you might as well go count Britain or Belgium

The world is so globalised it's impossible to be the only one that doesn't fall since all the world would buy their shit and now they aren't

>Don't lock the country down
Why are retards still saying this? Do people not understand the swedes? They voluntarily locked themselves up. Just because they don't have government enforced lockdowns doesn't mean they aren't locked down.

isn't social distancing just normal life in scandinavia anyway?

You really don't see the difference?
And they did indeed go to restaurants and such.

The death counts in Sweden is not close to apocalyptic user

and thats a good thing, i hope your grandma will [spoiler] stay healthy[/spoiler]

5x in the US would mean 200k people

Do you have any concrete infomation on their economy?
Seems dubious that it would be doing well.
thats good news. not for her I suppose.

I think swedes'd be in better shape than amerilards.

Hate to burst your bubble, but just because they use their brains doesn't mean they are locking themselves up. Children never stopped going to school or kindergarden. Shops never closed. Gyms and restaurants never closed. When people in various countries talks about "opening up" they are basically getting to a level where Sweden was all the time.
I mean, in places like France and Spain you can't go outside unless you have a good reason or you get a fine. In Sweden you just can't be more then 50 people in a crowd, other then that you're good. It's not the same.

It is weird we don't hear much about other countries. Sweden did shut down some businesses, Volvo just opened up again the other day.
China had its slowest growth supposedly since the 70s.
Most states are going their their unemployment funding already. Los Angeles has to cut back lots of services now.

Another proven case of the Ferguson virus

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>just 2 more weeks bro!!!

sorry I misunderstood what you were saying. Agreed. Corona is kike promoted BS

Most of the dead are somali niggers so...who fuck care. Just hope all the gambia loving lefties also will die

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