Why is The Netherlands/the West so racist?

Hi Yas Forums, my parents moved to the netherlands while I was still a child, and as an Moroccan I've never really felt accepted, sadly.
I've tried my best to fit in; converted to christianity, got a dutch girlfriend, never broke the law, but I'm still seen as this "Moroccan" and I feel they only hate me more the more I try to adapt.

Could people here tell me why you hate me?
I feel like I did everything I could, but people still won't accept me, some people even told me that my children won't be "Dutch" either, because only their mother is Dutch, is that true?

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Do you think a German born in China is Chinese?
Stupid fuck

>i feel that they only hate me more
So do they actually hate you or is it just your feelings?

Just go back to Morocco, your kids will have an infinitely better life there, or go to some other country, I would've invited you here if we weren't in trouble.

Ey maat, anderen hun mening boeit niet, je weet zelf dat je goed bezig bent en als je daar achter blijft staan gaan mensen het vanzelf zien.

Based lebbro
Lebanon for Lebanese
Morocco for Morrocans

Kanker inteelt land met hun gele hooi haar, kan niet snel genoeg terug naar Tunesie.

This is an American board you stupid foreigners. Speak American

Ze zitten geestelijk gewoon anders in elkaar, de algemene moeras Duitser is geprogrammeerd om aggressief en psychopathisch te zijn. Mensen rondom de Med regio zijn gewoon veel warmer en aardiger. Er is een redene waarom Nederlands, naast andere Germaanse talen een 'low context communication' taal is, het is letterlijk een volk van mond-ademende apen

Next white generation will be even more racist, there won't be a Hitler, there will be thousand Hitlers.

Then get the fuck out shitskin

Because you are morrocan.

that's the plan moron lol, you think I wanted to be born in this shithole invested with people whose skin looks like sentient pockmarks

you are also a moron
fuck off back to morroco NOW

Your cuck daddy obviously wanted you to be.

Yes everything is true, you betrayed your own culture and family. Either go back and take that whore with you or be a reject

Hihi de bruine zandapen zijn verdrietig :)

should've used a vpn before talking about cucks

blanker dan jou matthijs

Yep leaf.
But your daddy left his shithole in hopes that your children will be European.

Okay. Time to go back


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>converted to christianity
Very nice brother. Kek at the folder, too bad it was never spread. You are overthinking it. Would love to go to Church with you and talk about the Bible.

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You may be a nice guy but what about all those loudmouthed, cocky, dope peddling thug countrymen of yours?

Exactly. Back the lion into a corner it will tweak out and start killing everything. Were so close to a european racial awakening. I wouldnt want to be a nonwhite in one of our countries when it happens. Hate, not love, split the atom.

Is being a leaf worse than being a non white?
I sure as hell don’t think so

Boze Germaanse Neanderthaler :^)

You should do like niggers do here, be the funny nigger

True and based

What do you think will happen if the majority of your kind misbehave all the time?

The thing with Democracy is most people reluctantly live with the realization that things they didn't approve of are happening. So despite the Dutch government welcoming you to the country, many Dutch citizens never wanted non-Europeans moving to their country.
The insistence of governments to push migration upon populations that aren't fully consenting leads to situations where no one is happy (except hand-rubbers). Many Dutch are unhappy because they never wanted you there in the first place. You're unhappy because you don't feel fully accepted. Liberals are unhappy because they can't force everyone to feel just like they do about immigration....

Listen: you will never be dutch because being dutch is GENETIC. You are MOROCCAN. It is GENETIC. Your mongrel children (please don't do this to them by having any with your dutch gf) will never be EITHER. You think you have identity problems? They won't even know who they're supposed to be. Your girlfriend may or may not be using you to virtue signal how accepting she is, in which case she doesn't love you.
>Converted to a religion to fit in
Were you muslim before? Go back to being muslim, unless you truly believe in your heart of hearts that the Christian way is the right way. Never change your cultural identity to "fit in". That's how the globalists destroy cultures.
I don't hate you but you are (most likely unwittingly) contributing to the destruction of the white race so please stop.

You have to go back

Kek ziedend

if you are christian and you're child looks white enough he will be a dutchman in my eyes

thanks for integrating and not raping me user

>Moroccan wonders why he is seen as a Moroccan.
You have the same problem as a tranny, you want people to indulge in your delusion. You are not dutch. I may sound terse, but it is the truth. Is there nothing people wont cry racism over? If I went to spain as a child and people said I was not spanish not treated me as spanish, i wouldnt cry racism.

Recognizing your ethnicity is not dutch means they hate you?

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you'll never be white achmed

>you seem shit at planning, a fucking failure. off yourself with a piano wire noose in minecraft.

because you are not dutch, plain and simple
you are, and always will be, morroccan