Why is France so degenerate? Looks like the Germans were right about them all along.
Here’s another one
And more
Look at this absolute fucking roast with kids from 3(!) separate fathers. If I was a nigger I'd be offended at being depicted as such a cuck
Why are you so worried? You have it far worse. I have lived in France, French women often go for the Arabs or slightly darker men in general but they stay way from niggers. America, on the other hand... the "nigger culture" copypasta would fit well here, your own president was a mutt.
Could be two fathers. Two babies are mutts so u never know
Not really often but much more often than niggers. Of course money is the biggest decider though, but Frenchies are not the only whores in this sense.
I know it’s pretty bad here, but it’s not openly encouraged yet. And I’m not even talking about the globohomo media. See, all the Europeans I’ve met were openly pro immigration and racemixing. Germans, Danes, Frenchies - all of them. Meanwhile racemixing is still frowned upon in some parts of the US of A.
Macron betrayed his people for the sake of the EU and the entrenched establishment. Same with Merkel.
It’s because they’re descended from the Roman Empire. Rome’s national epic is about being proudly cucked by Asians.
Plus it’s not a coincidence that women in such ads are always white. You can start the countdown until Europe is no longer white.
Ok what do you say about this one?
The majority of people who claim they are not against miscegenation are as racist if not more racist than the average pol user, they just compensate for their true emotions with words. I have lived Paris suburbs as a kid and don't remember a race-mixed family. Even in Belgium it was very uncommon. Meanwhile Americans are giving BBC a whole new meaning...
What can you say about Female European students fucking niggers in the us? Every second one, I kid you not. Especially the French. Seen it myself. They think it makes them unique and open minded.
Black Male white woman is rare as fuck here and it's always a fat white trash girl from a trailer park.
Indeed we are, i'm gonna opt for a "itz da jews" on this one unfortunately
user, you do understand that "all Americans love bmwf" is the most forced meme in the history of the world, right
Not always. Many hot bitches go for them too. Again it’s not en masse like in Europe though
Amerimutt please, don't give any lesson
Of mixed race couples are being portrayed as wholesome, why are each of her kids an entirely different race from each other?
The ultimate degeneracy. That’s the future (((they))) want. That’s what is going to happen to the goyim no matter how hard they resist.
Use us as an example then
I lived in France 10 years ago, things change fast now. They might have been from urban Paris, biggest degenerates always lived there. Anyway I don't know about the demographics of sex, but in terms of marriage I don't remember a single black man white female couple in the area where I lived. Of course women become bigger whores year after year, would not be surprised by the behaviour of those girls at all, zoomers are borderline retarded.
Oh shut the fuck up your entire culture revolves around niggers. France isn't that bad yet but it is getting there.
Then focuse and solve your own fucking problem instead of talking shit about other countries no?
Va te faire voir!
Yes, white progressives obsessively shill their para-religious obsession with blacks in the media they completely control. In reality white people up and down the income spectrum and across the political spectrum racemix less by far than any other ethnic group
The US is a nation of immigrants. Even though it was planned to be only for European immigrants in the first place, this still explains the le 56% face. What about France user? How many ethnic french people are left? Especially among those from the age group of 0-30? Hmm? You’re just seething that your country is quickly turning into a third world shithole and you can’t do anything about it.
0-30 range in america is like 56% isn't it?
Probably even less
But again we’ve been going down that route for quite a minute plus many are still against it
Don't know what it is here.