How do we stop whites from chimping out?
How do we stop whites from chimping out?
The better question is: How do we stop niggers from chimping out?
If black history month was cancelled they would actually chimp out.
When Caucasians chimp out entire governments/nations are destroyed and replaced.
stop canceling shit
God I hate this racial nomenclature. Imagine being associated with fucking Swedes and Amerimutts when you aren't even white.
How do you cancel a date? Will wypipo go to bed on July 3rd and wake up on July 5th?
Shoot a bunch of black people
What race are you then?
Niggers don’t celebrate Independence Day? Figures, can they even conceive of national sovereignty? I think they see the government as a checkbook and a husband that only hits them sometimes
>only whites being pissed about 4th of july cancellation
>implying niggers won't riot at the very suggestion that they wont be able to BBQ ribs in the middle of the street and swill malt liquor in basketball shorts all day
Lol ok
Based and redpilled
Black americans use it as a slur against white people.
What do they need a whole month for? It's literally "We wuz slaves now we on welfare".
Why are you obsessed with nigger tweets user?
When blacks chimpout they destroy their own neighborhood
When whites chimpout they vote out black politicians and vote away things like affirmative action.
Niggers are retarded. Northern Ethiopians are half Caucasian and therefore Caucasian people. Eurasians no matter how brown or yellow are fucking caucasian
Is there any race more fragile than the American Black?
Besides jews ofc.
You simply Kill.All.Niggers it’s not rocket sicience.
why would a negro claim that they would not also be very pissed off if they were not allowed to grill pig feet and drink assorted fruit flavored sodas?
the nog fears the norf
White people are a minority in this world and still do more than anyone, think about it.
oh you can't with your low IQ
If shit inst open by the 4th im sure something will go down real of fake. most likely a false flag event but who knows at that point. 2020 has been a hell of a year so far
>Black americans use it as a slur against white people.
Lmao and they think it's an insult
I'm Georgian. "White" is for people with no culture and identity. Half of Georgians are white pigmentation wise and half are not. It is dumb to use both white and Caucasian as racial designators or even worse use them interchangeably like most people do. There are many full blooded Georgians and other Caucasians where one sibling can pass as white and another is pretty dark, like a Pashtun or something.
Is that image from before or after all those nazi's were all gunned down and their women raped?
Free Air Jordans.
>Caucasians act up on 4th of July
Don’t niggers kill each other at alarming rates, even for them, every single 4th of July week?
Imagine if black history month was canceled. Who would chimp out then?
It comes from nation of islam, they think yukub made whites and sent them to caves in the caucasus mts or some crazy shit like that
Throw them a golf ball.
Agree. Even South Asians are caucasians
Wow you made whites sound like complete cucks.
The usual comparison would be the third reich.
I don't think he knows the meaning of the word Caucasian
Wrong. They will then vie to steal those from each other, with lots of gore involved. They will resell them, with lots of gore involved. Even without the shoes there will be lots of gore and violence involved. You can feed the animals or not, they are still going to behave like animals.
will the jigaboos go ballistic if you cancel this
Black people also pretend that 9/11 was only a white thing. Must be the lack of education that leads them to these conclusions
>Niggers don’t celebrate Independence Day?
That is false. The amount of trash they leave littering the streets on the way to and from fireworks celebrations in my city is incredible. Which then responsible white people have to go and clean up.
These were all white people
>God I hate this racial nomenclature. Imagine being associated with fucking Swedes and Amerimutts when you aren't even white.
Georgians are Russian Nigger Muslim rape babies, so white is never something people would associate with your Stalinist asses.
Also I prefer Caucasian as it is exact definition, as opposed to white, since that is used for those that are not close to being white to skew all forms of stats.
The stereotypes about whites they perpetuate show their abject lack of intelligence and discrimination. There was one about white people not ever washing their legs a few months back.
>implying any nig is smart enough to understand anything in that sentence
Great site for Chicago crime:
Lol retard. White is all europeans. Caucasian includes arabs, nafris, and northern indians
Why people don't wash they legs lmaoooo
Before. A chimp out is still a chimp out, regardless of who does it. They always get put down.
Caucasians are Mountain Niggers from Asia. Europeans are White!
Tell ya what 1.20$ gas is going to go a long way for the wakeboard boat.
I'm ready to see if niggers stop acting out and killing each other in the hundreds over holiday weekends.
Wrong Jamal.
Much like what’s happening in the UK now. But you don’t care. Not until it’s too late.
Stop dreaming about nigger mutt babies you screething bitch.
Humans are so strange. What enjoyment do they get out of shoveling meat down their throats while watching lights flicker in the sky?