China has stolen an island again from us while we’re busy with the bat flu.
China has stolen an island again from us while we’re busy with the bat flu
well did you try and take it back? did you ask for help? what did your country do about it? what did you yourself do about it? nothing? sounds like your own fault OP.
Flips are the niggers of the Asian world
Have they made territorial claims on the waters surrounding those islands? Until they do, this doesn't matter.
Your navy supposed to protect us for helping you win WW2 against the Japs.
Honor that treaty and fight China.
they are too busy raping and murdering trannies in Subic and Angeles. The Americans are no help. Du30 will get shit done though.
the chink sends it's military to watch over illegal chink fishing boats that fish from indonesian waters. Indo rallies the fighter jets. Chinks dont give a fuck, what's anyone gonna do? nothing! Everyone loves chink money, EVERYONE!
No one will stand up to the CCP.
> flips are niggers
> flip asks for gibs
I think you might have a point
Shut up chink.
Get your own navy to protect you.
USA couldn't win a war in the past 50 years so what's the point of them offering help to anyone.
Lost in Korea, Lost in Afghanistan, Lost in Iraq, Lost BIGLY in Vietnam.... is there anything you fat fucks can do besides losing wars?
Remind them not to occupy a nuke test site
Honor the treaty you cucks.
Stop protecting the jews and help us take our islands back.
Jews want a war between amerishart golems and the (((communist))) party.
And you retards will fall for it.
pretty soon all of the orient will be a nuclear test site
Get off the internet and go do something about it then faggot.
Shut up faggot your PM is allegedly so based he'll shoot drug dealers
Scare those other chinks off if you're so worried
America is not the world police for you to dial 911 and get our fucking armed forces at your house
>from us
They were never your islands to begin with and you should be siding with China not the western cucks, this is good for everyone
>go die for the Philippines white man
Sorry chink. You’re on your own.
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It's a tiny island, can't you guys just carpet bomb it and kill all the subhuman yellow jews?
Why would we take the islands back when they paid Hunter fair and square for them.
The Flip islands are like paradise
And a stepping stone into all the islands of the pacific.
Listen to me nigger.
We’re fighting seperatist Muslims on the south, Jungle communists on the middle islands, druglords and human traffickers on the Capital.
The least you could help is to scare away the chinks from the islands and atolls while serving at least to the benefit of three Regional allies like Japan, Taiwan and Vietnam.
How hard is that for you fat fucks to comprehend?
Seriously, didn't we give you guys some planes?
Just carpet bomb the island, I doubt it's even occupied except by chinks, and dead chinks are always a positive.
>Honor the treaty you cucks.
man you dont know americans lmao
how naive of you
>from /Freedomspreader/ to /Mercenaries/ the ride is wild
Nether one of you know what you are talking about. There is already a response
In the south. In the middle islands. In the capital.
At least if you're gonna come here and call the burgers what they are (fat pieces of shit) at least study at school you subhuman piece of flip filth. Is there any wonder that EDSA is one gigantic car park instead of a highway? no it's no wonder, because the country is filled with millions upon millions of morons.
If you've ever gone to work with a severe hangover and does less than half a job then that is how the Philippines was made. In the 50's when the fat yank morons were in charge it was such a clean beautiful place. Fast forward a decade and the stupid fucking pinoys managed to turn it into what it is today. A rat infested filthy shit hole.
At least Bukidnon is nice because there's less morons than NCR. You're dumb, you have English as a national language yet only 20% of the population can speak and understand it properly.
Get back to serving your Jolly Spaghetti you 2 inch hard cock loser
>giving chinksets more power is good for everyone
Ask me how I know you're a fucking cricket looking, bat eating ccp yellow nigger