Women are thots becase you didn't give them a choice

It's so tiring to see you guys always ask how do we fix the thot problem and why aren't women modest anymore. The answer is that boomers, the same ones complaining about this, have given them no choice.

>College tuition has doubled since the year 2000
>Home prices have double since the year 2000
>Median income has remained practically the same since the year 2000

Why shouldn't a woman use her body and looks to make a living? Should she subject herself to a lower quality of life all because of your delusional dream of a trad wife? You want to end the thottery? How about you start fixing the economy to help the poor and not make the rich richer.
Expect this to only get worse as the wealth gap increases and cost rise, 50% of the next generation will be selling their bodies.

Never forget that if desperate enough you'd suck dick for money. Everyone has a price.

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show tits

Learn a trade. Skip the tuition and make more than most degrees.

The fraction of women directly "[using] her body and looks to make a living" is tiny. The majority of women dressing and behaving this way are just being promiscuous; still our fault, but they're not sucking dick for a crust of bread

>Never forget that if desperate enough you'd suck dick for money. Everyone has a price.
Anonymous speaks for himsefl. Nice self pwn.

She takes BBC you can tell

one of the only logical posts ive ever seen on Yas Forums, it's almost like poverty and low wages make people behave in less than savory ways to get a leg up in society

This is a reply, but not an answer. You don't mean it. Most Yas Forumsacks would rip a woman apart and say they are lesbians for doing a trade. Then you'd complain about how much better men are at said trade and they should stop stealing jobs. Kys.
It's not only prostitution. Many girls in college are doing onlyfans or selling nudes to make money.

lol is there a reason you always post this unattractive woman? her face is nasty as fuck.



please stop posting this jewish girl, kike

Of course, she’s jewish

Women are whores because they can get away with it. If their fathers didn't simp for them and slapped the shit out of them when they were thottlers they wouldn't have kept pushing the envelope until society broke. Weak men are the cause of whorish women.

But in all seriousness anyone who says they wouldn't suck dick for a billion dollars are fucking lying.
Not a hypothetical question, an actual offer. 99% of straight men would do it.

>Many girls
Source: dude trust me

Thots are not prostitutes. Pol is all for prostitution, what we're against is thots who sleep with CHAD for free. Your post makes no sense considering prostitution is pretty much done away with in America.

Then why does America pretty much have prostitution eradicated?

hahahha no
trade = permatemp these days

you got that backwards

we gave women a choice, and they become thots

>Implying women did have to put up with a much lower quality of life back when they were tradwifes
Kill yourself kike

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Men are the primary victims of women being thots

I never said they couldn't get regular "honest" jobs. The point is why should they when they can make more money doing less work by using their looks?
Being a whore and what I am talking about are two different subjects.
No source is a guy in college. Message any college girl on instagram and offer them good money. If you pay enough 80% of girls will do it. Only the rich spoiled ones wont.

if you treat future possible partner as shit all you gonna get is shit
funny too, even roasties sometimes fall in love
doublethink kills some of them, rest lives with unresolved guilt

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How can Jews do this to their own women...

Women are the only ones that have a choice. Men have no support, no protection, and total responsibility without authority.

Being thots is just another easy way to capitalize on on female privilege and power.

They have nothing but choices, and what you see is what they've chosen.

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Women are thots because men gave them too many choices

Based and feministpilled

She looks like she sucks and fucks black guys like me.

>College tuition has doubled since the year 2000
>Home prices have double since the year 2000
>Median income has remained practically the same since the year 2000

Wow all those things have happened to men to except we don't even have the option to thot. You're clearly super oppressed.

Are men here really expecting to get married?

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ur dumb

have you ever been outside in a low income area or even read the news once? Prostitution is FAR FAR FAR from eradicated. Literally go to the poorer areas of any US city and you'll see plenty of women on corners in the span of a 10 minute drive.

100% she has the look. Lips are watering for BBC

Fuck her good fuck us black man!

>Never forget that if desperate enough you'd suck dick for money.
Don't project your jewish amorality onto anyone else, you detestable faggot.

By that logic Hilary was right, military wives are the real victims and heroes.
>women are slaves they shouldn't want fun lives but sit at home all day and cook food.
Kill yourself incel

Imagine being a woman. Life would be so easy

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>Should she subject herself to a lower quality of life all because of your delusional dream of a trad wife?