>What is RWTS?
/rwts/ is a project by anons, for anons, to translate foreign Yas Forums books into English.
If you have Telegram, there is a huge and growing Yas Forums community on there, so we decided to port our work there as an archive at @official_rwts. It will NEVER be a replacement for threads, it's just an alternative place for resources, documents n shieet
>Works Translated
>Sportvorschrift fur das Heer (archive.org/details/sportsvorschrift)
The legendary Third Reich fitness manual is finally here! Another version of the PDF, less faithful but more readable, is available at @EconomicHitList on Telegram
>Biological Consequences of Racemixing (archive.org/details/bcrm_20200410)
Translated by our Swede bro, this short essay is just a small taste of how politically incorrect Swedes can be if given the chance. Other material by Lundborg can be worked on if there's demand!
>Kaiserjager on the Col di Lana (archive.org/details/kaiserjager)
A story of action, grief, tension, comradeship, alpine war, this book has got them all! Translated with deepl.com, so some passages might feel a bit wonky.
>Ongoing Projects
>The Last Will of a Russian Fascist (RU)
>Neuadel aus Blut und Boden (DEU)
>La Entrega de la Patagonia Magica
(if you wanna partecipate, let us know and we'll relay the info to the two anons working on it)
It should be made clear that Rodzaevsky's work is deemed extremist material in Russia, and as such it is illegal to mass-spread. It should NOT be illegal to download or possess, but please correct me if I'm wrong.
In order to spare the Gulag to our ruskies, we can use throwaway emails or self-destructing hosting websites. That way, it's hard to prove your intent is to mass-spread it.
RWTS Copypasta: pastebin.com
/RWTS/ Right Wing Translation Squad
Other urls found in this thread:
>I can speak Russian and I want to help
You should be able to download the files with no problem. Translate however much of it you want, and put the finished work in a pastebin or use a throwaway email (possibly guerrilla mail). Start from the first (the Jews one) and refer to the PDF's pages so we don't get too much confusion!
Alternatively, you can contact us at the chat of @official_rwts on Telegram
>I can speak German and I want to help
This is much easier! Just translate a bit of the text and put it in a pastebin, again, refer to the PDF's pages instead of the book's. (ex. page 1 of the pdf is the cover).
Alternatively, you can contact us at the chat of @official_rwts on Telegram
>I can't speak German or Russian, but I want to help!
You can stay here and bump the thread! It's always nice to have some chitchat from time to time
Bumping and reporting, still working on Serrano, it's taking a bit more than expected
Hello there! No worries about the time, there is no deadline here, just make sure you aren't stressing yourself out! Also, can you give context on the miracle? It's a really nice painting
You can find the whole story here:
Long story short, back in 1585 in Flanders, 5000 spanish soldiers where trapped between 2 rivers, on a small island, surrounded by the dutchs for 5 days. they refused to surrender because according to the field master of the Tercio, Don Francisco Arias de Bobadilla “Spanish infants prefer death to dishonor. We will talk about capitulation after death.”
On the last night some soldiers fount the tables depicted in the painting, it was the Inmaculada Concepcion. That was taken as a sign from God , there was a big mass and that nigh both channels frozen, forcing the duchts to retreat their boats. The Tercio took the advantage and charged against the enemy through the ice achieving victory.
Holy shit, that's a based story if I've ever seen one! I'm pretty sure we have some analogous events in Italy, but I can't recall any from the top of my head
Buona notte! The firts two links fuck up my broswer, but the last one works. The pdf is auf deutsch, I think I’ll go along with it.
Actually that happened under Alessandro Farnesse's comand. Captain-general of the Army of Flanders. He was born in Roma and was pure italian back in the day when the spanish empire included the Italica.
Also pic related from the battle of Pavía, near Milan where the spanish captured Francisco I king of France on 1525
Buonasera a te, amico! Anonfile is a bit wonky at times, if you know Russian I can send you the original links
I don't know much about the pike and shot period, but I managed to get my hands on Raimondo Montecuccoli's book and I'm quite impressed with him. He was given the command of the army against the Turks by the Holy Roman Emperor, and at the end of a successful campaign, he returned all the orders with the wax seals unbroken and wrote a "Treaty of the War against the Turk" which I can't find anywhere but I expect to be extremely based
Ja ne govorju russki. But I know the cirillic alphabet, maybe I’d give it a try.
What the fuck are you doing in Hungary? Orthodox scum
I’ve just literally checked how to say that phrase in russian, calm down burger
Pic related is him, let's say it's the kind of face you would remember kek
Same here, but I don't know how good it would be to have a transliteration in Latin alphabet. I think most Ruskies feel more comfortable with their own alphabet. Anyway, here is Azbuka Fashizma: web.archive.org
Lmao, he said he doesn't know Russian
Comfy af thread :) Ктo гoвopит пo pyccки?
Lool I thought that the instructions were on russian, not the book :D
No problem, the last one I can read tho!
Lol who needs a manual to get fit? Just go workout
May this be the war treaty? Skip the first pages to the prologue. I know you undestans spanish so...
If it is (it's been a quick look while cooking I may e wrong) I can try to translate it too
This manual is not merely about "getting fit" but about being Ubermensch
Same difference just different titles
No I don't think you understand
t. fucked up his back 5 years ago and skips leg day because it's for pussies
Lol nope, the whole book is in Russian. The "instructions" to circumvent the Russian no-fun law are here I think nobody xd
Finding Krauts is easy, but Ruskies are a bit more rare
I kind of understand written Spanish, spoken not so much because y'all speak like machine guns and by the time I've started processing the first word you're already at the second sentence kek
It's not the Turkish war book (that one is called "Della guerra contro il Turco in Ungheria") but it's still a book with no Italian edition so if you want to put it in the queue feel free! Let's not get too excited though, first comes Serrano
Also, I found this document talking about Montecuccoli but it's in Hungarian so I don't know what it's saying exactly
>durr you don’t get it
>a manual called "Fitness manual" isn’t about getting fit
Surprise me
It's not about it serving as a fitness manual, but more about restoring a small piece of history, since most of these manuals were destroyed.
>t. Fucked up his back
No I’m telling you go outside faggot lol
This i can understand
Nobody expects to a fitness manual from the 1930's to hold up to modern knowledge, it did help the Wehrmacht to gain a significant physical advantage though.
The mutt reveals itself. Go eat a burger
The ifunny watermark is really the cherry on top
>h-he told me to go outside lol exposed!
>Della guerra contro il Turco in Ungheria
About the war against the turks in Hungary
Sooo easy!
Because most Pyccкий are degenerat alcoholics lol. I speak Hungarian motherlanguage but probably better for another Magyarbro to translate, will likely be more accurate
Yea I love this kind of stuff , makes it feel like they're still alive memong with us lmao
You go, we don't need your negativity here
>omg he’s so negative! Leave bigot!
Whatever helps you sleep at night
>it's in Hungarian so I don't know what it's saying exactly
Bravo, that’s a lot of text! Too bad it’s in paprika tho!
SS user, te voltál az, aki múltkor mesélte, hogy vissza szeretne ide költözni, csak a járvány miatt nem lehet? Melyik államban élsz, ha szabad kérdeznem?
Yup, you got it right! Old Italian is really elegant compared to the modern language, I think it may also be easier for foreigners
Kek, I know the guys who made this one! They're called Project Whte, it's the group behind the "revival" of the /nsg/ threads
Uhh... paprika? What is it?
I speak decent German, perhaps not well enough to translate something super academic but enough to get by mostly and certainly enough to use an electronic translator better than most.
Bump if nothing else
Welcome aboard! The instructions for translators are here , we're working on Neuadel aus Blut und Boden
bumping for another good thread
Shit, was gonna post a photo but forgot it.