How many are there?
Even when I traveled throughout Europe I only really found a lot of them in Poland and Finland, all the other countries are full of dark haired mongols.
Blond people
dye jobs or natural?
I was born blonde, but am no longer
same. i stopped being blonde at like 15.
Same. Our mutt genes won.
The Baltics and Scandinavia
is he really all that blond when his eyebrows are so dark? I was born super bright blond and as it has darkened a bit half or more of my eyebrows are invisible from a distance due to how light the hair is.
muttoids mutants
Sweden is pretty much the epicenter of blondeness.
That's a shame. Same happened to my parents, but I've stayed blonde. And I'm old.
All of native Europeans are born with blond hair. I was blond then I was little. Now I'm 24 and my hair goes real dark, almost black. Not as black as with negroes or caucasians but still very dark. Not sure why it's happening to us. Could be the climate adaptation or something.
yeah expect that to change the comming 30 years or so. Me and the other invaders are using all measurements possible to elimate the white genes (blonde hair, blue eyes etc etc) from Sweden (and europe in general). Whitoids really are a bunch of retards for letting overseas dumbasses conquer their genetic pol.
Not a lot. And it's always dwindling since blonde girls are the top commodity for the rich to marry and breed with. In fact, it's not even the rich. Celebrities love blondes. So now blondes are being competed for by people with a lot of status which makes it even harder in big cities. Through programs such as affirmative action, this will only accelerate the shrinking number of them.
If you're from a small town, or anywhere outside of the large cities, keep your blonde women away from cities. Too much attention changes people.
Happened with my brother. his hair is dark brown now.
I'm here.
No argument here.
We're mutted like crazy, but at least we're trying to put a stop to undesirables coming here (too late, I know) while the EU seems to want them.
Bruh, we're being ruled by self hating race traitors.
I know, it's tragic.
Time for the EU to die and nationalism to take root again.
USA is just a big race cocktail. How can you even distinguish between americans and imigrants? The US has never been white.
> "while the EU seems to want them"
while (((EU))) seems to want them*
Most of us are here because of Isreal crippling countries in the middle east.
impure genes. 24 and still blonde feelin good
I honestly think its my biggest duty in life to procreate and make at least 5 pure white blonde children
About 1/3 of my family is blond and the other 2/3 are some shade of brunette.
>"i know its tragic"
The stupidity of you americans never seem to ever get better. How about you and your orange memefag kike for president stop sending money to Isreal so most people in syria dont have to flood the shit out of EU?But the american Isreal-shilling will always exist wich, in parallel, will keep the mass imigration going.
So blame your fucking self, burgermutt.
>How can you even distinguish between americans and imigrants?
The difference is between white and non-white, not immigrants. I could walk down the street in Stockholm (been there btw) and people would assume that I'm a native Swede.
>Most of us are here because of Isreal crippling countries in the middle east
That doesn't mean that you have to let 'em in though. But them on a plane, boat, whatever, and send them back. Will be cheaper and better for you in the long run.
>to flood the shit out of EU?
Don't let them stay, moron !
>The difference is between white and non-white
>I could walk down the street in Stockholm (been there btw) and people would assume that I'm a native Swede
you just played yourself by proving that looks dont have anything to do with nationality. So I will keep on calling myself a "proud swede". As I said, whitoids really are a bunch of retards....
you still didnt adress the shilling for Isreal. How does that jewish cock taste, john?
>I will keep on calling myself a "proud swede"
Why ?
Jews are the desert whites. Of course we'd be on their side as opposed to the shitskin Arabs.
Im not white
We zijn 3% van de mensheid.
nice cope
Why do Amerimutts always say this like it's something special? Literally the norm for white people
People south of Hamburg are niggers
same here
you're a sheltered faggot
Then what are you ?
And why do you call yourself a "proud Swede", when you're only that by citizenship ?
America. Most blonde people are in Utah. I bet on it
rural MN
Im Blonde, not light blonde though
We're not many left no, I can assure you that in my highschool we were only 4 blonde males among all the 4 courses, extremely depressing. Worst part is that despite being rare even here, I still haven't found a fucking woman that wants to have kids to make more of us, they just want to have one nights, and when in long relationships, whenever I have brought up the subject it ended up in either conflict or uncomfortable situations. It's like women really want all of us death, because the few blondes I know, are taken by dark haired Spaniards or literal sand niggers.
åk hem svartskalle
except it shows Finland as having higher concentration of blond. why do you fucking mutts always obsess about Sw*distan?
Same also happened to my brother, he still seethes about it I dont care lol
good luck spanianon
It's a concerted effort to breed the few remaining of you out.
Shit meant to to reply to
Finland is more blond. Scania is full of dark haired semi-dinards.
Do you know what epicenter is, ya dumb Dane ?
Opposites attract you cant help it. Get a blonde Ukrainian or Baltic wife I'm sure there are some who'd trade living in a commie bloc shithole for reasonably comfortable shithole
cause blonde "men" look like girls
Stop being a sperg and talking about such retarded things. Nobody wants to marry you for your hair color.
Does this count non whites in all of these countries or just the whites in all these countries
Yes, it is. But look at the map. Sweden is the epicenter.
For now.
Shitskin cope
Blonde people have literally shit tier genes that always lose in a marriage with a person with dark hair/eyes. Typical blonde people with blonde hair and blue eyes are a bit rare in Albania overall but theyre more common in northern Albania and in almost every relationship between a full on blonde albanian and a normal brown/dark haired one their kid has always dark/brown hair and eyes.
>checks flag
filthy denfags are the nordic equivalence to rednecks in Texas. Sug mina nötter, wanabe-swede.
This map is depressing. Leftists and kikes wants to breed and replace this tiny group of people out of existence. Our people don't know how unique we are and what they are killing when they are killing us.
If you are not blonde you are not European
no such thing, retard. it's just a trait that gets passed around in the north. pic related are bleached gook people in the Urals
Honestly based,weird guy
It’s surrounded by other blonde nations, yes...
This is very accurate, an also I don't know the reason, and maybe one of you do, but the majority of blondes that I have met in my entire life in Spain are from rural areas in Catalonia, I'm originally from a small town in Aragon and everyone in my family is blond with no exception, but when I moved to the city it was as I described above, what's the relation in this?
>Afghanistan flag
Im a natural blonde man with blue eyes and a foreskin. You mad europoors?
My hair was white and was blonde until I became a neet. When I do go outside it sort of shimmers blonde so to speak. Don't know what phenomenon it is called?
we're the rednecks of Scandinavia and proud of it. åk hem stinkande muslimråtta
lmao I'm not gay. but you're a faggot or a parasite for wanting to live in Sw*distan
ahahaha I'm not gay
Southerner detected.
It's not about wanting to be married because of my hair color, is about ensuring that my hair color which I consider a distinct trait in this nation of shit skins must continue. It's about putting legacy before my personal selfish interests, because when the maggots are eating you, the only thing that matters is the good deeds you made in life.