What are sportsball idiots doing without their precious sportsball?

ps. why are they so retarded?

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Sam Hyde was right about sports

I'm watching highlight packages on youtube.

NFL is in offseason. Football is the only sport worth watching. RIP XFL

what did he say about sports?

>low IQ faggot misses the nigger egg ball

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MLB is coming back real soon. Whitest sport and the owners want to make that paper back.


>nigger stick ball is whiter than hockey

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Fuck their niggerball bullshit.

jesus, where's casey anthony when you need her

oh god I'm dreading going back to work and having to hear did ya see the game last night did ya see so and so team do this. it's annoying. bunch of npcs

Hating sports is kinda gay and barbaric.

99% of sports haters only hate ball sports. They'll happily watch boxing or MMA, where guys just beat the shit out of each other and act like niggers.

At least with a ball, the guys are using their physical talents to make non violent achievements. Good for them, though I don't have the time to get into it like others do.

Sports would be infinitely more enjoyable to watch if the players were actually from the states they “represent“. I couldn't careless which corporate team owner and his pet niggers won whatever game.

euro football is based

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It's spicstick retard

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Watch reruns?

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have you seen the boomers out in the streets rioting because they don't have their cheap garbage food and their niggerball is cancelled.

>what did he say about sports

Sportz fags are the worst. I bet if niggerball players sold their used jock straps that white sportz fags would buy them.

And sniff them.

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>He doesn't like to watch people beat the living shit out of each other and in turn wants to watch Jaquarius run it to first down

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This. It's funny to me retards have "their team" when they players are traded like pokemon.

sorry I don't watch sportsball I'm not up on which subhumans dominate which fields

>behaving like white niggers and destroying your own city over a soccer game

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This has to be the most retarded opinion I’ve read on pol all day congratulations

Yea agreed. I remember how disappointed I was when I first learned this, and how gay it was when muh team got sold off.

This. I could possibly get behind one of these games if it were less about the "team" and "brand" and more just about the guy who owns it all. Except it's just a company and there's like 10 people who own a sports team.

Otherwise, it'd be cool to have trading cards/playing cards of the team owners since they're basically modern day slave traders. You could trade me a first-edition Dr. Cornelius Purdue (owner of 57 prize buck negroes) for Sir Reginald Pilkington, 4th Baron of Avonbury and owner of 7 plantations - THREE of which compete in nigger egg ball.

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Beating their wives

This is my biggest problem with football nationalism. NPCs root for "their team" which is based on the state they were born in, yet the players of those teams are drafted from other parts of the country.

it would be more fun to watch if the people involved weren't a half step above literal murderers and drug dealers. I don't give two fucks about some ghetto motherfuckers that can't even spell or compute 6*8 who for some fucking reason get paid $10mil a year.

most of them act like entitled babies, too. I don't want to watch a bunch of villains and scum get paid millions to play children's games.

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in the peak days of corona, when it was rising most rapidly in australia, all the news channels were doing nothing but covering sports related things.
there was times where the prime minister spoke on TV for 35 minutes about 'the future of australian sports', thankfully he has cut down on the sports talk over the last few weeks.

all the main sports associations in australia like AFL/NRL/cricket,etc were demanding that they not cancel live games a few months back.
if we had listened to them, the corona rates in australia would be 100 fold higher, they would have killed thousands of elderly aussies.

makes me fucking sick to see these sports cunts risking australian lives for a fucking childs game.

the UFC in america has been doing the same (insisting on holding fights in the middle of a quarantine, and disobeying government orders).
fucking sickening, fuck dana white and the UFC forever... i hope they fail so bad that he murder suicides his whole family.

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I usually watch manchester united games every week end. The cancellation made me realize im not that big a fan because i reaĺly dont give a fuck.

Videogamed have all white characters
TV Sports are all non-white
Really says alot about the audience

The problem is sportd are too small scale, whereas Caucasians are built for long-term endurance and grand strategy (Village-wide soccer/football, Marathons instead of sprints, Polo etc.)

it's literally just a bunch of niggers throwing a ball around, I've never understood the appeal.

don't you guys just have rugby?

>Hating sports is kinda gay and barbaric.

Those who hate sports are just like hat-tipping atheist cucks. Barbaric? Nah.

>99% of sports haters only hate ball sports. They'll happily watch boxing or MMA...

This was the only good point you made. Everything after proves you’re faggot-shill. Arguing football isn’t violent proves you watch neither game nor fans. At least MMA or boxing is a single man putting himself against others to see whom is best. I’d also respect sports in which an individual competes with others to show their excellence or perfection in their sport (ski-jumping, bicycling, etc). But you had to shill for faggy team sports. And the prima Donna stars in them . And the (((managers))) making billions from men who get paid hundreds of thousands, maybe millions of they’re lucky.
Which is more gay: watching a bunch of big strong men in tight pants get in big sweaty piles of men where they touch balls, or women’s volleyball?


>What are sportsball idiots doing without their precious sportsball?

Making threads like this

AFL is way bigger than rugby in victoria.
i don't know anyone here who watches NRL.

>actually the caption reads
>BernieBro goes after Ridin with Biden dude

Its ping pong, darts, russian f league tennis, belarus and nicaraguan footy, taiwan basesball and basketball and finally russian 3man hockey.

t. lots of sportsbook down here.

Yeah but see, if they throw it through the hoop 70-120 times, and they do it more than the other pack of niggers, then lights go off and there's loud noises and then a mild chimpout ensues.


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I miss playing my sportsball desu. Home workouts are boring as fuck.

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My across the street boomer neighbor used to have SportsCenter running all day and night on his big screen Talmudvision. Since this shit started he hasn't even turned the thing on.

Lotta sports cucks are going to lose interest and find other shit to do, like actual hobbies.


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I never understood the aspect of this regarding college football
>overpaid tax dollar supported coach
>team consists of barely literate hoodrats, save the quarterback
>cheering for a college you never went to
Can someone explain the appeal here?

I usually watch the olympics and worlds strongest man. I watch the olympics for gymnastics because I’m impressed with what the human body can do. I really wish that the olympics was roid friendly, so we could see a mix of the best athletes and the best science and how it could effect human limits.

You're a dumb gay nigger. Stop coming here.

AFL, Cricket and NRL owned by the jew Todd Greenberg and our Treasurerer is josh frydenberg

Theyre not real sports. Boxing was replaced by weird Asian fighting. Ball games used to be much more expansive and thus about strategy, preparing people for local battles etc. Modern sports just rely on conformity

Yeah lad. European football has casuals, ultras, norf-fc style bazzas, banana throwing, healthy rowdiness... I'm glad i grew to enjoy and appreciate it instead of impotent "muh sportsball muh ngubu" seething

My sides

It's boring and there are no stakes

Bought an Xbox... Fifa & BF4


overthinking the drafts and speculating about next sportsball season

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