How do we fix the economy after they've pumped trillions of paper into it?

How do we fix the economy after they've pumped trillions of paper into it?

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Can’t print more gold

They didn't intend for it to be fixed.


Go into a depression and begin culling the population until things return to normal

How do we make a currency tied to gold without carrying a bunch of gold or silver?

They didn't intend to get tried for treason and put into a windowless cell for the rest of their lives, either.

If there is inflation, the Fed will just raise interest rates by selling bonds. Learn Economics

If we were on the Gold Standard, we would be in a situation worse than the Great Depression right now

>If we were on the Gold Standard, we would be in a situation worse than the Great Depression right now

It backed by gold, so one dollar is representing one dollar worth of gold.

>he thinks this is gonna happen

We are all Winston Smith now, friendo.

You think money is tied to gold?
If hasn't been since 1933. Money is a measure of productivity and market forces.

You’re seriously a brainwashed fool. Socialism isn’t the answer. You should learn economics. The federal reserve doesn’t know what interest rates should be and recessions aren’t bad.

Noits not, fiat currency rules:

KYS and your family

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Under a Gold Standard, you lose monetary policy autonomy (macroeconomic trilemma). You have to maintain the convertibility of your currency into gold. If people think that is threatened, i.e. that you wont be able to get your cash exchanged for gold at the bank, then that will lead to a mass exodus of gold from the country as people try and get their money out as fast as possible. Governments therefore have to make policy not about what is best for the economy, but what affirms their commitment to gold. This is why, during the Great Depression, the US government actually cut government spending because they couldn't run a deficit. People would suspect that convertibility to gold was threatened. Read Eichengreen

Use bitcoin instead.

Enslave 2 more generations

Money can be inflated which is what is happening everywhere with fiat currency. You can’t print as much gold and silver as you want to bail out bad companies and give free money out.

my god. its like it never happened before

This is just jewish semantics to trick the goyim into accepting the cantillon effect.
The only way to have a balanced economy is to have your currency tied to a fairly distributed asset.

No it isn’t. It used to be

You missed what I was replying to.

>Read Eichengreen

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only a 1 hour wait time for a transaction to clear. totally usable.

>Use Bitcoin and Litecoin instead
What a great idea user

In our generation? We haven't experienced it.

If you didn't trade options during this you are either poor, dumb, both, or completely braindead. I made $150k over the past 8 weeks.

We should lose monetary policies because they’re cancer. Money is now debt and everyone is enslaved to debt whether they like it or not. This creates debt bubbles and a valuation effect.

No, the Gold Standard literally caused the Great Depression.

I hope there will be a whole slew of crypto for people to choose from. I don't want any of them to be dominant.

gold and silver is the way to go. tie that to crypto.

Take your $1,200.00 Trumpbux and find the riskiest highest payoff short term investment gamble and slam it all in !
>Extract the profit to cover the coming inflation

Yeah global settlement of an asset designed to be digital gold needs some time to be confirmed.
The fast paced financial tools are built on top of the bitcoin protocol.

It's like gold to banks to fiat backed by gold
except it's bitcoin and bitcoin tied by multi-sig contracts.
It solves the custodial problem in the digital age.

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I meant to reply to another comment

> the agency won another weak mind over

Debt is only a problem if your economy isn't growing faster than your debt. As long as debt to GDP ratio is falling, it is literally irrelevant. Also, interest rates are close to 0% so money is almost free at the moment

How you calculate inflation when prices go negative?

No it literally didn't.
Being over-leveraged and insider trading caused it.

Companies and banks need to fail so we can move on.
The stock buy backs and bail outs are going to stagnate our countries for decades.

And where was the fed to stop it (it’s main objective). Oh yeah it didn’t do anything because you were lied to.

No. No you didn't. Please fuck off LARPing faggot.

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