Why is nobody on Yas Forums Gematria pilled?
The elites reveal everything in words to numbers and vice versa.
Most of what they do, they code into Gematria. I'll post Gemetria redpills if theres any interest.
Why is nobody on Yas Forums Gematria pilled?
The elites reveal everything in words to numbers and vice versa.
Most of what they do, they code into Gematria. I'll post Gemetria redpills if theres any interest.
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>Why is nobody on Yas Forums Gematria pilled?
just me user. and maybe 4 others
You should use gematrinator.com and follow Zachary K Hubbards work
its mentioned on here all the time
add Pizzagate to the code.
You should know that the regular 4 ciphers are used way more.
Also understand that there are select words that have the same gematria across language.
Kabbalah is one of those words and I think freemason is too.
Alot of key information is in Zachs book
What are you talking about? There are loads of wetbrained schizos here rambling about sekrit messages hidden in random numbers
I do use that, but idk how to show that 111 which is what pizzagate is in ordinal on that site equals 666.
and yes i discorved zachs channel 2 days ago, biggest redpill ive been given honestly. its fucking unreal how they have planned all this shit.
thats because I decided to blast these boards with gematria once I learned enough.
Before I started forcing it, hardly anyone on here mentioned anything but 33 and 666.
The whole language is coded and anons dont even know about the ciphers the media primarily uses
I’m aware, but bump
ive browsed Yas Forums a lot but i see no predictions or people showing the gematria after happenings like false flag shootings
there is a ciphers tab.
Sign up for Zachs patreon for 1$ a month and you get the book and he just started Gematria school again. Did 4 so far
They mostly stick to Q threads
Also my post numbers contain coded hidden messages
can you just add "pill" to every word?
>about sekrit messages hidden in random numbers
one issue with that characterization user....
The numbers and names are not random. They are given to us by the people who run the world through the news.
what's the point of all of this
besides my question was more of a rethorical one, why isnt Yas Forums all over this shit? its undeniable that they code their plans. we should try and wake more people up to it.
Its one thing to be woke and believe conspiracys but its a whole different ball gate to prove it, which can be done if you crack their coding
Im interested. So lets go
Lol, gematria is a joke.
Do you feel like Sherlock Holmes when you pretend something works out?!
>They are given to us by the people who run the world through the news
Thats absolutely retarded. Why would they take the time to do that? Theyd gain nothing.
>Why is nobody on Yas Forums Gematria pilled?
Because it's quackery.
Stop wasting our time
>You know what goes in all fields
Pretend something working out? Are you dumb?
yes its better to speak about niggers, race mixing and all the other shit you retards spout of out your ass everyday than to decode the elites rituals
bookmark these sites
follow the current headlines covered and then once you learn enough, apply the principles of numerology and gematria and look for people doing rituals according to their names, distance from their birthday, distance from important events/media headlines.
Its 100% pure autism. People sell books pretending that princess Diana is in the bible not to mention countless other skizo subjects. Literally anything you want adds up, just keep trying new words.
alright thanks, yea i'll sign up
Yes, you pretend that the number works out to prove something other than just being a number. You are dumb.
So this particular hidden truth goes all the way back to when this person was named? Were his parents in on it? And what amazing luck that le magic code works out to be a perfectly normal Anglophone name!
>Thats absolutely retarded. Why would they take the time to do that? Theyd gain nothing.
Stop speculating on something you clearly do not want to be true.
They encode the news according to an ancient kabbalistic practice which was adopted by the greeks, romans, and we now see the entire planet.
yep its pure speculation that the amount of days from clade X which was a simulation on how goverment should handle a pandemic, has a timespan of 666 days before WHO calls corona a pandemic.
pure speculation
clade x funded by bill and melinda gates foundation btw
666 is the 36th triangular number
(if you add 1 through 36 you get 666)
36 is the 8th triangular number (also 6x6)
8 is the 6th Fibonacci number
Counting days between events is gemitria.. But ok...
How many days before corona being an pandemic and event 201?
>Also my post numbers contain coded hidden messages
Still waiting. You must not be a very skilled Gematria researcher, its okay to admit it
>Its 100% pure autism. People sell books pretending that princess Diana is in the bible not to mention countless other skizo subjects. Literally anything you want adds up, just keep trying new words.
you dont understand let me find Dianas decode
its from a 150+page chapter on murders by numbers