Why did we give them any power?
Women want to be controlled
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Hey guys, civil liberties is now a lobbying issue....not a fucking GOD GIVEN RIGHT.
FFS you alt-right internet trolls and your "god given rights".
Jews. They knew pushing women into the work force would destroy unions and stagnate wages: 50 years later they overwhelmingly proved they were correct.
>those eyes
she's right though
big brother is the virus
>Comes from Reddlt
>Thinks anyone who dis agrees with them must be alt-right
You retards are thick like flies. You swarm to your own bullshit.
Haha, I want her to say that to black people.
>seriously guys, civil rights was a mistake
why journalists are such sellouts?
Because it's a midwit dominated field occupied by trustfund babies and retarded bitches.
Literally all journalists are garbage. Fuck them all.
women always seek the strongest man they can find. freed of marriage, Big Daddy State (and increasingly Global Daddy State) is the most powerful there is. there is no reasoning with "free" women about this. biology rules them, and therefore all of us.
jews "liberated" woman from white man
was part of their subversion as a competitive advantage over the white man
>based mexican
based and 1984pilled
well, at least you used Catholic imagery, which is a refreshing contrast to the cringe """""non denominational""""" Evangelical protestants who are always posting about muh mark of the beast. Yeah, mass surveillance, microchipping, and biometric ID's are pure evil, but the Mark of the Beast is something slightly different.
>ID cards required
based. what should the penalties be for undocumented immigrants who don't have ID cards?
Women are programed seek masculinity, and they do it unconciously and even above moral concerns or their own well being. It's the same principle of feminists that are allied to islamic groups.
>God given rights
refuted by Nietzsche, read his complete works, join a right-wing militia and fight for your rights like Washington did instead of expecting (((them))) to deliver you muh rights on a silver plate
Excellent bait, made me reply
They're intelligence assets posing as journalists
>id cards and microchips YES
founding fathers rolling in their graves
dumb bitch
Sure but throw in voter id
God given rights doesn't mean that you get it without fighting
apparently to many Americans it does. it pisses me off how your stupid brainwashed teenagers think they should just give up right to bear arms because
>muh Washington didn't know AR-15s would be a thing
while simultaneously participating in shit like Black Lives Matter which wouldn't even be possible in the 1st place if it wasn't for guys like John Brown or Black Panthers who - surprise! - loved guns and knew how to use them
>Why did we give them any power?
Weak men creating hard times
they want us to be controlled and they want everything taken from us and given to them. Women are the greatest traitors ever
it's far more bothersome that they're openly calling it Big Brother with admiration
it should be obvious to all now that you cannot coexist with these people
>one woman represents all women
Lesbians need to be eliminated
Gay men pose no threat, hell they're doing us a favor by thinning the herd.
Lesbians are the real threat, I know far too many women who were perfectly straight a year ago suddenly dating nothing but women. The dykes that larp as men are the biggest threats.
>I know far too many women who were perfectly straight a year ago suddenly dating nothing but women.
I see this too. otherwise straight women are getting told they aren't cool unless they have a girlfriend, and of course they buy it
The demon's name is Surveilance
Where do you live that you see this? I'm in Brooklyn and I have not run into this phenomenon.
The UK has been the most cucked by this virus. Fucking bongs love to be kicked down by the state's boot.
1984 is fucking happening
I propose issuing wommenz the Abashar woman management system so that they can be safe.
The author could be my maid/server so that I can keep a younger finer wife & not load her down with household bullshit
>pay wall
I'm not paying, who's got the article?
Is this real? I don't believe it.
because boomer men failed the fucking SHIT TEST
Someone needs to off these people, in minecraft
Isn't Big Brother a patriarchy?
I thought "woke" heifers were against that.
>Civil liberties lobby.
No, this level of stupidity is not tolerable.