Hitler was a Jew whose sole objective was to kill all Jews but him, so to appear as the final Jew Messiah.
He failed magistrally, yet hundreds thousands people worship him to this day.
Hitler was a Jew whose sole objective was to kill all Jews but him, so to appear as the final Jew Messiah.
He failed magistrally, yet hundreds thousands people worship him to this day.
Other urls found in this thread:
Take your meds.
I'm going to need more retard memes. This one is epic retard
>Hitler was part black
>Hitler was part jewish
>Hitler was an atheist
>Hitler was a muslim
>Hitler was a womanizer
>Hitler was a homosexual
>Hitler was a transexual
>Hitler had a scat fetish
>Hitler had an incestuous relationship with his niece
>Hitler was a virgin
>Hitler was sexually impotent
>Hitler had a microdick
>Hitler only had one testicle
>Hitler had no testicles
>Hitler had autism
>Hitler had parkinsons disease
>Hitler had an Oedipus complex
>Hitler took female hormones
>Hitler had a fart problem
>Hitler injected himself with bull testicle extracts
>Hitler wanted to kill white people
>Hitler was a crack addict
>Hitler was a morphine addict
>Hitler was "high on heroin" throughout the war
>Hitler injected himself with semen
6,000,000 jews and yet the Rothschilds and British Royals still exist
what was the point of nazis again, besides destroying germany?
>Hitler supposedly kills literally HALF the world jew population and takes their wealth etc.
>4.5+ million jews show up in America during the world war years
>millions more show up in newly created Israel (created based upon the holohoax) post-WW2
>more jews alive post-WW2 and today than ever before
>jews far more powerful post-WW2 and today than ever before
Makes one think.
Some jews died in WW2. Some jews were held in camps in WW2. Some jews starved in camps in WW2. Jews were not gassed by the millions. There were no 'death camps'. There were no masturbation death machines. There were no railway cars that went directly into ovens. There was no systematic effort to exterminate all jews by the Germans. There was no 6 gorillion. Jews in camps had typhus and camps were de-loused with Zyklon B just like people, ships, and warehouses were all over the world.
The Germans were blockaded and starving. Therefore their prisoners starved as well. The combination of typhus and starvation due to the blockade and 24/7 nationwide bombings cutting supply lines and crippling the nation resulted in a lot of prisoners dying. In order to decrease the rate of typhus infection the bodies of the dead were burned, just as the allies did when they captured the camps. The concentration camps and deaths of some jews (likely around 300,000) was real. The 'holocaust' is an event GREATLY exaggerated in order to increase jew political power and their ability to manipulate others to their benefit post-WW2. Thus, it should be labeled the 'holohoax'.
The full truth about jews and WW2:
wall of text lmao
>Hilter wanted to kill all jews
post proof
(((Weimar Germany)))
>First trannies and sex change operations
>Frankfurt School was founded there
>Weimar jews declared war on Germany in 1933
Jewish domination of Weimar Germany part 1
Jewish domination of Weimar Germany part 2
Weimar Republic: The jewish Babylon
"Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin" in PDF form:
Ernst Zundel predicts the future: America under Weimar conditions
Jewish Tribalism Reshaping America
post moar wall of text hahahhahaaa
Peolpe need to do some research into WW1 and Weimar Germany (i.e. jew Germany, Germany between the wars).
Basically jews sabotaged Germany during WW1, among many other things (see above video), and continued their anti-indigenous-German subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power. Jews were repeatedly asked to leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement.
After WW2 was under way, the jews that had refused to leave were put into camps, just like the Japanese-Americans the US put into camps. They were seen (rightfully) as a security risk.
They were treated well by POW standards, better than the US treated the Japanese. Typhus was a major problem in the early 20th century. The camps were riddled with typhus (a disease spread by lice, hence ALL the camps having Zyklon B on site, it's a pesticide) and eventually as the war turned against Germany (24/7 bombings by the allies, invasions on 3 fronts, food and material supplies cut-off etc.) you saw a lot of disease and starvation in the camps... just like you saw in the German civilian population and what you would have saw in the US camps had the US come under such duress.
for all the documents and facts.
>Jews were repeatedly asked to leave the country all through the 30's, most famously under the Haavara agreement.
And then, for the ones that refused to leave willingly, after the war was under way they planned on deporting them, hence the camps. Nazi Germany literally created plans to send the jewish population to Madagascar. Support for the proposal was first made June 3rd 1940 in a memo from the German Foreign Office, then got Hitler's approval, and it was nearly put into action before Allied gains in World War II made it untenable.
based as fuck
jewish goylem lmao
yes, because things are explained with single words
did you know that france queries by far the most cuckold searches of any country?
Why do Jews think everything is about them?
Jews were inconvenient to society due to their high amount of dual loyalty, and (((Bolshevism))). Hitler ALSO killed Jehovahs Witnesses, Gypsies, and faggots.
Jews aren't magic. They are just inconvenient. They prevent a homogeneous society because they cannot integrate genetically or religiously.
By all means, prove me wrong. Be loyal and patriotic. Help your host more than you hurt them. Or make aliyah and be an ally where our mutual success will benefit each other and you don't have to live with us.
>be patriotic
holy fuck no
hahahahaha "deus vult"
go play FFVII remake
thread autosaged ahahahahahahahaaaa
Hitler was Moshiach. That's why he returned Jews to the Holy Land.
When he resurrects, Hitler will rebuild the temple.
Hitler was not Jewish and had no plans to kill Jews
Historians debate if he even knew the Holocaust happened that is to say if it happened which it didn't
Actually now the Jews say Hitler had a small disfigured penis and only one testicle
You can literally see his cock swinging in his pants in some of the videos of him
wat? lmao "Historians"
We already debunked this theory back in 2009. You're a decade late on this whole thing you christfag, Jeff Renee watching, Qtard, Boomer.
nice baby's anime infograph hahahahahaa
See, this is why you are gonna hit 110 soon.
Who would want an alien group with no loyalty within their borders?
LOL it was debunked in the 1980's to me
the fuck is this 2009 shit hahahahhaaa
Jews arent aliens to me, yet I'm not one
Keep seething foreskin muncher
A mexican talking about bodily hygiene AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
ever heard about phimosis?