What you were born with

>born in a wealthy part of LA
>Both parents, specifically her mother, are wealthy elite musicians and screenwriters.
>homeschooled because parents were not retarded. Taught how to be a genius musician early by musicians.
>Jewish ancestry (eyes)
>Most popular young entertainer of our generation because of all this.

How do you feel Yas Forums knowing you will never be this successful because you weren't born into an elite status?

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I buckle down and work to carve out my own piece of the pie, and listen to good white folk music.

As long as they keep voting for a presidents who were born with a silverspoon up his arses

This 100% my based leaf friend sage

Her tits are the only thing I care about.

Excuse me, user, but that pie is kosher. Can't have a gentile like you eating that, so I'll confiscate that for your own good. Feel free to keep working though.

I already write better music then she ever will in her entire life, and so has anyone else who has ever held a guitar. The popularity of her horseshit is irrelevant.

I don't derive happiness from comparisons with others. Come to think of it, I'm not sure anyone does.

my friends father is kim kardashians bodyguard

Shes literally Scot Irish

I'd pay you 15$ to fuck off.

She fucks black guys

Who gives a fuck?

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pic related is a dumb cunt psyop that makes shitty music

>Born down in a dead man's town
>The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
>You end up like a dog that's been beat too much
>Till you spend half your life just covering up

I dunno who she is, so does it matter that much?

so does you mom. Fuck off moron.

Her success has nothing to do with her talent and all to do with the industry, and you know it. On the bright side, her music is not entirely unlistenable.

>elite musician
Lol, I have no idea who the fuck that even is.

You know, something tells me she's not happy with herself despite all this

$10 bets she’ll die before 27, strangled by her black lover

Based and sagepilled, leaf friend.

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musical genius.....

mate come on she just whispers over a standard 4/4 beat

and she still fucks niggers :\
Nothing of value lost

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nothing jewish about her eyes, you dumb fucking fuck
i hope you get killed.

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why are americans so fucking stupid?

Not corpse eyes like that sack of shit

take away her hair and you see a 55 year old golem

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she's got sizzurp eyes not jew eyes....wtf even are jew eyes, nostril holes?

Why do her parents allow their child to be fucked up on drugs all the time?

i want to grab this annoying cunt by the throat and choke her until she passes out

>Literall one hit wonder thanks to her (((connections)))

Her music is boring and her whole shtick is lame, plus she's a mud shark

>literal who?

I'll try my best to learn from my own parents' mistakes.
Homeschooling is illegal in my country, but I'll do my best do educate my children in our spare time. If they're not writing computer programs by age 6, competently playing the piano by age 7, soldering microcontrollers onto circuit boards at 8, and fluent in three different languages by the time they're 9, I'll know that I've failed as a parent.

at least I'm not a sex slave ten by who is under satanic mind control and gets ducked hard by liked everyday.

>a fucking leaf

Im confused

sex slave tranny that gets fucked by kikes

i bet i could fit my whole pee pee in her ass ass

She has that dead-eyed thousand cock stare.

And they groomed her to burn coal. Say hello to your queen Billie "Got the milkers if you have nigger cum" Ellish

fuck you billie stop posting here.

who fucking cares, she talks and dresses like a wigger, and her "hits" suck balls, just catchy music with shitty non-singing over top. kids always like shitty music.

This is the face of mental and spiritual emptiness

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