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Holy crap he said fuck!

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Can your name be more kiked than beto?

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A high nigger.

Yawn. No one cares about this nigger in 2020.

Is it possible to be any more irrelevant than Beto?

Maybe Robert the mick should try to start making amends for his hit and run dui and his burglary charge before starting on about caring about others.

>literal who

Whoa, I can that means he’s a serious adult whose ideas are worth paying attention to

Holy cringe. Let's just hope this "temporary" restriction on immigration is actually permanent

who the fuck cares about this guy he eats dirt kek

>literally just a guy that can't get elected that has a wife with a lot of money

>somehow news

Ya'll niggas are dumb.

This fake spic real mick is truly one of the most irrelevant and irritating faggots on the planet, right up there with brian stelter

Why would you want immigration when there’s a deadly pandemic occurring?

Beto is /myirishspic/

let us see what I get

He's still here? Ok.

>20k more than next closes country
>usa has 320+ million inhabitnats
>italy has 60 million

is he retarde?

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ive come to the conclusion that the most effective method for changing low Iq culture is social shaming.

stop arguing with the left and just respond "yikes" or "cringe my dude" and watch them collapse.

>43,000 have died compared to the next closest country
>what is population size

only schlomo is an actual jew name there

As a libertarian I'm no fan of Donnol Drumpf the corporate socialist but these liberal mother fuckers were the loudest opponents to closing down the borders, closing down the airports. This shit is tiresome. You'd think an event like this plandemic would result in the bi-partisian bickering to stop but they are just going to take it to further extremes. Meaning, they want to balkanize and destroy this country which everyone who isn't a lemming already knew.

Who gives a fuck about what Beta has to say?

oy I hope I get gold!

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not even dems gave a shit about this dude. did he win a single delegate?

I built an AR14 for this guy to take and he hasn't come yet. What do?

>mixing numbers and percentages to make point
"we've tested 3 million people" would sound too good
"1/3 of deaths per capita of italy and spain" would sound too good
just mix them together, fuck it

US has done more tests per capita than south korea
US has fewer deaths per capita than most of europe (ireland, sweden, switzerland, netherlands, spain, italy, france, uk)

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>This is illegal and immoral.

So Robert Francis claims that people shouldn't do things that are illegal? Interesting.

>20,000 more than next closest country!
>china never reported accurate numbers
>US has hundreds of millions of people
What a pathetic loser.

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Lmao I'm from texas and when beto lost the election for governor all the libtards were raging at work that it was unjust and they still kept their beto bumper stickers on their cars a year later. How is this guy even relevant anymore? He's about as relevant as that fat black chick that lost in georgia.

>run the most expensive non-presidential political campaign in history
>still lose
>then run for president
>drop out because you can't get 1% of the vote
Poor, chap. He tries so hard. I hope he gets the help he needs.


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you leave daisy out of this

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Well if it isn't Americans who need jobs, what does it matter? Find citizens who are able to work and give them jobs first and foremost before dishing out welfare.

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Literally, who?

Well since no one is willing to fight these guys, we all just have to obey them. Those are the two choices. There isn't a third.


1% of the American population tested only 43000 deaths. I think he's implying his base can't math.
1% of 300 million is 3 million
43000 deaths out a population of 300 million is .014% fatality so far.
But yet he's all for Americans being sheltered in place and it's gonna be like this until we have mandatory vaccines but it's ok that while Americans can't go to work can't feed their families we need to let more people in. What an idiot. Can he not afford a simple calculator?

Kek, I bet he's literally shaking!

Why even want immigration when we know we have a huge homeless problem? Like...even Bernie during the debates said we have a huge homeless problem, but at the same time wants open how are we gonna fix the homeless problem by bringing in MORE people?

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donald donalds donald. donalds die and we are really donald about it. reality something. burgers reached the top

Not until she finishes her HRT

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They are either stupid and delusional. I would say both.