Are Iberians the most attractive race?

Are Iberians the most attractive race?

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That didn't take long.


Jamal cope knowing he’ll never kiss an Iberian qt in his life

What the fuck are you going to do about it you little bitch ass whitey? Nothing that’s what.

Little dick wh*tiod learn your place


Castilians > Iberians.

Black Irish > all.

>Little dick wh*tiod learn your place
Why tell a white he needs to learn his place when you're not chained to the wall?


What’s the difference between Castilians and Iberians user?

Couldn’t have said it better myself


Castilians are why we have Black Irish

Castillo nobility married off low ranking daughters to Irish land owners and nobles way back in the 14th century and we ended up with incredible raven haired blue eyed pale skin goddesses that make me die inside when I see one.


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>Castilians and Iberians user?

None, castilians are Iberian. They are the actual native speakers of the language that is today known as spanish, It is their language since they were the first ones that started speaking in spanish.


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They are the most Jewish because of all the conversos.

Fuck off sage faggot. Lets face it i could kick your ass. Test me

It's so weird that there is literally one asian guy that keeps spamming the same shit over and over about white people.
You can literally tell it's him by the way he spams whitiod despite the fact that isn't even a real word.
Is this some weird deflection cope?

I hate to say it but it’s true.

However, Catalonians should be genocided.

To be honest we have both hot af women and some unibrow goblins.
Men are generally good looking too. I don't see too much emasculated guys here like I see the onions creatures in america or central europe.

Castilians are Iberians dumb mutt

>being a medshit

Not bad at all

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"conversos" are a meme.
All the "new christians" generally ended up in the fire because they still practiced judaism secretly.
The inquisition didn't fuck around.


She reminds me of young Jennifer Connelly

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Nice cope there.

ok half-jewish, half-asian, dicklet and manlet


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