why can't white people NOT be racist?
Why can't white people NOT be racist?
ah, based
There is nothing wrong with being a racist, as long as you aren't some immature inbred fuckass like this guy.
this pic makes me laugh so hard i don't know why
fuck mexicans and niggers, because we don't want to this is the last reply you get.
no fraternization with the enemy.
It would be better if he wasnt so ugly
What a Chad
racist? more like BASEDist
this is ignorance wrapped up as racism. guy in the op is nothing but an uneducated moron.
why can't blacks NOT be violent savages?
why can't jews NOT be subversive parasites?
why can't muzzies NOT be rapists and terrorists?
I'm even more racist
Because niggers spics kikes chinks trannys and jannies are slightly past insufferable.
This dude’s life goal is $20/hr
Niggers and Mexicans aren't human, so they don't count as a race
Ah, a toast?
Why are niggers made of glass?
Us kikes run your country. We control your puppet president Trump too.
Why can't anyone give me a legitimate reason why racism is bad?
low intelligence correlates with openly racist people. high intelligence correlates with non-openly racist people, so just because you're smart doesn't mean you aren't racist it just means that your smart enough to realize that it's in your best interest to get everyone to like you.
me too his name is probably kyle
>being racist is okay
You are literally a fucking kike. Go groom your cousin on discord
We're too based.
Illegal Mexican: HI, I'm a Mexican and I've illegally entered the United States and my children go to schools that US citizens paid for. My wife has babies at a hospital US citizens paid for. I feed my family with food stamps that US citizens paid for. I get free housing paid for by US citizens. All I want is a better life for my children.
Jewish Media: Hero!!! Brave!!!
White US Citizen who has paid taxes, whose parents paid taxes, whose grandparents fought in wars: I want a better life for my children.
Jewish Media: RACIST!!! BIGOT!!! NAZI!!! ANTI-SEMITE!!!
Race is a social construct infidel. We’re all the same except the fags and meth abusing drug addicts who fucked their mind to the point of gender confusion that call themselves trannies. That’s it however, other than those two things which are clearly wrong with society we are all the same. If Bashar was the leader of the west things would have turned out better, however you Jewish kikes keep trying to destroy our plans to make the world a better place. One day we will prevail however, praise Bashar, praise Syria, praise god!
Skin color doesnt determine character, culture does. Yes, most culture is racially based, but blacks raised in white american culture turn out fine.
honestly I have a friend just like this. he's a pain in the ass, and probably reading this board right now. I love hanging out with him, but damn he's a tiring asshole. super racist in public, but so damn funny sometimes.
>t. best goy
>but blacks raised in white american culture turn out fine
just think if we switched the gibs from
>congratulations you're black
>congratulations you have a father
it would fix so much niggerness.
Come on now. Every race has its morons. Some just have more than others.
as a hispanic mutt i honestly dont mind racism
i myself am racist against niggers and chinks tbfh
Imagine me, not a kike, being on /pol and not knowing that.
Like I said, you're insufferable.
>i myself am racist against niggers and chinks tbfh
cmon man, people of color are our bros
you should be racist against white people instead