Jews are an ancient enemy

Jews are descended from neanderthals. They are the ancient enemy. They are the reason man domesticated the dog. In days before history, the neanderthal Jew would steal into human camps and steal infants for food and trophy. They lived in caves, high in the mountains and low in the valleys, places where it was too dark for them to be hunted.

The mastery of fire may itself be a defense against the Jew, as the mastery of the dire wolf was. They were released into the Jew caves to rip the vampires asunder, to clear the way for noble early human man to cast light on their cave walls, to lay bare the depths of their crimes.

Since time immemorial the Jew has been the enemy. They have always been, and will always be, rapists and thieves and murderers. They are the evil that lurks in the dark. They are the invisible scourge.

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Other urls found in this thread:

What if our myths of vampires and werewolves are our subconscious recollection of the eternal struggle? What struggle? Aryan vs Semite, Cro-Magnon vs Neanderthal, Werewolf vs Vampire.
The Cro-Magnon was the first to train the wolves. This was done in order to battle against a nocturnal cannibalistic species. (((They))) hate the dawn and they hate Christ as he is the bringer of light.

>look white but not even human
>drink blood
>BLOOD LIBEL (porphyria, Tay-Sachs syndrome)
>steal children, prefer young blood
>psychopathic and deceiving
>utmost loyalty to in-group
>hunted by inquisitors and church authorities across the lands
>travel either alone or in small tightly knit covens
>parasite off the host population while killing it
>sometimes come as outsiders in a caravan, other times as secret high and ancient aristocracy
Vampires are literally based off jews, werewolves have always been here for the white man

>whites domesticate wolves
>wolves start following us around
>enter the war with jews
>at night, whites used wolves to attack jew lairs
>jews started believing that whites were literally turning into wolves at night
>jews created the myth of the Werewolf, a Cro-Magnon turning into a wolf under a full moon
>these attacks happened under a full moon because whites had poor eyesight at night and needed light
>the full moon is the Dark Sun

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It would be interesting to know just how many locations they've been kicked out from since the war began.

And that's only the most recent 3,000 years. Child sacrifice seems to be the most common reason they get expelled.

I love me a Neanderthal Predation thread - post anything i haven't seen before

>Child sacrifice seems to be the most common reason they get expelled.
Pic related.

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There was a post of somebody redpilling himself starting from a Browning poem on porphyria; he came to a similar conclusion

Out Of Africa is not what happened. Rather, hominids in Eurasia, and in Africa convergently evolved. Some migration here and there, and some-interbreeding, but Africans really are a different breed.

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Niggers interbreed with an even more primitive hominid which is why they are so primitive. Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons are a different breed entirely from niggers

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Now I understand why Jews hate dogs so much and consider them at the level of rats.

All non-Europeans hate dogs. Ever noticed that? It's why chinks have no problem eating dogs.


>werewolves VS vampires might've been a tale created to spread the info about the true origins of the conflit while under the guise of a myth
>systematic erasue of people/tribes who were closer to the "primal" state over the years
>constant push for modernism, civilisation and social shunning upon admiting the fact we still have primal instincts
>antisemitism might be a hardwired response to years of a silent war
>jews hate dogs

i want off this ride now please

In far cry Primal your figthing aginst a canibalistc Neandertal tribe

Chinks hate dogs does that mean chinks are a type of jew?

from their behavior i'd guess they have some kind of neanderthal heritage since they're hyper territorial, hyper aggresive and keep to their own to extreme extents
but what fucks up that argument is that they don't really share any body traits with jews
Still, i'm a dumbfuck when it comes to genetics so do not trust my words to any degree.

Dogs are man's best friend against the Jew. Anytime you see a dog, remember, they evolved to help us snuff out the Jewish competition.

The jews

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Jews are not Neanderthal. Stop insulting the European ancestor. Saged.

from the vampire film nosferatu

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>thst nose

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Jews are a serious prolem. Don't larp World of Darknes. Fagget.

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some top notch science there!

>OMG how long has this been going on?!
Pic possibly related

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anyone that wants a redpill go watch a vampire flick like the Blade trilogy. Once you know vampires are actually Jews the movies hit way closer to home.

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What about werewolf movies?

werewolf movies usually portray the bestial nature as a negative, a metaphor for hunting in the wild, naked and unafraid. This skill is Cro-Magnon in this threads context, as jews are known for getting other people to solve their problems.

Metallica may be a meme band nowadays, but if "of Wolf and Man' doesn't stir you in some way, you might want to do some self-reflecting.

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Indo-European battle rage, Berserkers, Amoks. Accessing the beast within.

Classic pasta.
And true enough to be taken completely seriously.

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also most of the mainstream movie industry is, at least, in bed with some jews overlords to some extent
makes sense, within this context, that they'd portray the werewolf side as a purely bestial savages
it implants the idead that the vampires are the actual developed race and werewolves would ultimately kill civilisation in their naivety

this thread is dangerously larpy, but the genetic info backs it up to believable extents.

I fucking love these threads.

the simple answer is this, there are humans by modern evolutionary standards, and there are not.
Humans have a brain capacity, and a mind; to allow for both the wildness of freedom, and the civility of science, agriculture, and industry. That evidence is clear.
We as humans may not be 'of both' but we can DO both. Talent, Skill, Efficacy, and Grace.

Ego venari, ergo sum.

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thank fuck we've managed to last long enough to delevop a strong enough moral compass and beliefs to help identify evil things.

The problem imo is that now it's mostly a question of "is it humane to exterminate evil just because you percieve it as such", which is bullshit because evil is evil. It may take different forms but you can't tell me that a culture that actively did the worst humanity has to offer are evil only in my eyes. Evil is just that, evil.

How can we bring justice in a humane way to that which is inhumane by nature?

I have a dog of a breed specifically bred to attack niggers. I found out recently she also attacks satanists. Based doggo.