Why is human waste brown? Isn't that pretty racist? What can we do about it?
Why is human waste brown? Isn't that pretty racist? What can we do about it?
You ask me...
>You ask me...
That is literally what I did
Destroy India. Remove poo. Stop raycism.
Maybe it's satisfying as in it being the perfect stuff for a good shitpost.
Get rid of shitskins, so shit no longer has to be associated with them.
eat a bar of soap
your shit will be white
that is no racist prank
it actually works
Mix all colours and what do you get? Brown shit.
Probably because all your insides are red/orange/beige and the acid in your stomach changes the food and shit then it gets compressed in your intestines. I don't know I failed biology man
Poop is brown because of bile from your colon being added in the digestive process. If your bile was clear, it'd be maybe the color of the food, plus green from purification probably.
There are pills you can take that contain gold leaf to make your poops all shimmery I guess.
Don't be a degenerate pedo.
Get off this board faggot
That's a good point, something needs to be done. Try drinking bleach, that should fix it.
It's just a drawing you delusional oversensitive judgmental tard...
You ever had fresh quid ink spaghetti? your shit will be carbon fiber gray. It's fucking cool.
And brown is really just dark orange. Check mate drumphtards.
Fuck,that is impressive. Clearly took a lot of work, just look at her face. And the steam coming off that shit?
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Kratom makes my shits green so I don't have this problem. My feces is as non racist as can be.
I-Imagine the smell
Stop posting anime interracial porn
just like a chicago bus terminal
Thats what jannies get paid to clean up.
Oh wait, they don't get paid.
Earth tone poop is healthy. If you start crapping white, yellow, or red crap that's a warning that something not right
Similar to how introducing the third world bile into the West has turned our society into shit.
When I drink an entire bottle of red or kosher blackberry wine, I get runny green shits that smell the absolute fucking worst
Which reminds me.
Post japanese girls shittin.
wouldnt it be cool if your poo came out chrome?
like just solid, shiny chrome?
Why is toilet paper white? Isn't that pretty racist? What can we do about it?
>No Smearing
redish from iron in red bloodcells that leaked across the absorption areas
>Futa Scat
Fuck my dick is diamonds
it becomes nigger-colored after you use it