Why do people still support Republicans? It's madness. It's a death cult...

Why do people still support Republicans? It's madness. It's a death cult. You're supporting the actual enslavement of the entire human race and the physical compulsory oppression of every human and actually probably every living creature

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>If you don't like team red you MUST like team blue

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Texas doesn't give a fuck. Our economy is more important than the wellbeing of others.

democrats have bad ideas

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I think a better saying is "There are things in this world far worse then death"

Otherwise , based Texas

I’m republican because it pisses off my liberal sister in law.

>the actual enslavement of the entire human race and the physical compulsory oppression of every human
Which party is demanding that everything be illegal except staying at home?

Democrats just want the economy to fail so they have something to use against Trump in November.

Plus, they get to stay at home and collect government checks, which is what they like doing.

>It's a death cult.
Accuse others of what you are doing.

>Why do people still support Republicans?
Because they aren't ruled by emotions and aren't as susceptible to being ruled.

The data is clear, there is little to no risk for those under 50. The whole things was a sham. Otherwise, why aren't places like Mexico City overrun?

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leftists are the ones that want to enslave people by demanding products and services without offering anything themselves

/polapproved unintentionally fascism.

´Life´ intrinsically has no worth or value. It is the kind of life that matters.

>Not get hit near as hard as Jew York or Commiefornia
>Should stay locked up because of Jew York or Commiefornia
Kys. Price of freedom state, if we die, we die, but it beats the hell out of clamoring under the government for just TWO MORE WEEKS GOYIM indefinitely

Because boomers need wageslaves to pay for their cushy retirement

>Why do people still support Republicans?
Because I want ad many people to die as possible. How many goddamn times does I have to keep posting that?!

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>Givernment please
>tell us where we’re allowed to go
>tell us how we’re allowed to get there
>tell us how to dress to go there
>tell us how many can go there
>tell us with who we can go with
>tell us how close we can stand near one another
>tell us what we can and can’t buy
>tell us how to use our new government regulated salary
It’s Commie Simulator 2020, kys bootlicker

>never leave your home again that way grandma doesn't get the sniffles


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>"There are things in this world far worse then death"
That's not better at all. If you're dead, what does anything matter?

What you and they want to say is "It doesn't matter if other people die as long as I get to do what I want and I live." There's some honesty.

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Republicans are just NOTLIBS the same way that libs see Biden as NOTTRUMP.

Why hasn't this board started its own party and memed it into existence?

>Democrats just want the economy to fail so they have something to use against Trump in November.
Yeah, the Democrats created an international pandemic and made the world crash the economy. Yep.

Texan here
Fuck you, time to get back to work

He said “they want” he didn’t say “they created.” Disingenuous bastard

Why dont they take him up on the offer to exchange his life to "open up the economy ". Im all for a few sacrificial politicians to keep it all moving,

Dems are worse

>You're supporting the actual enslavement of the entire human race

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you know, thats almost exactly the same thing i say about lefties
the difference, is that only one of them is using the power of government to:
take my money and give it to causes i dont support
write laws that force me to pretend to accept groups i dont like
throw me in jail for saying things they dont like
and now force me to stay in my house

How about that oil

Sounds like gov't propaganda works on separating families.

If you think this isn't exactly what they're trying to gain from this entire pandemic scenario then you're an oblivious retard.

He’s saying death is not the worst outcome.

>He’s saying death is not the worst outcome.
Then what is?

>What you and they want to say is "It doesn't matter if other people die as long as I get to do what I want and I live." There's some honesty.
But that’s clearly what you believe

Hes absolutely right. The whole world's economy has been shutdown to protect the old/infirm. Those motherfuckers were already net drains on everyone else. NOW everyone is losing employment and everything else to help keep those infirm people alive. Cure is worse than the disease.

If you can’t see that liberals are blatantly trying to stir fear and mass panic, unless it goes against their own agenda, you are currently in a coma and you need to wake up. I miss you. We all miss you.

Extended and amplified suffering.