Why do lefties hate the rich so damn much? Do they not realize that someone else's money =/= their money?
Do they not realize that just $4, what they spend on a latte, can feed a child for a day in another country? Why not give their money away?
Why do lefties hate the rich so damn much? Do they not realize that someone else's money =/= their money?
Their parents didn't teach them to honor success
>that pfp
>money bad when rich people have it but good when I have it
They're bots. They're literally bots. Being a lefty means you relinquish your soul to the jew. Why do you think they act with no humanity?
What don't you understand? The vast majority of people can barely afford a house, can't afford to save and better their position, get fucked over constantly etc while billionaires make more and more money than ever before. The question u should ask is why does capitalism not feel rewarding anymore?
The vast majority of people are useless retards, with the only reason them being alive is because the state intervenes before they can stupid themselves to death.
>Twitter for iPhone
and her phone could feed an entire village for a month
When you see those little African kids who live in a shack and have to walk. 8 miles to school each day, why don't they simply move the shack?
Billionaires stole their money.
>The vast majority of people can barely afford a house,
Are the vast majority of people homeless??
You have diagnosed half the problem. Billionaires are making too much money because they have been able to stack the deck by buying politicians.
But many of the socialists constantly bitching about the rich would still be poor broke ass niggers even if we leveled the playing field. They have no practical skills. They have lived pampered lives with everything handed to them. They are utterly useless. The education that they wasted many tens of thousands of dollars on was for meaningless majors for which there is no practical benefit to society. These retards believe that under socialism they’ll be given jobs within their educational “expertise.” Obviously there is little need for art history, sociologists, etc. And so these people would be assigned difficult manual labor, like farming, roadwork, construction, etc. and they won’t have the choice not to work. A socialist society can’t allow lazy people to not work, or else nobody would work and the system collapses. So these faggots would be forced to sweat it out under the hot son, doing hard labor, after living a life of pampered luxury.
Why don't you hate the rich? Theyre the real reason millions of shitskins come into the country every year. You should want them more dead than a communist would. Instead your a fucking cuck who falls for PR campaigns like a fucking nigger.
>majority of millionaires and billionaires have inherited their wealth
>100% of female billionaires have acquired their wealth trough divorce
>Jeff Bezos has 150 billions yet his workers are all on minimal wage while literally running his business
Why do you worship the rich so much?
It is called Envy, user. There is a reason it is one of the Deadly Sins.
>but class warfare isn't the answer you commie!
>look how bed those black people are, blacks are the reason you're not everything you want to be, race war!
>>majority of millionaires and billionaires have inherited their wealth
this is 100% not true.
Most millionaires actually live well under their means, and most are self made.
When children inherit this money, they squander it on lavish vacations, and usually lose it all within 10-20 years.
pic related
god i hope this post is satire. Why are leftists chronically unable to understand right-wing positions or differentiate between the different types on the right?
>majority of millionaires and billionaires have inherited their wealth
Citation please
rich niggers get the rope too
A better question is why do you love the rich so much? There is literally no reason to do so, and the mechanisms that enrich them are also the same trends that Yas Forums rails against.
This. Also, I do give my money away to poor people. I never buy anything new and always use hand me downs. I don't even have a cell phone bill. I'd rather hand my money to homeless people or people I see counting change at the grocery store. Rich people are psyhopaths.
Also Dave Ramsey book every day millionaire or whatever it is. More recent book, same finding
Anyone who thinks $10k is a lot of money and enough to transform their lives deserves to be poor.
this is low iq posting in a nutshell, she has no three dimensional comprehension that below her are entire families that would have lives drastically changed by the money she spent on shoes last month and left sitting in her closet.
You can always tell when someone is an Npc because they will defend the shoes and be incapable of grasping the point made.
They understand that. Do you understand that our system has been purchased by the rich to stack the deck in their favor deliberately against the middle class, and that the rich could not continue to exist without it?
Money is competitive. The more others have the less your own money is worth. Its like points at sportball.
The entire basis of all leftist philosophy is envy.
Resenting what you don't have instead of appreciating what you do. You don't need a lot of money to be happy; the story of the deeply unhappy rich person is a cliche for a reason.
If you lack gratitude for what you have, you will never be happy. Give that woman $10,000 and she would be happy for a few days, then find some other reason to be dissatisfied with her life.
"Who is rich? He that rejoices in his portion."
God I hope this post is satire. Why aren't right wing people ever able to realize that there are more than two positions, and accusing anyone who opposes plutocracy, oligarchy and Neoliberalism a socialist is a strawman.
Do you realise money is nothing but a way to distribute resources?
The more money there is in circulation, the less it's worth, and the less shit you can buy with it. This is why everyone hates the jews, they're literally and covertly making your money worthless. Literally destroying your property.
I do find it hilarious how much they rail against "the rich" while simultaneously supporting and often idolizing other rich people. you'd think a rich person would be hated regardless of political leaning, but not so. Lefty rich people get a pass, often because they launder money through their fake charities, or just have the rich jewish media tell the NPCs that this rich person is kosher. They decry the rich, then consoom some kike music and praise their favorite nigger hollywood star, then donate their paycheck to their democrat representative who lives in a gated mansion far from their shithole apartment
Did Jeff Bezos inherit Amazon from his father fuck head?
>Why do lefties hate the rich so damn much?
They don't, they just hate all types of Whites. If no White men were rich and it were just women, negroes, and kikes, the left would say absolutely nothing about it.
>Why aren't right wing people ever able to realize that there are more than two positions
Because calculating more than two whole perspectives is very hard for low IQ individuals. That's why most partisans are poor. The divided and conquered stay conquered. Most wealthy people will give you 7 different aspects to a problem and have different opinions, partisans, much like the right wing and left wing abosolutist, will tell you what their talking heads say and give you emotional bullshit.
It's more of a class thing than these faggots think.
>this is 100% not true.
>Most millionaires actually live well under their means, and most are self made.
Millionaires are nothing. Winning the lottery and being a contractor in the right industries create a lot of them. They're the niggers of the wealthy.
Billionaires on the other hand always inherit their wealth, or inherit the hundreds of millions that eventually become the billion plus dollars through normal investment.
I'm on the fence about what he said, I come from a wealthy family, so my friends are trust fund babies too... So I'm at about 50/50, I've inherited a lot of money but I've made a lot with it... so I'm not just POS who sits on his hands. I definitely think there are a lot of rich people that don't deserve to be, but post exceptions to the rule and absolutes is retarded. You're both retarded.
Labor *
Leftist retards obey the rich like dogs without realizing it.
Lol you might want to look into Bezos. He's Jewish so that should say enough. Look at where he started, who his parents and the people around him were. Like Blii Gates, great grandaddy was a bank president and State Fed director. There are no more self made men. The wealth isn't directly inherited, but the power and influence are.
Do you use attorneys or accountants that abuse loopholes?
We want to rob and kill the Jews you chud.
Ok burger
>I'm so glad we live in a free society with lower life expectancy than europe. What do you mean the private sector can be oppressive?
>Why do lefties hate the rich so damn much?
Because they're weak, spoiled, entitled cunts who don't want to work and think a communist state that steals everyone's wealth will be given to them. What they fail to understand is that mommy and daddy's inheritance goes out the window too. And they'll be standing in a soup line waiting for food. They'll be poorer after. But they're not happy as they are and are greedy entitled shitholes who want more given to them.
He said barely, and yes a very large amount of people are a paycheck away from homelessness