Attached: Answer.png (1080x1080, 414.32K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying you can decline

it's just two green buttons with "reject call with call" at the bottom


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What’s the deal with this guy? He looks familiar.

Qrd please?

slide is surreal
we see you

Attached: 1540551275865.gif (330x440, 2.13M)

Some say the Bog twins receive blowjobs from Soros and Rothschild at the same time.


Attached: 1584555856356.jpg (650x513, 53.21K)

Can I get a quick rundown?


Yes. He bought.

Attached: 43543.jpg (590x332, 16.85K)

-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

Attached: ImJesus.jpg (480x541, 32.81K)

hello, based department

You can get back to leddet that’s about it

Moshmo~sh, sara desu~

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When the world needs them most, they disappeared.

Why haven't they saved us yet? I'm starting to think they're not actually benevolent

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Attached: 1.png (597x646, 141.97K)

moshi moshi?

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>9gag-ifing such a high quality meme,
absolutely disgusting

Attached: 1517991993593.jpg (495x528, 88.46K)

*vibrating noises*

Attached: 1584746818178.jpg (602x1024, 45.4K)

Dump it.

Attached: ES4WyvVXQAAt5Na.jpg (1275x796, 213.7K)

This is Yas Forums.
Literal nufaggots that cant recognize a meme.
You can get back to facejew, fucking newbitch.

Hello? Who is this?

It's a homegrown Yas Forums meme you fat pussy bitch

the quick rundown is part of the meme you absolute fucking newfag retard fuck from the muck

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Isn't it a Yas Forums meme? Either way its not funny.

>Isn't it a Yas Forums meme?
>Either way its not funny.

imagine being this new

That moment when you realized they are the Gods of the Jews in the Art inside the Tora and they are like the statues of odin. They are all and everything. Let's praise them!

its actually a bant meme that pol quickly adopted and improved, then once it got popular here biz picked it up and did the same
jannies were permabanning everyone posting bogs for like 2 weeks before people finally accepted their superiority

Attached: 1544018951851.jpg (640x360, 28.15K)

Stop saying it's a meme. They are connected to everything and all. You stupid piece of shit. You aren't of any worth if you can't even face the truth

Attached: bogdanoff+crypto+meme.png (960x540, 408.28K)