you will be fine, remember whn Trump said he wanted immigrants from your country and not shitholes like Haiti
Christopher Collins
BUT the EO includes broad exceptions: for refugees, people considered essential workers, health workers, spouses, children, potential adoptees, and "any alien whose entry would be in the national interest."
Xavier Butler
Would society be better off without police? >men could resolve conflicts with fist fights or gun fights if niggers got involved without fear of law >women would know their place and stop being retards out of fear
If Trump and his Jew crew in the White House are going to refuse to strike back at the Democrats and media beyond impotent tweets than it is no problem turning everything against Trump
The title alone proves that it will be yet another vapid take on Yas Forums's "problem." It thinks people come here because they have no significant other in their lives.
Jacob White
>kike propaganda to paint all 4chinners as incels fuck off
>no EO text posted yet >BLORMPF!!!!! screeching starts like clockwork
Never saw this coming
Parker Sullivan
this is just me wildly theorizing, but while it's possible it could be an example of how spread is way higher than it appears, it also could just be "the homeless already have so many symptoms as a baseline that coronavirus' mild symptoms don't show" most cases of coronavirus are just "fever, cough, fatigue" and really that might just be the baseline experience for some urban hobo
>Haiti Upon closer inspection of so-called zombies, you will quickly find out that these moaning, slowly moving, death-smelling creatures are actually just regular living niggers displaying typical behavior.
The niggers in Haiti have chopped down almost all the trees to make charcoal, which they use to cook delicious mud pies. Because of this, the country is 98% deforested and the soil is now largely infertile. The apes depend almost totally on foreign aid just to survive, as they could not grow their own food even if they wanted to. There is almost no tourism, little industry and epidemic levels of crime, poverty and AIDS (duh). Haiti is a perfect example that no matter where niggers are, whether in Africa or the Americas, if they are allowed to run things on their own, the result is invariably the same: EPIC FAILURE.
A wonderful, miraculous event occurred on January 12, 2010, when a 7.0 earthquake completely flattened half the country and killed--as of March 2010--around 230,000 niggers. Lulz were had as the world witnessed the chimpouts that immediately broke out before the earth even stopped shaking. Niggers wasted no time with the "Gibs me dat!", demanding that the rest of the world drop whatever they were doing to come rescue their useless asses.
Open-air dead nigger storage, courtesy of Mother Nature.
The earth-coon-ake produced classic TNB, such as: a nigger dragging a dead nigger out of a coffin in order to steal it, another nigger digging a 12-year-old sow out of the rubble and immediately raping her, and wild feral coons building barricades and road blocks out of nigger corpses. Haiti will continue being an incredible mess for years to come, except for the fact that the earthquake left Port-Au-Price looking better than before. That and all the dead niggers.
Camden Sanders
Considering the Church is a huge force for degeneracy, open borders, etc., I don't see how more degeneracy and more open borders will help
>source >my ass It will probably include an allowance for agricultural workers, but so what? It's far beyond anything else. This all or nothing schtick is the sign of a mental midget.
Denying new work visas for 90 days, with carveouts: Mostly rhetoric.
Forcing workers already in the US "to provide updated certifications to the government that they are not displacing American workers": Weaponized propaganda.
Everyone hang tight until we see the final EO.
Adam Bell
As long as they aren’t in my garage
Cameron Robinson
Could be both.
Liam Cox
Spouses and children, and health care workers, were excluded to deprive the media kikes of something to kvetch about 24/7, and the refugees thing is negligible since Trump has already cut admissions to a fraction of what they were under Obama.
or Boston's homeless are literally healthier than Wuhan's chinks and New York's niggers I wouldn't be surprised, baked beans aren't bad for your health
Jose Moore
Destroy everything there but Trump Tower. New York will be liberated.
Logan Perry
Alex Lee Moyer is a thot filmmaker. Do not expect justice or anything resembling objectivity.
>How women are most affected by dudes hanging out online
Liam Thomas
>lonely >implying i need to feel lonely to participate in pioneering the internet go outside, goy. race mix and travel!
>he is homphovbic the only thing i like about him i mean the catholic church is satanic thats god's punishment for murdering innocent french people
Blake Campbell
Yas Forums started out as a haven for virgins and degenerates to escape normal society but the media trying to exploit our "weirdness" means the site needs more shock gore and I would say trap dickgirls and nazi imagery but those don't shock anymore because of LGBBQT faggots and communism now being acceptable
Thats not "exceptions" that's a negation. Tht would make our border even more open than before the EO.
Brandon Hall
While that is nice, the problem is it focuses too much on the wet market when it really should focus on the wuhan facility. At least they're blaming the chinks.
Michael Nguyen
I have actually unofficially converted from Catholicism to Lutheranism recently. Feels good man.
>where a racist incel becomes a non racist & suddenly his life becomes better and he gets a gf and happily ever after >points for that girl being hot af to point it out that racism is the reason you dont have a hot gf. period. nothing else